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Showing posts from 2012

He Alone

In the midst of the challenges of life and many pursuits of life I have discovered that only one person should occupy the centre of life. I have discovered that living a life without God in the centre is disastrous. No matter what the challenge in life you are facing, irrespective of the obstacles that are standing before you; despite the Goliath facing you, the mountain standing before you or the walls of Jericho resisting your progress or the armies set against your progress God remains God!!!  Remind yourself always that He is God and there is no other. He was not elected God, however you must make the choice and let Him reign always as God irrespective of what circumstances say. God's tenure cannot be curtailed as He is Eternal in existence and has no ending as He is the Beginning and the End.  You may ask why should I have God in the centre of my life. I have discovered that God is the Creator, and not having Him in the centre will derail the journey of life. Not...

Guard Your Destiny

You and I are born for a reason. Too many people are living life as destiny helpers and never achieving their dreams. This year has been one where I have searched my heart and sought my Maker, the Creator, seeking light on the path I am travelling on. Many today are in tears because they feel that life has them bound and they cannot ascend higher whilst others feel as though there is a ceiling to which they cannot go above. We were born to shine not dwell in darkness!! We are more than conquerors when life is lived in line with God's purpose and design. As the days have passed by over the last few months I have kept asking myself what is the secret to getting to the top? What must we do that we may live the life that shines brightly here on earth? What do you and I need to do that our lives may count towards affecting other countless lives? It all begins with asking what was I born to do here on earth. Every dream achiever begins by seeking their purpose before planning the jo...

Clear Sky

As autumn is settling in, the nights getting colder, the days filled with rain and slight wind we all know that we are getting ready for winter. As it gets colder we cover up more as we fight the cold draughts that can easily cause sickness. Whilst walking home two days ago the sky was clear which was rather unusual considering the awful weather we were experiencing; the full moon was a beauty to behold and the countless stars shined brightly. Looking into the clear sky I forgot about every situation niggling on my mind and as I stood I was in awe of the beauty and majesty of the brilliance of the clear sky above me. Too many times in life we allow what is around us to cloud our vision. One thing I learnt that night was that nothing should becloud my vision. I can only go up in life when my vision is clear, however as long as we allow our vision to beclouded by the challenges of life we encounter stagnation and regression. Abraham wanted a son, God had promised him one, yet until ...

Press On

The last quarter of the year will soon be dawning on us. As I thought about what to share with everyone one word kept coming to my heart and mind: TIRED. Many people are tired as the year is entering this period and as a result will finish the race flagging and not emphatically.  I do recognise that the times we are living in are tougher by the day and for many it appears as though life is never going to reward them with their desires. Many times we have knocked on doors and yet none has opened and as a result we being human we start behaving and responding in a despondent manner. Not only that but our vision is now a clouded perspective that only appears to be filled with nothing but the challenges of the present day and not hope any more. The real winners in life never give up. Abraham was 99 when having believed for 24 years his wife suddenly told him that she was expecting. Joseph went through a pit and prison but still held on to the dream of his being a ruler. Jesus ...

Going Up

Today as I rode on the train into work coming out of a tunnel, while meditating on how in life we go through tunnels of darkness, I saw a plane taking off. It was a site to behold and the coincidence of happening to be coming of a dark tunnel as the flight was taking off made me marvel in wonder at God's goodness. I heard a voice repeat to me that the same way as I have seen a plane taking off while coming out of a tunnel my life is taking off to higher heights. I recently celebrated my birthday and as I took time to rest and wait on God, He made it clear that the tunnel of darkness was behind me. While studying the scriptures I came across a scripture that has blown my mind away over the last few days. As I read this passage I could not help but marvel at God's love. Whatever has hindered my progress I have news for it, your time is over and God's time is here and now. I hope this passage will be a blessing to you as well. May His promises over your life come to pass....

Open Letter

Dear Friend, As I sat down and pondered on my day you came to mind. I cannot but marvel at how in the midst of the storm your life is in right now, you have remained steady. Looking at how a hurricane sweeps through a place you see trees being uprooted and others swaying but they remain planted. You have remained planted through the storm and that for me has been very encouraging. While reflecting on this I decided to write this open letter to say thank you to all who inspire others to keep walking in the face of adversity. Why thank you? Your faithfulness is a lesson to us all. The characteristic of persistence that you display is a beacon of light in the midst of many who are giving up on pursuing their dreams. While thinking about the goodness of God that allows one to keep walking on even when it does not make sense, I was reminded of Sarah who waited for 25 years before a promise became reality. I thought about Ruth who had high hopes when she married her first hu...

