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I am God's portion!

Day 61

Reading: Deut. 32:1- Deut. 34:12

God can see where you and I cannot. He knows the future and not just the present. Towards the end of Deuteronomy Chapter 31, God summons Moses and Joshua and there advised Moses that the people would one day walk away from serving Him. I can't imagine the challenge for Joshua. He had to ensure that this prophecy would not be fulfilled in his time. For Moses, it also was a warning to ensure that the people are aware that God can see their actions and he as the leader would ensure that he took every step to avert this. The song of Moses is the warning to the people.

'Lord may my words be heard in the heavens and earth. May my words be Your Words. Let my teaching be as rain; may my speech distil as dew does to the ground. May I proclaim Your Name.' This is my prayer that I am one whose teaching will result in rain to the life of the listener or reader. I don't teach to show off but to communicate the knowledge of the glory of God. Today, many believers don't want to understand teaching. They desire to be entertained whilst teaching gets one to understand.

I am God's portion. Not only is God my portion, I am His portion. The reason I cannot have anything to do with evil is that I am God's portion. If you share pizza each person gets a portion. That slice will have only the ingredients of the pizza. Being God's portion means that with God's hand coming on me to take me as His portion everything that is not right turns around. Shout "I am God's portion." You see disease, failure, or woes may think you are its portion, however, I have today received good news. I am God's portion. When you realise that you are God's portion then noting satanic can stick around. Satan can't touch God's portion.

Charles, as you walk with God don't forget God. Don't enjoy His blessings add weight and forget the One who saw you in the wilderness, encircled you, instructed you, blessed you and gave the land to you. Don't forget God at all. Don't forget or be unmindful of God who is your Father. Don't be a perverse person one who has no faith. Understand that vengeance belongs to God and that in due time calamity will come on those who are His enemies. Teach your children the Word of God and God will prolong your days here on earth.

One of the hardest and saddest things I have read in the Bible is that Moses spoke of the promise, saw the promise but didn't enter the promise. Reading this brought tears to my eyes as I prayed for mercy that I may never miss to enter what God has promised me. May I walk uprightly always for the glory of His name. Before Moses died, he spoke a blessing to the nation.

Jacob in Genesis 49 spoke blessings over His children which were prophetic decrees. Over Reuben, Jacob spoke some tough words that weren't a blessing. Moses reversed this decree. Declaring that Reuben would live and his men would not be few. Lord, let a 'Moses' arise who will speak this blessing on men who have been cursed by their fathers turning their lives around. Moses emphasised the blessing of Joseph. Get ready to see your enemies submit to you as God destroys them according to His word over your life.

Moses then went up the mountain and God showed him the land the children of Israel would possess. God must have taken Moses through a spiritual experience that he saw the whole land. He must have been taken through something similar to having satellite vision over an area. May God give us supernatural experiences to enable us to transverse the land by declaring the Word. When Moses died he was full of vigour at 120 years and his eyes weren't dim. It is possible to be old and full of vigour and have eyes that don't grow dim. Walking with God has benefits. Moses was buried by God. God didn't want the people to make Moses an idol. 

Memory Verse: Deut. 34:7


Personalise this scripture and declare it aloud.

“Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak; and hear O earth, the words of my mouth. Let my teaching drop as the rain, my speech distil as the dew, as raindrops on the tender herb, and as showers on the grass. For I proclaim the name of the Lord: ascribe greatness to our God. He is the Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice, a God of truth and without injustice; righteous and upright is He. Deut. 32:1-4. (italics mine)


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