Day 63
Reading: Josh. 5:1-Josh. 7:26
God is the same yesterday today and forever. He hasn't abdicated His throne and the enemy is not running the show. God is in control and the same enemy who has heard of the doings of God in our lives will be shivering as we cross over and begin to dispossess them of the land. As the children of Israel crossed the Jordan, the Bible says the enemy began to shiver in fear. They knew the eviction notice was about to be applied. They shivered because a stronger than them had arrived. May my enemies begin to shiver this day! Every enemy contending with you and I, may their hearts melt.
After crossing over the Jordan, the first thing that God instructed Joshua was to circumcise the men. As you begin to possess the land, the first thing you need to do is to circumcise your heart. To circumcise is to cut off flesh that is unnecessary. Before you begin to possess the land you must cut off that which is of the flesh. Circumcision was a sign of the covenant. Before you begin possessing the land ensure you renew your covenant with God. This first stop with the act of circumcision in the promised land at a place called Gilgal is the place where the reproach of the past is wiped away.
Once you step into the promised land understand that you are entering a new dimension. On the way, you were fed manna. Here now you have to fend for yourself and eat the good in the land God has provided. On the way you didn't work for food, however, in the promised land you must tend the land to eat. Notice that the children of Israel celebrated Passover after the experience of Gilgal and soon the revelation of the desert ended. Learn to enforce the covenant before you engage in any battle for the land to enforce revelation for the new dimension.
Before Moses went into Egypt he had a divine encounter with God. In that encounter, God introduced Himself to Moses as the I AM. Notice that before Joshua begins battling for the land he meets the Commander of the Army. Charles, as you begin to possess the land the Commander of the Army is with you.
The conquest of Jericho teaches us certain principles of warfare in the Kingdom.
- See from the end. God spoke to Joshua and said 'See I have given Jericho into your hands' Josh. 6:2. How you perceive the land will determine your attitude before the fight. See the enemy in your hand. Stop seeing the giant or challenge. See the victory.
- Listen to the instructions to take the land. God has precise instructions for possessing the land.
- Never go into battle without the assurance of God. Is the battle you are contending one backed by God?
- There is power in the shout. Praise is in many different forms. Praise is warfare. Learn to shout for the Lord. The only sound made for 6 days when they walked around Jericho were the trumpets blown by the priests. The shofar or the trumpet made from a ram's horn was to be blown as they marched. Do you know that the shofar can make a sound similar to a wailing sound which is a sound of intercession? The shofar is used to break down barriers.
- Obedience unlocks manifestation.
- Silence is golden in battle. Focus on obeying the instructions. Don't allow conversations that will dilute the focus of the battle.
- Don't take anything that is cursed.This includes anything that is an idol. Recognise that in some battles everything was to be destroyed and only what was tied to the blood could be saved.
The walls did come tumbling down as promised by God. And victory was given to the children of Israel and Rahab was saved together with her family. It seems as though as the children of Israel shouted, the shofar being blown, heaven responded by smashing the walls down enabling the people to run into the land.
Disobedience will lead to defeat. The disobedience of one will lead to the fall of many. Ai means a heap of ruins in Hebrew. Joshua lost a battle at a place named after ruins. There are battles that can bring ruin and must be appproached carefully. The children of Israel saw defeat at Ai for two reasons. They didn't seek God before engaging in battle. Secondly, someone had taken from Jericho what they shouldn't have taken. In battle be careful you don't take what you shouldn't touch. May God have mercy on you and me for the many times we have gone to battle without consulting Him. Even more, may God have mercy for the many times we have taken what we should not have taken.
Memory Verse: Josh. 6:2
Father, I declare that You are worthy of praise. I choose to start my day with a shout to the Lord. A shout of praise and honour to the Most High God. I decree that I am blessed of God. I see every representation of Jericho in my life conquered. I will not touch any idol. I dedicate my life to God wholly. I am set apart for my God. I decree that every enemy contending with me melts in their heart as I approach to take the land in Jesus name. Amen.
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