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Showing posts from March, 2018

Consequences of Sin

Day 90 Reading: 2 Sam. 12:1 - 2 Sam. 13:39 We rarely want to talk about sin, even more, the consequences of sin. In this dispensation we are living in many have ignored the consequences of sin. We want to love sinners and not talk about the sin which has them bound. In my walk as a Christian, I have discovered that sinning is easy and more importantly it is easy to silence every voice that will convict you of unrighteous acts.  My intention is not to condemn, rather help you and myself mature to the place God desires. We have played with sin long enough. It is time to walk upright and see the goodness of God. Too many times we have confused mercy and justice. Also, this blog is a breakdown of the passages of each day without the full revelation of the entire Bible. We are building each day to understand the fullness of what God's counsel is. So please don't shut down and say we are not in that era. Understanding the shadow to see what really God availed you. God se...

Bath-She- Bars

Day 89 Reading: 2 Sam. 8:1 - 2 Sam. 11:27 God has great plans for us. However, one of the challenges of today is to ensure we maintain momentum. The enemy understands that a rolling stone gathers no moss and will do everything to derail us. David persisted in pursuing the enemies of Israel making a great name for himself. Every place he conquered gathering wealth for the building of the House of God. David was not amassing wealth for himself but to build the House of God. Is it any wonder that God gave him such victories? David had a system in place to ensure. Success is backed by sound systems that are fine-tuned to bring about longevity and ease in achieving success. However, today's scripture reading will reveal two sides of David God's servant, warrior and king. I need to make a disclaimer before I write any further. As I write this today I have no intention to demean anyone or make excuses for failings.  David didn't forget the covenant he made with Jonath...

Carriers of the Presence of God.

Day 88 Reading: 2 Sam. 4:1 - 2 Sam. 7:29 God desires to walk with us. Just the thought that God desires my fellowship fills me with awe. The Creator of the Universe, the Lord Almighty desires to walk with each one of us. From the beginning of time, it was the intention of God that we walk in communion with Him. That we reflect His goodness and glory in everything here on earth. Eden was a template and mankind was to extend Eden to cover the whole earth as the population surged. Eden was a place where God fellowshipped with mankind. Eden was not a church service or a prayer room. Eden was so much more. Eden was about dwelling in the Presence of God. As we have read in the Bible so far we have seen what God can do with anyone given to Him wholly. Reading the life of David I am challenged how he constantly sang songs of praise to God and was a man of prayer. Numerous times we see the phrase that he inquired of the Lord.  He sought counsel from God regularly. David didn't ...

Stronger and Stronger

Day 87 Reading: 2 Samuel 1:1 - 3:39 Life is filled with ironies. Have you ever been in a situation and you wonder how could this happen? As David was recovering all that he had lost Saul was being killed. 3 days after David had received his victory he receives a report from the battlefront. The second book of Samuel opens with how David saw prophecy became manifest. A new chapter will open in your life with you taking over the place you were born for. A young man, an Amalekite runs from the battlefront to David and gives him the news that Saul was dead. He then recounts how Saul asked him to kill him off for he had a wound that would not heal according to him. It's interesting how human beings can decide that this one is 'dead' forgetting that God is a specialist in impossible situations. This is one of the most ironical passages in the bible. Saul disobeyed God when it came to destroying Agag the King and the people he led the Amalekites. What he couldn't ...

I Too Will Recover All!!!!!

Day 86 Reading: 1 Sam. 28:1 - 1 Sam. 31:13 Dear Friend, Thank you for encouraging me to not give up. Lately, it seems many friends I know have been living between a rock and a very hard place. Yes, I wake up and see the blue skyline and thank God that I am alive, however, I feel the pain of many who are lost in the earth as situations are not changing. Somethings don't seem to be working out. You mentioned that you feel life is passing you by each day. I felt it best I write to encourage you. Whenever I am in trouble I remind myself that I am not the first to go through this and that God has a solution. Life's blows are never fair. Somehow we seem to expect the devil to play fair when he has never played fair.    Today as I read the Bible, hope was rising within me that all will be well. I feel that the clouds over my life are about to burst forth with showers of God's blessing. Yes, I know it's been tough but today God reminded me that nothing is impos...

What Is In A Name?