What If?

Many times I wake up and wonder what if. Have you ever just sat down and appraised your life and wondered what if?  I am sure you have questioned yourself all in the name of self evaluation especially when things are not working right. As I sat on my bed on Sunday and went through a conversation that I had earlier that day I suddenly asked myself this question "What if?" As I looked through my life that night I kept crying out the same question.  In the midst of the turmoil within my soul I was reminded who My Maker is. Friends cannot make you, nor can family, neither can the well paying job, or even a billionaire spouse, or being the most gifted person!! Only God can make into the person that shines as a bright star. Isaiah the prophet encouraged people to make the God the Maker their husbands Isaiah 54:1 . Get intimate and submit your life to God who made heaven and earth and watch as He makes your life. Unless you are walking in union with God as your Maker He can...

Change Inducers

Last week I shared of a cry within my heart for change. I will reiterate that I am truly fed up with life as it has been and have made up my mind that a new chapter in my life is beginning. I am determined that I will make an impact not only to this generation but to others that follow. To see the changes I desire to see I fully understand that there is a process and it requires my active participation for manifestation to be glorious. As I thought about the change I desired, it has become clear to me the important role studying has in bringing about change. Change is not brought by mere chance. Thomas Edison tried and tried many times until he created the light bulb that worked. Each time he failed he said he learnt something. Studying allows one to acquire knowledge which when applied correctly gives one wisdom to succeed in life. I have over the last few days been drawing up a reading plan to cover between September and December this year that will place me at the right place t...

Enough is Enough

Have you ever gotten to a place where you are fed up with the life you have lived so far and just desire to see a change. Over the last few days in the midst of the euphoria of being in the host city of the Olympic games I have become very discontent with my life. Now I am not being ungrateful that I am alive or even healthy; and I am not complaining. I just don't think I have achieved all that God has destined for me. I believe and know that I was born to influence this world for God. I was born to make a difference not just be different. In the middle of the night recently while walking the streets I began to cry as I realised that I haven't even scratched the surface of all that I can be. As I looked within myself and looked at all that God has for me I realised that its time to make necessary changes that will affect every area of my life. God has placed a hunger within me to strive for more and it begins with a Change begins with a cry. A cry for better or more; a...

Time For Change

Everyone is born with a desire to achieve. Not everyone's desire is the same thus measuring desire for achievement cannot be computed by an equation without taking into account many factors that vary with every person. Over the last few weeks as I have looked within and without and I have felt the need to change my life is what God desires most. One cannot achieve much in life without change. We are constantly tweaking areas of our lives to achieve more. Change is a constant in our lives whether we like it or not.  The bible is replete with examples of men and women who achieved fulfilment in life when they changed. Elisha changed from a farmer to being the person God called him to be. Esther changed from the simple girl to the being a queen after 1 year of beautification; the disciples were changed from mere men to becoming apostles after spending time with the Master.  The time for change is here. The challenges we are facing in life are to help cultivate the condit...

New Garment

Everyday you and I are shedding skin. Science tells us that we have brand new skin every 25-45 days, for the days we are living in we must do some shedding to go forward. As I reflected on what I have encountered and the many dreams I have for this year I was reminded of the words of Jesus that we are to wise as serpents Matthew 10:16 . Snakes are famous for shedding of skin, could this have been the wisdom He mentioned? We cannot operate with the same wisdom of yesterday to create a successful tomorrow. The time to acquire fresh wisdom for our present day and future dreams is upon us.  Why is it necessary to acquire fresh wisdom? Change or evolution, as skin shedding, is will cause one's life to revolve. Change is associated with a revolution. To get to the place of victorious living a revolution of one's life must take place. How do I bring about this shedding of yesterday's wisdom? Firstly, walk before God. Abraham tried everything he could to get a son but God ...

Get Ready to Breakthrough

Constantly we are faced with decisions to make. As we travel on this journey called life, we discover the road is one filled with twists and turnings and not just valleys and mountains. I don't know where you are but I have news for you...Get ready for your breakthrough is round the corner!!! Four lepers were sat outside a city that facing a dire famine  2 Kings 7:3-10 . Many of us been defined by life's circumstances and are sat outside the place of rest, the place of activity, the place of recognition, the place of affiliation, the place of our maximisation. Yet the Bible tells us that these 4 letters were the bearers of good news to the city that ejected them. Your day of good news is here. The lepers did two main things to see the miracle birthed in their lives: Resolved to take action about their situation. Don't just seat there hoping and praying. Do something that will activate your miracle. Faith is an action not a seating down and mourning about the situ...

