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Favour Will Make You Great!

Day 76

Reading: Ruth 1:1- Ruth 4:22

God's love knows no bounds. It doesn't matter your status or the place where you are, God has a way of locating you. In our study of the Bible we find that God's dealings with man are not defined in a formula. So far all the dealings we have seen of God only those who are in covenant with Him would enjoy His benefits. The book of Ruth gives a different perspective to God. Ruth was not of the children of Israel. She was born a Moabite. Moabites are descendants of Lot. Balak was the leader of Moab who hired Balaam to curse Israel. Ruth was not in the lineage of the blessings of God. As I thought about the book of Ruth I kept hearing the word favour. May God clothe you with favour.

Favour is what will cause one who is not a part of the heritage for the blessings of God to suddenly receive blessings that will amaze and astound everyone. Favour is what makes a person's life to shine in the midst of trouble. Favour will cause a person to rise faster than what others expect. A favoured person experiences open doors in greater magnitude than normal. Favour will bring promotions and faster flights in the processes of life. A person who is favoured will possess what they shouldn't have been considered for. What made Ruth a candidate for God's favour?

Firstly, she tied herself to God, the One who favours. She shunned her heritage of idols and chose to serve God. Her answer to Naomi to live amongst the children of Israel and serve Jehovah marked her for favour.

Secondly, she chose to cling to Noami. Noami was her mother-in-law. Noami and her husband Elimelech left Bethlehem during a famine and went to Moab with their two sons, Mahlon and Chilion. Mahlon means sickly and Chilion means wasting away. Naomi had every reason to be bitter, her husband had died together with two sons. Ruth chose to stay with Noami in a time of her greatest need. Why would God not favour her? Many times we run away from people who are undergoing trouble and miss on a door to favour. Ruth chose to stay with Naomi not knowing if she had a future whilst her sister-in-law Orpah couldn't go the whole journey after saying she would stay with Naomi. Don't worry that someone who was with you when you began the journey leaves you. Ruth challenges modern-day marriage. She was not going back to her family. She had packed her bags and was ready to see what lay ahead. She simply declared her faith in God and tied herself to the family of faith rejecting the altar of her family which was an idol. Husbands and wives need this attitude to succeed in marriage. 

Thirdly, Ruth was a hard worker. She arrives in Bethlehem and seeks to go to work as they arrived during the harvest season.  She didn't arrive and become a flower in a jar sitting around being admired. She understood the need to work to at least get food for her mother-in-law. She made it her responsibility to provide for them. She went job hunting. She didn't rely on the connection between the farm owner and her father-in-law to get the job. Boaz found her working. Husband to be, please findout thy wife's to be work ethic not bash ethic. Ruth wasn't going to rely on handouts. She created a platform for God to bless her by working hard. Boaz immediately hired her and instructed her not to go anywhere else but to work in his field.

Fourth, she was very respectful. This lady understood honour. Brash people don't enjoy favour. She honoured Boaz and even asked why he favoured her. His response was that he had heard how she stood by Noami and prayed that God would repay her for all she had done. Boaz was a son of the land and his decree had profound effects. Her conversation with Boaz left a deep impression on Boaz. 

Fifth, Ruth was not selfish. She was invited to eat together with the reapers and she keeps some back for Naomi. She then shares with Naomi. Many times when we are faced with a troubling situation we have a selfish mindset. We just want to get out and can't be bothered of those going through the challenge with us. 

Sixth, we find that Ruth was obedient. Boaz asked her to work only in his field and Naomi also did the same. She didn't go looking elsewhere. Ruth didn't look at the neighbours green grass to see if they had better seed to glean. She stayed where she was asked. Many times we don't enjoy favour because we don't go the whole distance. We hop about never building our consistency to stay in one place and build a reputation.

Seventh, Ruth was a humble person. The first time she converses with Boaz, she bows and falls to the ground and then speaks to him. Naomi then gave her instructions on how to approach Boaz in a manner that would provoke Boaz to the inheritance rights according to the law. She was instructed to wash, anoint herself then stay at his feet not in his face on the threshing floor. One of the qualities of a truly humble person is that they understand the principle of being still before God. Ruth was not all over the place advertising herself. She had a still spirit that just made her adorable. Ruth's actions towards Naomi unlocked the Law of Moses in her favour. 

Eight, she was of a wholesome character. Boaz on finding her at his feet at night commends her for her kindness and actions. The word used for kindness in the NKJV in Hebrew is a rich word which means mercy, love and loyalty. She didn't look for a rich person, young or old person. The Law of Moses was her guide to her requirements on being married. Naomi understood that from the Law of Moses the family of Elimelech had a responsibility of taking Ruth under their wings as a wife to ensure that the family name didn't die. Ruth was being loyal to the counsel of the Word and not being the wrong kind of slay queen in Bethlehem! Notice that she didn't want to expose herself or Boaz to unwarranted attention. 

In conclusion, Ruth's action saw favour come upon her that she was redeemed to perpetuate the family name. Boaz in becoming her kinsman redeemer made Ruth his wife. The lady who was gleaning from the back, having people drop seed so that she picks was now the owner. Favour will make you own where you have been picking the remains. Ruth gave birth to a son named Obed, whose name means serving God or a servant who worships God. Boaz was a descendant of Perez. Remember Perez was the son of Tamar having slept with her father-in-law, Judah. Perez means breach, bursting out or to break forth. Ruth a Moabite partook of the breach by marrying into the prophesy in this name. Her story is one of a lady who didn't qualify but by virtue of favour burst out in joy. Ruth came on to the scene where others should have been considered. May favour locate you and cause you to break forth.

Memory Verse: Ruth 1:16-17


Personalise this scripture

"Charles, the Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge.” Ruth 2:12(italics mine)


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