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God is in Control

Day 83

Reading: 1 Sam. 18:1- 1 Sam. 20:42

Victory over Goliath will bring open doors to places where you only visited. However, challenges also follow after a victory. The enemy doesn't sit back and relax, he gets busy. Saul only called David when he was needed before the fight with Goliath. After he killed Goliath David sat on the same table with Saul and ate from his table. The days of visiting the place God has set for you are coming to an end for victory over Goliath will introduce a new dimension of glory.

David behaved wisely. He must have known that Saul was laying traps to snare him and only wise actions would save him. You don't see David running to his network to look for help. He behaved wisely. Wise behaviour sometimes is silence but letting God do his work.When a characteristic is mentioned twice we should not take it for granted. Thrice in one chapter, the Bible records that David behaved wisely. May this be the story of our lives.

Jonathan loved David. Not an impure lustful love but a brotherly love that endeared him so much. He was willing to sacrifice his throne for David. Jonathan could see something in David and was comfortable with it. He wasn't angry that God was with David instead he celebrated him. Too many believers today are victims of believers not believing in them but fighting them. Saul was determined to kill David for he could see that David was the one who would become king in fulfilment of the prophetic word spoken by Samuel. It is sad when elders fight the youth in their desire to have their own will and not God's will. Be careful what your enemy gives you to try to supposedly make you happy. The enemy can be so wicked that he gives you an offer to trap you with an offer meeting a need of life. Saul in giving his daughter for marriage to David desired to trap him and have him killed.

Twice Saul tried to kill David with a spear, he sent men to kill him numerous times, desired he marry one of his daughters as a trap to ensnare him and even tried to kill Jonathan in anger for defending David. Saul was bitter because he could see God working with David and not him. Sometimes we go through hell and wonder why. One reason is that the enemy can see God's covering in your life and desires to thwart the plan of God. That boss whose harassing you might not understand the distressing spirit that is troubling them and making them hate you. You can only run to God for refuge.

David fled to Samuel, God's prophet. He fled to the person who declared the prophetic word over his life.  Learn to flee to the Word of revelation that you have received. Run to the Word of Life. Let the challenges of life chase you to the Word of Life. Run to God who is an Ever-Present Help in our times of trouble. God is waiting for you to run to Him. Saul sent messengers to look for David and bring him to him. They arrived and began to prophesy. They were sent with an evil agenda and instead came into a divine encounter. When Saul went because the messengers didn't return with his message and he heard how his soldiers were prophesying, he also encountered the Spirit of God. The Bible declares that Saul lay naked and prophesied day and night. There is a place where your enemy begins to prophesy your lifting. This was the second time that he came into the company of prophets and prophesied the first time being in 1 Samuel 10 when he encountered the Spirit of God coming upon him and he began to prophesy in the company of the prophets. I decree that every agent sent to kill you will begin to prophesy to you and all that pertains to you. Those who speak against you will encounter the atmosphere of God that their language towards you will become that which is of God. 

Jonathan made a covenant with David. One that he tied their descendants to peace. Jonathan asked David to show kindness to his descendants. Today we rarely see this kind of friendship where we are willing to lay our lives for the well being of others. Many of our friends would rather keep quiet when they see us heading into trouble rather than warn us. Jonathan and David were not fickle friends. They were not family and yet they were tied to the wellbeing of each other. David wept more than Jonathan which shows how dear Jonathan was to him. Today we weep in the funeral not when we are being separated from friends who are more than family to us which is a tragedy. May we love others and ensure they know it whilst they are alive and not when they are gone to meet the Maker. May God give us true friendships. 

Memory Verse: 1 Sam. 18:14


Lord, I thank You because You have great plans for me. Lord may Your Spirit come upon me and change me. Let every enemy seeking my life come under the atmosphere of God and begin to prophesy. Surround me with genuine friends. I decree that I will walk in fellowship with the brethren manifesting the love of God to all in Jesus name. Amen.


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