Don't Give Up

As I was making my way home from work in the midst of the rush hour traffic on the underground I began to feel the frustration that was weighing down on the hearts of many. Life is not getting easier and neither is it slowing down.  With all the news and tough situations many are facing today, many are living frustrated lives. When nothing seems to be happening and the mountain one is facing is slowly getting bigger and bigger life becomes a frustrating chore. As I reflected on the scenario before me of the frustrations that many are facing God reminded me of the fact that Abraham didn't waver at the promise of God but strengthened himself in faith being fully convinced that what God had promised He was well able to do Romans 4:18-21. Your situation is not unique and should not intimidate you causing you to buckle under but you should feed your faith and look up to God who in control.  Don't look at the waves of the sea bellowing all around you but look at the One...

Seek God

We all agree that the world we live in today is in the middle of some very tough times. Nothing seems to makes sense especially when I listen to some of the news. Over the last few days God has reminded me that we are living in perilous times and only His prescription is available for this season. Making more money is not the answer neither is giving up. The best prescription to anyone for the times we are living in is to draw close to God James 4:8 . By drawing closer to God, you will be shielding your faith; you will be connecting yourself with the one who is the Source of all life. By drawing closer to God you will be choosing to drink of the Fountain of life Psalms 36:9, where you will discover that God's grace to live sets you up for higher living than you may perceive if you are faithless towards God. Why must I draw closer to God to make it in this turbulent times? Firstly, because He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. Secondly, because failure to draw closer...

All Of My Help

Life can be draining sometimes, especially when you have so many demands to address. In this fast paced world we live in its easy to lose focus on who God is to us. With all the shakings going on in the world either economically, politically, socially, or environmentally, its easy to just give up and begin to lose hope. As I sat and reflected on what is happening in this world God began to remind me that I need to constantly remind myself that all of my help comes from Him Psalms 121 . He alone is My Maker and is in the business of making me as the systems of this world cannot do what He can. What we are seeing in the world today is a shaking where everything that is not built on the foundation of God is falling apart.This is not the time to waver from one side to another; neither is it the time to just let life happen. This is the time to get closer to God like never before. This is the time to look to Him and no other. This is not the time to walk in life by how one feels in the...


Over the last few days I have constantly and consistently been reminded that I am called to a victorious lifestyle. I know that I am in a new season and change will be seen all over my life. Before light filled the earth, God had to declare it and I perceive that I am in a new season that I will define and not allow the enemy of my soul to define my life. One scripture has been on my heart since Sunday evening and I have just been using it to declare the goodness of God in my life. The Word of God says "The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good inheritance." Psalms 16:6 NKJV . As I reflected on this passage it became clear to me that the boundaries of the inheritance that is my portion is defined by my declarations of God's promises over my life. It dawned on me that the inheritance God has given to me does not include the misfortunes of life, the sorrows and afflictions that sometimes accompany this journey. The boundaries of God's inher...

Rise up and walk

Happy new month!! I woke up excited that I was privileged to see another new day and for that matter the beginning of a new month. It may be just another day but I woke up with a knowing within myself that I was standing at the door of a new season in my life. One day Jesus stood in front of a man who lay on a bed waiting for an angel to stir the waters and instructed him to rise up and walk John 5:1-8 . You are only one instruction away from a new season. More importantly, you and I can experience an encounter with God and see a turnaround of our fortunes. As I prepared in the morning, I kept hearing that this month will be a new beginning.  Maybe the past has been tough;maybe you didn't see any movement or change in your circumstances; I have news for you. A new season of glory lies ahead of you. No record is in the bible of this man praying or calling on Jesus to resolve his case. May this month bring unexpected miracles of joy in your direction. Have your ears open to ...

Don't Quit

Things just seem to be getting tougher a friend said to me recently. As they said this I perceived within their words that they were on the verge of giving up. Many times as we go through life we face difficulties that seem to challenge every belief we hold on to. As I sat and reviewed my life, the year so far, the days ahead it became clear to me that I needed to buckle up and resolve that no matter what the battle or how tough life looks I will hold on to my faith in God and not quit. Looking through the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11 we see people who obtained the promises given by God and each one of them persevered even when all looked lost. Abraham and Sarah waited for 25 years before they held their son. David overcame Goliath by holding on to the faith that Goliath was not bigger than God, and he had no right to terrorise the children of Israel.  My simple encouragement to you this week is don't quit. Reading through Hebrews 11, I was encouraged to stand firm and abso...

