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Every Goliath Must Go

Day 82

Reading: 1 Sam. 16:1 - 1 Sam. 17:58

People may write you off as not qualified but thank God He sees differently from humanity. God is the best reference giver for what He has ordained in our lives. Many times I was told I was not qualified, however, God has proven Himself faithful. Today's reading only strengthened my faith that God will always qualify me to do what I was born to do. Men may see my shortcomings God sees my potential to rule in life. Men may not place me in line for promotion, God promotes outside of the rules of men. 

Samuel was sent to anoint a new king by none other than the One who calls and qualifies. He arrived and looking at the first son of Jesse he thinks this must be the new king. God advises him that while men look at the flesh, God doesn't. I am encouraged to think that Samuel even in his old age was still learning the ways of God. When God says no to the seven sons that Jesse presents as his, he confesses that there is another one looking after the sheep. So even the father didn't think that the prophet would have a use for this boy. Whatever yardstick men and women have used to cancel you out in life know that God is more than able to qualify you and make you the anointed one. When the oil came upon David from the horn the Bible declares that the Spirit of God never left him. Certainly, his horn was about to lifted and so shall yours be!

As the Spirit of God came upon David a distressing spirit was vexing Saul. The dangers of not having a walk with the Spirit of God is that we open doorways for the evil one to vex us. Saul's workers advised him that he needed a skilful worshipper to deal with this distressing spirit. In the discussions of who is to come and be the skilful player of the harp, David's name is mentioned. David the anointed one soon to be king is soon invited to the palace on account of his skill. We the children of God need to develop our skills and when they are anointed the palace is where they belong and will operate. Somethings it's not prayer but anointed skill that opens the door. To be in the playing field of life we need skills otherwise we remain in the praying field.

The children of Israel soon face a battle against the Philistines in the valley of Elah. We are introduced to a warrior named Goliath. Goliath was the modern-day nuclear bomb threat of the Philistines. He taunted the army of Israel for 40 days keeping Saul and his army in fear. David was sent by his dad to see the welfare of the three brothers who were in the army. God knows how to set you up for the throne. David arrives at the battlefield and discovers Goliath is holding everyone ransom. He then asks a crucial question. What shall be done for the man who deals with this man? Never go into battle unless there is a reward. When intimidated he asks another question "Is there not a cause?" Refuse to be intimidated in your drawing up the plans to battle Goliath.

Saul on hearing that David wants to fight Goliath says no. He certainly knows that David can deal with troubling devils for he had seen how the distressing spirit would depart. However, Goliath was a different piece of cake. To David, Goliath was not threatening men but the armies of the Living God. This was a difference between Saul and David. Saul didn't see the army as God's army thus he was wallowing in fear. Child of God whatever battle you are facing know that God is on your side.

David is offered Saul's armour but on trying it on discovers that he can't fight with it. Stop fighting the enemy of your soul with revelations of another man. Fight the enemy with the revelation that God has given you. To fight using another person's revelation is to wage a losing battle against Goliath. Make revelation personal by imbibing what you learn.

David recounted to Saul how he had seen God deliver a lion and a bear while he was watching the sheep of his father. Saul was not perceptive to know that David was being prepared before his eyes. To David Goliath was simply the next dimension of victory following the lion and bear. Goliath was simply the next dimension. The lion and bear were in the desert, Goliath was in public view. 

Goliath cursed David when he saw him approaching. David called on the name of God and declared that God would give him victory. David went into this battle in the full confidence of God. He declared that he was going not in the name of a man or a woman but in the Name of the Lord. Goliath didn't understand that David was declaring that this fight was not only above him but also that with God's backing the enemy was prey. David declared that the battle was the Lord's and also that Goliath would fall into the hands of the children of Israel, a very unselfish statement. One reason many aren't conquering Goliath is because they want to succeed for themselves which is never the way of God. 

Dealing with Goliath brought great reward for David. God had said he had a person to replace Saul. Now the stage was set for the people's hearts to lean towards David. When we wait for God seasons line up we move into the place God has set up for us. Don't chase the people or the place that God has anointed you for. Opportunities will present themselves that will lead to the throne. David didn't stage a coup or takeover attempt. He remained in his place honouring leadership. Don't be in hurry to ascend to the throne. Develop your skills and as opportunities present themselves you will find that God has gone ahead of you and prepared the place for your victory. 

Memory Verse: 1 Sam. 16:7


Father, I thank You for victory belongs to You. I declare that victory over every Goliath facing me will fall to the glory of Your name and for the betterment of Your children. I decree that I come not in my name but in the Name of the Lord of Hosts. I decree that God is delivering every enemy into my hands in Jesus name. Amen


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