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Maintain The Throne of Life

Day 80

Reading: 1 Sam. 11:1 - 1 Sam. 13:23

God has established a throne for you. Don't limit where you are as all that God has ordained for you. Saul came from looking for his father's donkeys to becoming the King of Israel. God can take you from anywhere to the throne He planned for you. Once we are sat on the throne remember the adage that maintaining is harder than obtaining. It takes great responsibility to maintain the throne that God establishes you to reign in. 

Saul was told in private that he would be king by Samuel and shortly after an announcement to the population was made of their king. Not everyone was happy with the choice and I'm sure he knew, however, God was about to make sure people saw Saul not just as a handsome tall man but as an excellent warrior. The men of Jabesh Gilead were attacked by the Ammonites which set a chain reaction of events culminating in God giving victory to Saul and the children of Israel over the Ammonites. This battle was to consolidate the people to rally behind Saul. God will often take you to a place of battle where He will deal with every doubt against your appointment. 

At the coronation of Saul, Samuel laments that the people have gone the way of the world in desiring a king. Samuel in closing the reign of judges over Israel he recounts all that the nation had been through and how God had always provided a leader who led His people to liberty. Samuel does something that many politicians in corrupt regimes would wilt. He asked if he had done or gotten anything corruptly. The people all declare that Samuel didn't take anything from anyone falsely or induce anyone so as to gain improperly. If we had retiring leaders of government, corporations and business have audits done to ensure they had not used their positions to gain improperly or unjustly I believe we would have better and responsible governments.

Samuel's charge at the coronation was that the king and the people should continue obeying God fully. The king had a responsibility to ensure that the people followed God and not the idols. Our leaders at every level from the family to national level have a responsibility to direct people to God and not an idol. As a leader, you have the responsibility to strive to walk in obedience to the commandment of God.

In the middle of the coronation, Samuel does a very interesting thing. He calls on God to send rain. This was during the harvest season of wheat which would damage the crop. Also, this would have been a sign of significance because the harvest season is usually not a rainy time. The people on seeing that God had answered Samuel understood that they had sinned by asking for a king and not for God. May I ask you a question? Is the rain you are experiencing taking your harvest away? Have you asked for another king and not the King of kings? Be careful that which you are seeking is not taking the place of the King of kings. 

The people begged that Samuel would not cease praying for them. Samuel even in knowing that he was no longer the defacto leader of the nation was not bitter in his response. His response that he would always pray for them is a lesson for the believer today. Do you pray for the nation daily or is it only when there is bad news? Do you pray for others always or are you a selfish Christians whose cry to God is always about Me, myself and I? Do you only pray for the government that favours you? Samuel was determined to pray for the nation of Israel and would not stop praying for them even when they made wrong decisions that affected him. 

The Philistines on hearing that Jonathan had attacked one of their garrisons soon assembled an army to fight the children of Israel. Saul had been advised by Samuel that he was to wait for 7 days and Samuel would arrive to make a sacrifice to God.  Saul made the sacrifice because Samuel tarried, however, as he completed the sacrifice Samuel appeared. This simple act lost Saul the throne.

Saul lost the throne because of the following reasons:

  • He feared the people more than God.
  • He did what he was not meant to do. Samuel was to make the offering not him. Disobedience is costly.
  • Saul was impatient. Many today don't see the breakthrough of God because they are impatient running towards war when God still requires we wait on Him. Saul moved not because the Philistines attacked but because his people feared and began to flee. 
  • As a leader, Saul did exude confidence in God. This made the people flee. A leader draws people together yet Saul watched as his nation went into hiding. He was anointed as the commander of Israel yet, he oozed no authority.
  • He didn't take responsibility for his mistake revealing a hard heart towards the things of God. 
  • Saul is the example of a carnal believer, a believer who is moved by what they see not what God is about to do. 
  • Saul showed no remorse or repentance when judgement was made regarding his actions. 
The reasons above are lessons to learn to ensure we don't lose the throne of life that we are anointed to command. Saul was sacked, yet he remained king. He hadn't reigned for 5 years and God already had a replacement for him. Saul didn't cry for mercy from God. We don't see any remorse from Saul or repentance regarding this matter. What a hard heart he must have had towards God! May God cause our hearts to be of flesh that we yearn for Him more than the flesh. 

When Saul met Samuel in 1 Samuel 9v22 he reveals his mindset. Saul was from the smallest tribe and least family. He couldn't see how God could use him. Could this helmet of a mindset be the reason behind his demise? What helmet of a mindset is blocking you from accessing the great promises of God? You see a helmet of a mindset determines the perspective you view life with. Be careful as it may be the reason you never enjoy the throne of life as God intended by being a blessing to others. Dedicate yourself and make every effort to replace your mindset with God's view.

Memory Verse: 1 Sam. 12:19


Declare this scripture over all that concerns you.

“Now, Charles, stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes" 1 Sam. 12:16(paraphrased and italics mine)


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