Day 79
Reading: 1 Sam. 8:1 - 1 Sam. 10:27
God can see where you and I haven't even fathomed. He knows everything and is everywhere watching us. God is in our today and can see our tomorrow. He is God and holds the universe in His hands. Throughout the Bible, we see the love of God as He deals with humanity despite our wicked nature. One manner in which God brings us to the place of promotion is through divine connections. God can connect a person to provide the door to greatness leading to a life of favour.
Before we see the divine connection, God first gives some background happenings. The children of Israel began to ask for a king and they had a good reason. Samuel was old and his sons were corrupt. Reading about the failings of Samuel's sons made me wonder whether he didn't learn from Eli and his sons. The people in asking for a king were fulfiling scripture. When Moses gave the law he included some advice for when the people ask for a King just like other nations. In Deuteronomy Chapter 17 from verse 14 to verse 20, the principles governing kings were given. They had never been acted upon, now an opportunity was going to present itself. One principle that Moses decreed was that God would choose the king and not the people.
God had already had a person in mind. While Samuel was sad that the people were no longer going to be led by judges, for he would be the last, God was already one step ahead. Samuel had reason to be sad. It's human to never like change and Samuel was being asked to anoint a new system. Learn to appreciate new systems and not to take it personally when change is instituted. Samuel took it personally and was hurt, however, God was so loving in correcting him that it wasn't him the people were saying no to but God. When we don't embrace change we lose perspective and focus on ourselves which is wrong. God desires that we focus on the eternal purpose, not our selfish agendas when people demand change and you and I are not what they want. Let God always be the King and not ourselves in all of life.
Saul was looking for his father's donkeys that were missing. In his search, his servant gives him an idea that the prophet could help. The prophet was previously called a seer because they could see what was hidden. May God open our eyes that we may see into the unseen realm. His servant led him to the prophet whom Saul didn't know. Unknown to Saul, God had spoken to Samuel about the upcoming encounter and that he would meet the person set to become King.
It took searching for lost donkeys for Saul to have a divine encounter that would alter his destiny. God doesn't use those who are perfect. Those that God uses will stand out from everyone. Saul came from the smallest tribe and least known of the families. God can connect you with a person who will erase that from your family.
Samuel's prophetic utterances to Saul were mind-boggling to him. He was going to do what he had never done and in all this God was simply giving him signs that would give him faith to believe that his hour of greatness was beckoning. May God's signs of greatness flood our lives.
An encounter with a divine connection will do great things in one's life. You will receive an announcement from the divine connection that lifts you to a new level of living. A divine connection empowers you to become what you didn't know you could be. By reason of this kind of encounter, there is a grace that is released on the life of a person. A divine connection enables you to command in life. One becomes a new person with a new heart after an encounter with a divine connection. Suddenly your mind will envision what you didn't comprehend before. A divine encounter will leave you with a different fragrance in your life.
Saul was anointed in private before the people were all called together to receive the announcement. Heaven's seal over your life is first private before it becomes public. Don't seek the public seal if Heaven hasn't revealed itself to you in private. A point to note at such public announcements is that some people will not celebrate you and that shouldn't be of concern to you. May God connect us with our divine connectors.
Memory Verse: 1 Sam. 10:1
Thank You, Lord, for knowing me by name. Thank You because You can see ahead and have already planned for my well being. I decree that everything about my life lines up to the Word of God. Lord, I pray that every divine connection You have prepared for me, I will access them with ease. I open the gateways that I will access every blessing that a divine connection sent by You has for me. May I be a sign and may my life testify of Your wonders. I lay my life before You and desire that You be glorified in all that I do in Jesus name. Amen.
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