A Letter to a Friend

Dear Friend, After our conversation I decided to write to you and encourage you. It's been a while since I wrote a letter but your tears brought me to tears as I felt your pain. Everyone has a fight in their hands one day or other. Let God fight on your behalf as He is the Creator and fully understands our aches and pains. Challenging circumstances in whatever shape or form they come create only darkness. Darkness that seems to make everything else void and of null effect. You know that darkness that even when someone is trying to encourage you all your mind is saying is you don't understand!! Whatever your situation is right now, I want to hold your hand and extend a hug with these few pointers of encouragement. Firstly, don't lose hope. The enemy knows that once hope is gone from within, you are simply a sitting duck that will be ticked off this cycle of life. Without hope you cannot have faith Hebrews 11:1 . Look up to God not the situation Psalms 121:1-2. Secondly, ...

Am Persuaded!!!

I woke up this morning with a serious headache, not that any headache is not serious but I don't wake up with headaches. As I tossed and turned in bed and wondered whether I should lie in for a few more hours and hopefully get better or just get going as I had a busy day planned out, I began to just ask whether this headache would stop my day. I decided to reflect on God's goodness over my life and hold onto the promise of health that is my assurance. While reflecting on His goodness and mercies I recalled one promise that solidified my commitment that even in the midst of trouble of whatever shape or form, God has me in mind.Paul said in  2 Timothy 1:12  " For thi s reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to  Him until that Day."NKJV I don't know what challenge you are facing in life; don't know what is troubling you or causing shame in y...

God is Committed to You.

Everyday when I wake up I am reminded that God has given me another day. His mercies are new every morning because God is faithful to you and I Lamentations 3:22-23 . You and I are have an assurance that God is compassionate towards us and nothing can change that. As I was reflecting on the day that lay ahead of me, God reminded me that He daily loads my day with benefits Psalms 68:19 . God's commitment to you and I is such that every new day He has benefits that are assigned to us. Yesterday may have been great, but what God has instore for you today is greater than yesterday. Too many times we miss the blessings of God because we are looking back, whereas the benefit that God has bestowed upon your life is in front of you and you can't see it because of where your focus lies. I don't know what you may be going through right now. It may be a financial challenge, a medical condition, a judicial enquiry, relational breakdown, a psychological fixation, a physiologically gen...


Thoughts have a huge role to play in one's destiny. As a result I have been vigorously watching how I think. The realisation that my thoughts affect my tomorrow made me realise that I have the responsibility to think right and not just right but to think the God-kind of thoughts.  While meditating I began to go through characters in the bible who had to undergo mindset changes to see the miraculous take place. I across Gideon in the bible who came from being the lowest to be a leader Judges 6 . He came from behind to the front and all it took was acceptance of God's thoughts towards him. As soon as Gideon had adjusted his perceptions from the negative place of failure and bondage to seeing himself as God saw him he began to take the right steps forward in life. God's messenger greeted Gideon with an adjective "Mighty". Gideon didn't see himself as mighty but once he began to see himself as mighty he began to do the extraordinary. As soon as you begin to see ...

It Ain't Over Yet

Some days in life one feels as though its over; you know those moments when all hope seems to be gone; when the miracle your hoping for isn't anywhere near likely. Those are the days when daylight is simply a blur, when hope is not even a figment of the imagination, when darkness seems to be the best description to everything all around. As I got ready for the day, I just thought about different characters in the bible who were faced with horrific situations but still saw God come through. I just needed to encourage myself. Let me tell you about Jabez, who was called so by his mum because she bore him in pain 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 . Now I don't know how long pain killers have been around but pain and child birth are synonymous. The pain she associated him with must have been a different kind of pain that beclouded her so much that contractions seemed irrelevant. All his life he was followed by this pain whenever his name was mentioned.  I don't know what pain has followed y...

I Still Believe

Life is full of twists and turns that sometimes just take the wind out of us. Over the last few weeks speaking with friends and also hearing from others I began to perceive that many of us are in a battle. Your battle may vary from one person to another but it is still a battle. I woke today morning with one resolve that irrespective of the heat of the battles around me I make the choice to believe the Word of God. The Word of God frames the world( Hebrews 11:3 ) and I am resolute and will stand firm in my belief that God's promises for me are yea and Amen. I made up my mind that no matter what the enemy tries I won't back away from holding onto the Word of God. Peter asked Jesus to speak a word that he may walk on water an action that he did once Jesus had spoken the word. Peter though began to focus on the storm and the waves that were blowing that his focus moved from Jesus to the storm, which resulted in him sinking and calling for help. The secret to walking through the ...

