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It Came To Pass.

Day 77

Reading: 1 Sam. 1:1 - 1 Sam. 3:21

There is nothing impossible for God to do. He is God, the One who reigns over all. God is looking for those who will be willing to dare Him for the impossible. Stop asking for the small things, go for the big and dare God for great manifestations. Welcome to the first book of Samuel, a book where we are introduced to people who dared to believe God and saw great results. 

Hannah had a need, don't we all. She desired a child. She was not barren. Yes, she wasn't barren. The Bible says that the Lord had closed her womb. That is different from barrenness. Just because you are not seeing the fruit doesn't mean that you are barren. It could be that God has closed the heavens over your fruitfulness. Elkanah could have left Hannah, however, he loved her dearly and honoured her by giving her a double portion of the what he gave his other wife Peninnah to give to God as part of the sacrifice at Shiloh. Shiloh was where the Tabernacle of the Lord was kept. Hannah understood that only God could solve her challenging situation. 

Peninnah provoked Hannah to cry to God. Hannah was so burdened and in anguish at not having a child that her prayer seemed to be from a drunk person. In her travail in prayer, she makes a vow that suddenly aligns her with the meeting heaven's need. God needed a prophet. God needed a voice, for the priesthood had lost its way and the people had no one declaring the mind of God. Could this be the reason why she didn't have a child? God needed her to birth the voice He desired in prayer. Peradventure that situation you are facing, God is waiting for you to make Him an offer that meets His need for a voice or an expression here on earth. 

There is a form of prayer that is filled with weeping and the words are barely audible to any listener.  It's when one is so burdened by a need that they cannot be heard, the lips are moving and it appears they are speaking though they aren't audible for anyone. This is heartfelt prayer not only praying because we have a need but the heart is so burdened that one can only cry to God. This was not a prayer made in a day and forgotten. Hannah must have been praying for a child for many days, weeks, months and years. The key to unlocking the answer was the vow. May God show us the key to unlocking the heavens in our lives. 

After making the deal with God to give God the male son she was asking for, Eli the priest comes to her. He had been watching her whilst she prayed and had said nothing. He comes asking if she is drunk. You don't have to tell everyone your need. She told God and God sent the High Priest to release His blessing over her. Heaven had heard the vow and accepted and Eli's words would seal the answer. May God grant your petition in that area that you are in tears about. Hannah left the place of prayer, ate and was no longer with a sad countenance. When you rise from the place of prayer today go in peace knowing that God will grant your petition and may your face shine.

It came to pass in the process of time that Hannah conceives and gives birth to Samuel. Samuel means heard of God.  1 Samuel 1:19 is one of my most encouraging scriptures in the Bible. A lady whose womb was closed by God through answered prayer, process and time saw a change in her situation. God can change your seasons if you are willing to meet His need. As I write this I perceive that many doubt if God's word can come to pass in their lives. Anytime I am in doubt I remember Hannah and always rejoice that if God could open Hannah's womb changing her story then my case is not closed. 

Elkanah was a God-fearing man. When Hannah asked to stay with the child until he was weaned they both were committed to the vow. Hannah didn't make the vow together with him, however, he was committed to the vow being kept. It was important to him that the Word of God was established and confirmed in Samuel. 

Hannah takes Samuel to Eli and not only keeps her vow but tells him of the testimony. Not only did she come with Samuel but she came with a sacrifice to God according to the Law of Moses. She was required to bring a sacrifice to redeem her first born. Her sacrifice was not only one to redeem Him but also to thank God for the miracle. Her prayer extols the greatness of God declaring that it is God who makes and not a human being. The child was left to minister to God. Samuel ministered to the Lord wearing a linen ephod representing a garment of righteousness. Don't say that children cannot serve God. Dedicate the children to God and watch how the Lord will use them. Hannah went on to have more children, five to be precise. God will always reward you when you seek Him.

Eli, on the other hand, had two sons serving as priests. They were crooked and didn't comply with the Law fully in regards to how sacrifices were to be carried out. They imposed on the people what was not the requirement of the Law by demanding for raw meat instead of taking a portion of the meat being boiled. I guess they were bored with boiled meat, however, they had forgotten what happened to the children of Israel who complained about getting a diet of only manna. Their actions caused the people to hate giving a sacrifice to God. Our actions may be stopping someone from coming to God. Eli's two sons made many not to give to God. What is it that you may be doing that is stopping someone from giving of themselves or their resources to God? Don't point a finger at someone else, look within and ask yourself if there is anything that you are doing that is a barrier to another coming to meet God.

