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Successful Territorial Conquests

Day 62

Reading: Josh. 1:1 - 4:24

On this third day in the third month we begin a new book in the Bible, Joshua. An interesting portion of scripture to read on this day.May it mark a new chapter in your life. Every day is a special day and God has a package of blessings packaged for you and I each day. It's our responsibility to receive it, open it and partake of the blessings. As I wrote this I kept prophesying to myself so please make it personal to you and take the land. 

The book of Joshua opens with God calling him to arise and go over the Jordan and possess the land. As I read this portion of scripture my heart began to indite a matter. I suddenly was aware that as I read this book it was a sign that I was crossing to a new place. I believe God that I am entering something new and I want to invite every reader to enter a new place of not only intimacy with God but also a manifestation of His promises. I have news for the enemies that have heard of my testimonies, I am coming and I'm coming to take what is mine! God gave Joshua certain instruction and promises regarding the conquest he was about to embark on:
  • Every place he stepped God would give him. Charles, get ready to possess everywhere your feet are. You're not a visitor to joy, peace, well-being, advancement, health or abundance. You're not just an interviewee! No, you are possessing the land.
  • Authority like that of Moses. God is clothing me with a new grace for this new season. 
  • God would be with him constantly. God assured him of a permanence in walking with him. God is with me. 
  • Be bold, strong and be courageous. Bye, bye fear of what people think. Like a lion, I am arising in boldness.
  • Be steadfast in walking in the Word of God. I can only prosper if I am obedient to the Word.
  • Speak the Word, Mediate on the Word, Do the Word and success will be mine.
The instruction to be strong and courageous or to be bold was a recurring one in Deuteronomy whenever God addressed Moses on instructions for Joshua. It will require boldnesses to stand and fight for the faith. It will require boldness and courage to take the land.  One must be bold to take the fight to the enemy and dispossess them. The time to be as bold as a lion is now. Anthropophobia is the fear of people and manifests in many ways. It's a social fear. Many people don't realise this fear is part of their operating system. Many mask this fear by never caring about what others think but deep down this is what is affecting them. Joshua was given the cure to the malady of fearing people- Be bold. To fear is to cower and give in to the enemy no matter the carnal wisdom used to sugar coat the fear. God's answer is boldness when dealing with people.

Rest is only possible when we possess our land. I am walking into that which is mine. My season of rest is here. It's not coming. No, it's here. Rest is my new season. Rest all round, in every area of life. Dominion will give you rest. Dominion that scatters every enemy. As you possess the land get ready to meet people who will make your possessing the land easier. God has 'Rahabs' waiting to work with you to help you and I take the land. Divine bridges that will protect us from the inhabitants whom we are evicting from the land. A scarlet cord would be the sign that would save her from destruction when the children of Israel came to war. 

'Charles, sanctify yourself for you are about to see the wonders of God. Separate yourself, consecrate yourself, dedicate yourself to the Eternal One and His purposes and you will see testimonies that will leave you agape at the awesomeness of God. Set yourself aside only to worship God. You have seen great miracles before as you begin to cross over get ready to see the hand of God in a new way.' 

As I carry the Presence of God I will see paths open up. The Presence of God will part anything ahead of me. Is God going ahead of you in everything in life? Let God go ahead of you. As a leader carry the Presence of God so that those following you will enter their promised land. 

God is raising a new generation of leaders who will spearhead the move of God.  These leaders are not new because of age. They will walk in the power of God manifesting in exploits that will astound the world, amaze the believer, and agonise the enemy. The time has come for the world to know the hand of the Lord is mighty and that all may fear God. 

Memory Verse: Josh. 1:8-9


Personalised scriptural declaration. 

'I will be strong and very courageous, that I may observe to do according to all the law of God; I will not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that I may prosper wherever I go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from my mouth, but I shall meditate on it day and night, that I may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then I will make my way prosperous, and then I will have good success. Has God not commanded me? I will be strong and of good courage; I will not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord my God is with me wherever I go.”' Josh. 1:7-9(italics mine)


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