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Miraculous Springs

Day 73:

Reading: Judges 12:1- Judges. 15:20

Supporting our brothers and sisters is not an option. It's expected of us. However, the tribe of Ephraim were not happy that Jephthah went to battle without them. His answer revealed that he had invited them to fight alongside him however they had refused to accompany him. Walk in life knowing that sometimes the people you expect to help you are nowhere to be seen. Walk trusting in the help of God, not with the help of man.

From childhood, I heard the story of one judge, Samson. Samson's parents were barren when suddenly they were visited by God with news of a child. We are not told the wife's name however, she was very sensitive to the things of the Spirit. This couple must have been one whose hunger for God was evident. After the encounter, the wife recounts it to the husband, Manoah. His response is a simple prayer to God for more understanding. 

Manoah means rest. This gentleman was not angry that God showed up to his wife. He wasn't scared that his wife would have a supernatural encounter. Dear husband, pray that your spouse meets with supernatural encounters of God and not the devil. God is always willing to share more knowledge to helps us understand the purpose of a thing or life. The prayer by Manoah indicates a true desire to understand that they don't fail God's intention with the child they were being blessed with.  When the Angel of the Lord shows up the second time, the wife ran and called her husband. Talk about a united couple who feared God and were submitted totally to God.

From Genesis to Judges the power of the offering is on display. God is a covenant-making God, not just a covenant keeper. By giving the offering Manoah and his wife were telling God that they honour His word to them, were willing to walk in obedience to the instruction given, and were offering Him a thanksgiving offering. Is it any wonder that as the flame arose the Angel of the Lord arose in it? Learn to make a covenant with God. Don't just hear the Word and rejoice.

Samson begins to have encounters with the Spirit of God upon him. Samson means of the sun, his sun, his service, splendid sunshine. He was born during a dark period in the history of Israel and would provide sunshine to the people. Samson is an example of what happens when the Spirit of Might is operating in the life of a vessel given to God. Taking apart a lion, using a jawbone to kill a thousand men, was tied with rope and it came apart like he had been held with paper clips, took 300 foxes tied them in pairs and sent them to set alight the fields of the Philistines. 

However, with a powerful name implying that he was a liberator who would bring sunshine to the people, he also had weaknesses that the enemy sought to exploit. Early in his ministry, we note that he liked foreign girls. He desired to marry a lady that was not of his people something that troubled his parents who understood that this was a miracle child with a great destiny. Secondly, Samson would do things that were outrightly not allowed in the law. He took honey from the dead lion's jawbone and fed his parents with it. The Law of Moses prohibited eating from that which was dead. Thirdly, Samson didn't seem to listen to anyone. He was basically dealing with emotions that were unchecked, not submitted to God and had a disregard for authority whether divine, legal or parental. As a leader be careful of this cocktail of weaknesses. You may have survived so far however, the enemy is simply waiting for the big stage to finish you off and make you an example. To anyone who feels they have failed, God has not finished with you. Men will tell of your rising to greater. Believe God for restoration.

Samson defintiely was taught the art of prayer by his father. Parents let your children see you praying and teach them to pray. He had just killed a thousand men with a jawbone when he cries out to God for water. As I read this scripture tears flowed from my eyes and I prayed 'Lord, I am thirsty for Your water.' I know many reading this portion of scripture will agree with me that they are thirsting for God to manifest in their lives. I then heard the Spirit of God say to me, "Charles, the ground where you are will split and water will flow for you.' My prayer is that every reader will see the water of God flow towards them. The place where the water flowed Samson named En Hakkore, meaning Miraculous Springs. No matter what life has called where you are, get ready to call it Miraculous Springs. That barren place, business, ministry, career, family will become a fruitful place as God will cause water to flow towards you. The ground split for Samson, it will happen for you and I. God split the ground not a human being. God is coming through for you and I.

Memory verse: Judges 14:6


Father, I surrender to You. I repent of not walking right according to Your Word. I declare that I will serve You all the days of my life. I pray that You will baptise me afresh with Your Spirit. I pray that God will open the ground and quench my thirst that my life is not given to those who don't know God. Lord, manifest Yourself in all that pertains to me. I pray that the ground will split that Your water may flow to quench my thirst in Jesus name. Amen.


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