Day 85 Reading: 1 Sam. 25:1 - 1 Sam. 27:12 Life will always have curves and twists. The ups and downs of life should not define us instead they are to be chapters of God's marvellous works in us. The happenings, challenges, situations are simply part of the story and not the main story of life. The main story is how God brought you through each situation and brought about victory in your life. When the focus is on God, everything else pales in comparison to who He is and helps us maintain focus on our walk with Him. Whilst in the hiding place David and his men protected shepherds who were looking after the livestock of a very rich man called Nabal. Shortly after that, the sheep are being sheared and David seeks for something small for his men as a token of good gesture and goodwill for the services rendered. No discussion had taken place between David and the owner of the livestock, they just protected them. However, Nabal was not ready to play ball. He was not willing...

A Letter From God

Day 84 Reading: 1 Sam. 21:1 - 1 Sam. 24:22 Dear Child, I know your pain, troubles and desires. Don't think for any moment that I have forgotten you. I called you by name and have anointed you to reign in life. The challenges you are passing through are simply a fire to refine you. Yes, I realise you are faint because it has been long and every day you wonder whether I care. That's why today I want to speak to you from the life of David as Saul was seeking to kill him. I want you to learn a few things to ensure My Hand is holding yours in the valley. David in fleeing from trouble went to My House. There he sought for bread. Don't forget that I showed the children of Israel in the desert that I am able to provide nourishment for My children. When deserting the place that has been the place of provision run to My House and receive nourishment. Run to My Word and receive the strength needed for the journey. Don't flee from the enemy on motivational input fr...

God is in Control

Day 83 Reading: 1 Sam. 18:1- 1 Sam. 20:42 Victory over Goliath will bring open doors to places where you only visited. However, challenges also follow after a victory. The enemy doesn't sit back and relax, he gets busy. Saul only called David when he was needed before the fight with Goliath. After he killed Goliath David sat on the same table with Saul and ate from his table. The days of visiting the place God has set for you are coming to an end for victory over Goliath will introduce a new dimension of glory. David behaved wisely. He must have known that Saul was laying traps to snare him and only wise actions would save him. You don't see David running to his network to look for help. He behaved wisely. Wise behaviour sometimes is silence but letting God do his work.When a characteristic is mentioned twice we should not take it for granted. Thrice in one chapter, the Bible records that David behaved wisely. May this be the story of our lives. Jonathan loved ...

Every Goliath Must Go

Day 82 Reading: 1 Sam. 16:1 - 1 Sam. 17:58 People may write you off as not qualified but thank God He sees differently from humanity. God is the best reference giver for what He has ordained in our lives. Many times I was told I was not qualified, however, God has proven Himself faithful. Today's reading only strengthened my faith that God will always qualify me to do what I was born to do. Men may see my shortcomings God sees my potential to rule in life. Men may not place me in line for promotion, God promotes outside of the rules of men.  Samuel was sent to anoint a new king by none other than the One who calls and qualifies. He arrived and looking at the first son of Jesse he thinks this must be the new king. God advises him that while men look at the flesh, God doesn't. I am encouraged to think that Samuel even in his old age was still learning the ways of God. When God says no to the seven sons that Jesse presents as his, he confesses that there is another on...

God's Word is Final

Day 81 Reading: 1 Sam. 14:1- 1 Sam. 15:35 God doesn't need your weapons to win a battle. He just needs a willingness to believe that He is able and total obedience to His instructions. The children of Israel whilst held captive by the Philistines had no weapons. The only people with swords were Saul and Jonathan. Everyone only had the tools for farming but not for war. To ensure that they had no fighting implements there were no blacksmiths. Sometimes the enemy comes and removes every and any fighting chance from our lives. However, he may remove the weapons but as long as you are alive, God still has a weaponised fighter in you.  No one has an excuse to say that I have nothing to wage war against my enemy. As long as you have breath you have a weapon against the enemy. Blacksmiths are those who sharpen, mould, improve the tools we have. May God raise gifts, blacksmiths, amongst His children who will train us up for war. Jonathan proceeds to the camp of the enemy with ...

Maintain The Throne of Life

Day 80 Reading: 1 Sam. 11:1 - 1 Sam. 13:23 God has established a throne for you. Don't limit where you are as all that God has ordained for you. Saul came from looking for his father's donkeys to becoming the King of Israel. God can take you from anywhere to the throne He planned for you. Once we are sat on the throne remember the adage that maintaining is harder than obtaining. It takes great responsibility to maintain the throne that God establishes you to reign in.  Saul was told in private that he would be king by Samuel and shortly after an announcement to the population was made of their king. Not everyone was happy with the choice and I'm sure he knew, however, God was about to make sure people saw Saul not just as a handsome tall man but as an excellent warrior. The men of Jabesh Gilead were attacked by the Ammonites which set a chain reaction of events culminating in God giving victory to Saul and the children of Israel over the Ammonites. This battle ...