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The Lord Fights For You

Day 64

Reading: Josh. 8:1 - 10:43

Now is the time to arise and go into battle. After spending time removing every roadblock that may hinder the power of God from flowing its time to arise. We have spent enough time crying for our sins. The time to arise in the knowledge of God's mercy and forgiveness is now. You and I are forgiven and God is ready to contend for us.

When God gives instructions for the battle victory is in sight. The fact that the children of Israel had lost to Ai before meant that they were going to fight wiser. This resulted in a strategy to draw the enemy to the fight and lead to an easier destruction of the city. Ai must have known that they would be back which is another reason that Joshua would have required a strategy to take the city. Lord give the church strategies to take cities! The soldiers of Ai seeing Joshua and the men fleeing must have thought that it was over. Not knowing that they were being led to the slaughter. Learn to be discrete so that your enemy cannot tell your strategy.

While walking in the wilderness the children of Israel kept hearing the Law. Moses instructed that once they arrived in the promised land Joshua was to read the entire law, get two stones and write it. This was important to declare the Law in the land. Declaring the Word in the place of the promise ties the promises to the place.

In battle, one must be wary of the cunning trickery of others. Don't take any enticing offer without seeking the mind of God. Yes, we have been given a brain to think and over time we acquire experience that is necessary for our taking the land. However, learn to consistently continually seek God. God can see where our thinking is flawed.

Joshua didn't pray about the offer from the Gibeonites. I won't go as far as saying he wasn't discerning, however, Joshua didn't see this trap. Many today can't see the traps the enemy is laying for them. The leaders didn't ask the counsel of God. The priesthood was kept outside the process of making this covenant, a terrible mistake. When God is not consulted deception is the end result. Going to God in prayer helps bring to light ulterior motives. Another thing that this teaches us is to pray for a discerning heart. Lord give me discerning heart! 

Learn to fight for those who are called to help or serve you. Don't despise helping those in need. In taking the land, God will bring about situations that will bring your enemies out against you easily. The King of the Amorites was not happy with the Gibeonites. He attacked them thinking that the children of Israel wouldn't defend them. They could have left them for dead however, this was an opportunity to conquer more land. 

When the call for help comes learn to go immediately. Joshua came upon the enemies suddenly and the Lord routed the enemies. May the days ahead see you come upon your enemies suddenly and the Lord fight every enemy you are contending with. The manner in which God fought for Joshua reveals that Heaven will back you and me up with every resource. The Amorites in fleeing the battle scene saw hailstones rain on them and kill them. In the midst of the battle, Joshua cried for the Sun to stand still.  Understand that Joshua made the solar system stand still. There comes a time where we may ask for time to stand still so that we may annihilate the enemy that is contending with our position. Today, I pray that before the Sun goes down you will have victory over your enemies. 

Five kings hid at Makkedah. These five kings had fled the battle and were hiding in a cave in this city. Makkedah means the place of shepherds. The believer needs to understand that in the place where the grass is available for grazing in/for life there is a union of kings that we must kill to possess the land. Who are these five kings and what do they represent? Joshua led the conquests against those living in Libnah. Libnah means transparent. You know that enemy you cant see, Libnah is their city. Lachish was the next city. Lachish means obstinate. After destroying the hidden enemy you will easily deal with the obstinate enemy. Hebron is a confederation or alliance of your enemy. Learn to deal with evil alliances contending with your land. The next place was Eglon. Eglon was the place for chariots or bullocks. Debir was the city of the orator; the place of oracles, a sanctuary. In taking Debir one is disarming the enemy's altar. In one swoop Joshua had destroyed all these kings. Receive the grace to do the same. 

Memory Verse: Josh. 10:8


Father, I praise Your Holy Name. Great are You Lord. You are Victorious in battle. I pray that You grant me a discerning heart. May I always have a hunger for You Lord. May I continually seek You regarding every issue of life. I decree that I am victorious in every battle as I possess my promised land. The Lord routs my enemies in Jesus name. Amen.


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