Day 133
Reading: Ezra 5:1 - Ezra 7:28
Breaking News!
God is in the process of rebuilding His House. Ladies and Gentlemen, please note that God did not seek your permission. A command has gone out that His House is restored to the place of glory that all mankind may come and worship Him. God desires to show off and the rebuilding of His House is central to the next chapter of mankind.
Those who knew the former glory will build alongside those who never saw the glory of the House of the Lord. Those who knew of His glory will rebuild the House of God with weeping for the past glory while those who never knew of the glory will shout with joy. The sound in the House of God will be a mixture of joyful shouts and groanings of travail for restoration. This will usher the next move of God's Kingdom.
Many wonder how this will be. God once ordered kings who didn't worship Him to do His bidding. Is God not the God of the Universe? He holds all the resources in His hands and nothing is impossible with Him. When the children of Israel returned from captivity they were stopped by men who deceived the king however God sent prophets who encouraged the people to build the Temple of God.
The day and age we are living will see the neglected House of God become God's priority. Get ready to see men and women receive gifts to be used to build the Kingdom. Prepare yourself to see the most unlikely person become the vessel God will use to fund the building. God is also raising a generation of people that will serve Him wholeheartedly. The children of God have cried in captivity for long and the time has come for their deliverance.
As God's eye was on His children as they rebuilt the Temple of God, God's eye will be upon His labourers who will work in His vineyard rebuilding His Temple. God is pouring out joy into the hearts of everyone willing to partake towards the rebuilding of the House of God. A joy that will overshadow the pain of the past captivity. In the midst of this joy being released God is also sending skilled teachers who will instruct the people in the ways of God.
Are you ready to see the House of God restored? Are you willing to rebuild the House of God? A clarion call is going out to those who are willing to rebuild the House of God to sanctify themselves and get set to see the glory of God like never before.
Memory Verse: Ezra 7:10
Personalise this scripture
Ezra 7:10a "For Charles had prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord, and to do it." (paraphrased;italics mine)
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