Day 90 Reading: 2 Sam. 12:1 - 2 Sam. 13:39 We rarely want to talk about sin, even more, the consequences of sin. In this dispensation we are living in many have ignored the consequences of sin. We want to love sinners and not talk about the sin which has them bound. In my walk as a Christian, I have discovered that sinning is easy and more importantly it is easy to silence every voice that will convict you of unrighteous acts. My intention is not to condemn, rather help you and myself mature to the place God desires. We have played with sin long enough. It is time to walk upright and see the goodness of God. Too many times we have confused mercy and justice. Also, this blog is a breakdown of the passages of each day without the full revelation of the entire Bible. We are building each day to understand the fullness of what God's counsel is. So please don't shut down and say we are not in that era. Understanding the shadow to see what really God availed you. God se...
Daily we need to rise, conquer and be all that we can be.