Day 67
Reading: Josh. 19:1 - Josh. 21:45
I used to wonder whether it's possible for all of God's promises to come to pass. You may say its doubt or unbelief. You might be in shock that I can say that of myself. However, life throws curve balls that leave you wondering whether God's promise will actually come through. Many times when this happens we say all things will work together for good, however, in reality, we are covering up our disappointment for not seeing the promise we held onto fulfilled.
There are many reasons why the promises don't come to pass. Unbelief, doubt, fear, are just some of the reasons. Impatience is another reason. God is not a drive by a fast food solution for life. You must learn to understand the power of patience. God's word cannot fail. If a promise has not come to pass don't blame God. Ask why?
Another reason I believe is a question of whether the promise is alive to us. Many times I realised I took a promise and claimed it as mine, however, it wasn't mine yet. Reading the answer booklet of someone else doesn't make it my own answer. I realised that I have a responsibility to hear God for myself regarding every situation and receive a promise. There is a difference between quoting a promise of the Bible and have a revelation of the promise. When you just quote because the Bible says so is very different from having the Holy Spirit remind you of a portion of scripture and give it you to use as a battle-axe in a given situation.
The tribes were all allotted land except the Levites who were allotted cities from each tribe. The High Priest was responsible for casting lots to allocate them land. He cast lots and assigned the land and cities. Simeon was given land in the portion of Judah. Judah we know is praise but do you know what Simeon means in the original? Simeon means heard, hears and obeys or hearkens. In the midst of praise, God placed a people who hear and obey. Learn to hear God and obey in the midst of praise. Hearken to the voice of God in the midst of praise.
The end of Joshua Chapter 21 contains another of my favourite scriptures. Every good promise came to pass. The law of Moses had 248 positive commandments. These are the 'Dos" which would result in blessings. Joshua and the children of Israel saw every good promise God gave come to pass. They obeyed the instructions of God which resulted in promises being fulfilled. This is what should be our legacy, that every good promise of Jehovah came to pass. Let this be our legacy. Shout a loud "Every good promise of God comes to pass over my life!"
Memory Verse: Josh. 21:45
Personalise this portion of Scripture
So the Lord gave to Charles all the land of which He had sworn to give to his fathers-Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-, and Charles took possession of it and dwelt in it. The Lord gave Charles rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to his fathers. And not a man of all his enemies stood against him; the Lord delivered all his enemies into his hand. Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to Charles. All came to pass. Josh. 21:43-45(italics mine)
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