Not only were the sons of Eli corrupt towards the sacrifices given to God, the slept with the women who assembled at the Tabernacle. The father on hearing this did rebuke them however they didn't stop. This was tragic. However, we read that God desired to kill them thus their disobedience. 

Samuel grew before the Lord not just in stature but also in favour. Stature is not just about the body, however, Samuel's walk with God grew in depth. He knew God. He was also favoured by God and man. What Eli's sons didn't have Samuel had. I can almost imagine that the people would rather have Samuel take the offering but not Eli's two sons. God sent a prophet to announce the ending of a lineage in the priesthood because of the sin of Eli's sons. God knew that he already some ready for the role. Eli's sons didn't honour God and as a result, they wouldn't be honoured. For despising the Lord they would be lightly esteemed. May God have mercy on our lives in any place we have lightly esteemed Him. God's sent judgement to Eli's two sons and a sign to let him know that the day they die together, Eli would know that God has found for Himself a faithful priest who would then be the beginning of a new lineage for the priesthood and Eli's family would serve the new leader. Don't ever think that God cannot replace you. Walk before God in humility and in the Fear of the Lord. God desires that we be priests who do what is on His mind and heart. 

Samuel ministered before God in a barren time. The Word of the Lord was rare. I know we live in a time where we have many preachers and teachers, and countless prophets, however, sometimes the genuine word of the Lord is rare. One of the reasons am doing the Bible in a year study and sharing my scribbles is because I am hungry for the Word of the Lord. I want nothing but the authentic Word of the Lord. Nothing else shall satisfy.  I don't have it all I am only searching. I realised that as I read about the sons of Eli many times I have missed the mark. I want to only hit the mark of God as they say in darts, bullseye!

In Eli's old age God calls Samuel. Samuel had served and never heard the encounter that he was having. Eli was gracious in and was a great mentor. He recognised that God would use Samuel and was not afraid to coach and mentor him on how to respond to the voice of God. God send us such servants who will train and mentor the Samuels God is raising for this generation. 

Knowing God is in dimensions. Samuel ministered to the Lord yet He didn't know the voice of the Lord and neither was the prophetic word revealed to Him. God desires that we grow to the place where know the voice of God. God desires to speak to us. The Holy Spirit is not with us to make us feel goosebumps. He is to guide us to know the heart and mind of God in all things.  Move from the baby stage to being an adult where you can ascertain the voice of God without a shadow of a doubt. God can only speak when we are ready to hear and are attentive to His voice. May our ears be opened to hear God.

God revealed Himself to Samuel by His Word. We don't read the Word for nothing. Spending time in the Word will allow God to reveal Himself to us. Samuel came to a place where what he spoke never failed to take place. Every prophesy, decree, insight, teaching and declaration of Samuel never failed to come to pass. Samuel was so in tune with God that he only connected and operated at the frequency and wavelength of God. This is God's desire for you and me.

Memory Verse: 1 Sam. 2:26


Personalise this scripture.

And Charles prayed and said:

“My heart rejoices in the Lord; my horn is exalted in the Lord. I smile at my enemies because I rejoice in Your salvation. “No one is holy like the Lord, for there is none besides You, nor is there any rock like our God. "Talk no more so very proudly; let no arrogance come from your mouth, for the Lord is the God of knowledge; and by Him, actions are weighed. “The bows of the mighty men are broken, and those who stumbled are girded with strength. Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread, and the hungry have ceased to hunger. Even the barren has borne seven, and she who has many children has become feeble. “The Lord kills and makes alive; He brings down to the grave and brings up. The Lord makes poor and makes rich; He brings low and lifts up. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash heap, to set them among princes and make them inherit the throne of glory. “For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and He has set the world upon them. He will guard the feet of His saints, but the wicked shall be silent in darkness. “For by strength, no man shall prevail. The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in pieces; from heaven, He will thunder against them. The Lord will judge the ends of the earth. “He will give strength to His king, and exalt the horn of His anointed.” 1 Sam. 2:1-10(personalised and italics mine)


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