Day 90
Reading: 2 Sam. 12:1 - 2 Sam. 13:39
We rarely want to talk about sin, even more, the consequences of sin. In this dispensation we are living in many have ignored the consequences of sin. We want to love sinners and not talk about the sin which has them bound. In my walk as a Christian, I have discovered that sinning is easy and more importantly it is easy to silence every voice that will convict you of unrighteous acts. My intention is not to condemn, rather help you and myself mature to the place God desires. We have played with sin long enough. It is time to walk upright and see the goodness of God. Too many times we have confused mercy and justice. Also, this blog is a breakdown of the passages of each day without the full revelation of the entire Bible. We are building each day to understand the fullness of what God's counsel is. So please don't shut down and say we are not in that era. Understanding the shadow to see what really God availed you.
God sent His prophet, Nathan, to see David about his disobedience. Nathan walked David to the place where he realised that he had sinned. David in his pursuit of Bathsheba didn't show a hint of knowing that he was doing wrong. Nathan didn't arrive and condemn him first. The purpose of the parable was to show David his sin and the gravity of his misdeeds. One reason many who are caught in the trap of sin don't listen to correction is that their hearts and minds have no understanding of the actions. Yes, they know they did wrong, however, understanding is seeing things from God's point of view. Nathan's parable was to get David to see his actions and the consequences from God's point of view. Once a person sees their wrong actions from God's point of view they can easily walk into remorse leading on to repentance.
David immediately on learning of the gravity of his actions cries for mercy. He recognised his sin and immediately tells the prophet that he realises now that he has sinned against God. The fear of God immediately falls on David as he hears Nathan announce God's judgement on him for his disobedience. God is just. Don't think that atoning for sin will deflect justice. David encounters God's mercy in that Nathan didn't announce the death of David as payment for what he did to Uriah. Instead, Nathan tells him that he wouldn't die, however, the offspring that was born of sin would die.
Nathan also announces to David that the sword would never depart from his family. When the prophet told David the parable, David in anger uttered the judgement to be faced without knowing that he actually was judging himself. This taught me a lesson. Don't be harsh in judging others quickly in any matter of sin. What you utter will be used in equal measure against you.
The son born to Bathsheba dies after 7 days. During that period David sought God in fasting and prayer. On learning of the death of the child, he rises and goes to the House of God to worship Him. This is what separated David from other kings. God has just issued a judgement on him and even when he saw it come to pass regarding the child David went to worship God. This is maturity. If believers today would rise and worship after going through difficult times where the desired answer was not granted our walk with God would be deeper. Could this be the reason why Solomon was born and the Bible says that he was beloved of God? Worship God even when things don't go according to your plan and see what God gives to you.
God's word will always come to pass. Nathan had told David how the sword would kill members of his family. Ammon rapes his step-sister Tamar having listened to the crafty plan of his cousin Jonadab, and David did nothing to correct Ammon. This made Tamar's brother Absalom mad. He planned how one day he will execute Ammon. Absalom executed Ammon causing David to grieve for the loss of the son. Absalom also fled bringing more grief to his father. Sin surely has grievous consequences.
In conclusion, my prayer is that we experience crop failure of the seeds of sin sown. May God manifest His everlasting mercy to take away the consequences of sin. When Moses desired to see the glory of God, God passed before Moses manifested Himself as the Lord God who is merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abounding in goodness and truth. God revealed that He is the One Who keeps mercy, forgives iniquity and transgression of sin, clearing the guilty. May God show us His glory by clearing our guilty charges. Exodus 34:6.
Memory Verse: 2 Sam. 12:13
Lord, thank You for You are a God of Mercy. I repent of every sin that I have committed knowingly or unknowingly. May your mercy prevail over all that concerns me. Lord, I decree that I will continually encounter your mercifulness and testify that You are the One Who clears the guilty. Lord thank You for I know that Your mercy is unending. I decree that I will continually testify of God's mercy in Jesus name. Amen.
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