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I Too Will Recover All!!!!!

Day 86

Reading: 1 Sam. 28:1 - 1 Sam. 31:13

Dear Friend,

Thank you for encouraging me to not give up. Lately, it seems many friends I know have been living between a rock and a very hard place. Yes, I wake up and see the blue skyline and thank God that I am alive, however, I feel the pain of many who are lost in the earth as situations are not changing. Somethings don't seem to be working out. You mentioned that you feel life is passing you by each day. I felt it best I write to encourage you. Whenever I am in trouble I remind myself that I am not the first to go through this and that God has a solution. Life's blows are never fair. Somehow we seem to expect the devil to play fair when he has never played fair.   

Today as I read the Bible, hope was rising within me that all will be well. I feel that the clouds over my life are about to burst forth with showers of God's blessing. Yes, I know it's been tough but today God reminded me that nothing is impossible with Him. His agenda cannot be stopped and as long as I continually seek Him it will be well. Someone told me how I have been the laughing stock of many who seem to think I am done, finished to some, however, God has been reminding me that He has the final say over every matter. No matter how low I have seemingly sunk in the eyes of men by life's challenges and my own mistakes, God has a great ending for me. His love for me is what has kept me going even when I can't make sense of anything. I felt as I read today's reading of scripture a renewal in my inner man as I learnt God's principles for a pursuit that leads to the recovery of all that has been taken by the enemy. 
  • Walk in obedience to God. Saul lost the kingdom because he couldn't obey God's instruction. No matter how hard it is my dear friend lets obey God. Disobedience has caused too many to fail in life. Let us not be in that number. Saul didn't obey God regarding the instructions regarding the Amalekites. David, however, had a total victory against them.  
  • Encourage yourself in the Lord by praising God in the midst of the mess. David and his men stayed in a town called Ziklag. Ziklag means grief. This town was given to them by the enemy who wanted to make David and his men part of their army. God wouldn't allow that happen and to properly cut off the links from the town build by the enemy to one built by David and his men, it burnt down. The men grieved for the loss they encountered. They even wanted to kill David, however, he encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord. Learn in the midst of any pain to encourage yourself to rise. Life is like a boxing ring where some punches see you go down. Don't stay down, rise up and fight harder. Speak to yourself that God is for you and will help you. Encourage yourself by praising God. This helps take the focus of the challenge to God and there is no better lifter from the ground than God.
  • Don't become bitter. Bitterness will paralyse your progress. Being bitter at the attacks or challenges we go through in life will only pin you down. Don't be bitter against that person whose spoke badly. Just move on. They are speaking like that because of anger. David didn't allow the threats of the men to become a conversation. My dear friend, one lesson I learned painfully is that whenever people speak badly to and at you don't take it to heart. Those words and actions can derail you when you do that. 
  • Seek God's counsel. David continually sought the mind of God. He sought God for counsel regarding battles in life. Ziklag had been razed to the ground, his wives and those of the entire army were all taken together with their belongs. Yet David after weeping seeks God's counsel. We have cried long enough about the situations and the loses now let's seek God's counsel. Divine guidance will lead to victory.
  • David believed in being fair. 200 hundred men didn't follow David to fight for their families and properties from the Amalekites. The 400 who went with David didn't want to share the spoils of war, however, David wouldn't have any of that. He knew it would fragment his army if he allowed that division. Stop paying homage only to those who do well with you. There are those who cannot go where you want to go and for very good reasons. Don't cut off that friend because they didn't walk with you the full distance. Find out the reason first and then make a wise decision. Don't be emotive in your decision making.
  • Walk with God. Saul when facing the Philistines relied on divination to get a prophetic word. No prophet, dream or even the Urim could give Saul God's counsel. When the heavens are silent, don't try reading the stars, astrology or getting into divination to hear the mind of God. Judgement is the result. David walked with God. The bible says that he asked for the ephod and enquired of God. Learn to enquire of God regarding life. 
  • Favour. David in their pursuit for that which God had assured him, he met someone who led them to the place they were seeking for. May God favour with divine connections that lead you to the place you desire to get to. Saul had no such experience. Saul instead shows us how corrupt he was. He banned mediums after Samuel had died, yet he requests for one and his servants advise him of one. How else did they know unless they were making use of her? Why would Saul ask for a medium unless he knew that they were able to access the heavens via a familiarity spirit? 
Restoration is the new chapter coming into our lives my friend. I believe God is in the business of restoring His children to walk in dimensions of His glory and not just what they had before but we are about to experience a new dimension of God. For too long we have seemed as though God is not interested in us, however, I perceive that the Lord is about to show up and show off in many lives. God has a good plan for us and the end of this chapter will read I recovered all. Will you be counted as one of those of whom it is said they recovered all on account of God's promises to them? I am set to recover all and all will surely rejoice at what God can do. I believe you also are set for this new season of recovery leading to restoration.

Every blessings,


Memory Verse: 1 Sam. 30:8


I declare and decree that I am arising from the miry clay. I decree that I will pursue and recover all that has been stolen by my enemies. I decree that as David recovered all, I too am set to recover all. My story will read of how God helped recover all that I had lost in Jesus name. Amen. 


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