More Room

Welcome to March, the third month in the year. I have every expectation that this year will be glorious and exceptional not because of positive thoughts but because my thinking is fuelled by my faith in God. Studying the scriptures reveals that those who have faith in God have glorious outcomes no matter the circumstances they face. Today while at prayer it became clear that God has every intention of making room for me in every place I am contending in life and was interested in my being fruitful in the land. God is concerned with every frustration that negates my livelihood as it restricts my fruitfulness in life. He is concerned because every frustration slows me down from fulfilling my purpose. As I meditated on the fact that it's God's desire for me to be fruitful I realised that God is not pleased in one who gives up. Had Isaac given up he would not have come to a place called Rehoboth Genesis 26:22 . God's desire for us whenever we face frustration is not to give u...

L.E.A.P Forward

In the midst of unexpected climatic changes, the economic turmoil, civil unrest in some parts of the world, change in many places, I have every expectation that this year is one to leap forward in life. Everyday this year we have an offer to sign a contract in life. The offer is simply to accept things as they come or to determine to build a life as God has designed you to be. You were not born to be run over but to leap over in life. You were not born to be dejected but to inject life into this world. You were not born to be forgotten but to be remembered for having influenced the world to go in the right direction. How do we leap forward in life? L: Lovingly. A loving person will ride any storm and arrive on the other side victorious. Determine to live full of love and as you do so watch as you move from the latitude of failure to that of prosperity. Jesus loved you and I that He died and rose again for us. He leapt from death into life. E: Expectation . Be full of positive ...

The Bridge

I had gone through a tumultuous few days and really just wanted to hear God soothe me and tell me it will be fine even though I was down but not out when I realised the importance of a bridge in life. We use bridges to get to the other side usually going over something that stands or seats as an obstacle to your progress. As I thanked God for being alive even though I really didn't feel like it I began to walk on the bridge to the other side. Many times when we are faced with trouble we remain at one spot instead of crossing to the other side. What makes the bridge from the place of trouble to the place of safety? The first bridge builder is the Word of God. Abraham and Sarah were barren but God promised them a son. In Genesis 21 we read that God visited and did to Sarah what He had promised to do, which was cause her womb to become alive and to conceive. She held onto the promise of God and this promise built her future bringing her from impossibility to the miraculous. As you ...

My Cry

Everyday I talk to different people due to the nature of my job and I and encounter the different cries of many. Everyone has a cry within their heart for a desire that they long to be fulfilled. Yesterday whilst talking to a friend whom I regularly talk to I discovered that they were worried about their future yet they hadn't expressed this side of their inner heart. Yes, I knew what the issue was but didn't realise the depth or gravity of the cry. As I reflected on this I began to pray a prayer I saw David the Psalmist had prayed. "Let me be happy and joyful!!" Psalms 51:8a CEV .  That was the cry of a broken man and represents the desire of many today whose lives are broken. As I continued in meditation it became clear that this year will be a year where God responds to this peculiar inner cry. You may have desired for long to see a miracle or need met, wait patiently knowing that God is for you and will cause you to hear joy and gladness once again in every area...

Pulled Out of the Horrible Pit.

Every morning I make a habit of reading the Psalms to help me start my day off with praise to God. This habit also helps me maintain an atmosphere of gratitude,  as I have found it easy to moan in the world we live in. This morning as I read the Psalms for my devotion I was amazed at how God is in the business of pulling one out of the horrible pit that circumstances sometimes turn out to be. As I thought about this, I realised that this year I have no business being a resident of any horrible pit in life.  For the year to be all that I am expecting, I have no business dwelling in the pit of sorrow, failure, regret, moaning or mourning. As I meditated about the awesome power of God to pull me out of any horrible pit, I realised God this year will pull us out of every mess. You and I are in the age where the mess becomes a message of hope and change. God will pull you out of the pit and place you on solid ground. There can be no other solid footing other than the Jesus who is...


As I was preparing yesterday morning my spirit within was bubbling with a word. This word created a buzz within me, an excitement of the glorious expectations within me being fulfilled. This year will be great and I am convinced not only of its greatness but I will see God's goodness in all that pertains to my life Psalms 27:13b . The word that's been an inspiration to me, even as I write is NOW!!!Faith is found only in the NOW Hebrews 11:1 . As I declared that I am in the NOW season of God's blessing in my life an acronym dropped into my spirit.  N: Nevertheless - Irrespective of the past and present circumstances I am convinced that the NOW moment we are in is also a nevertheless moment. In spite of the present circumstances, God's promises will manifest into reality for those who believe Him wholly.  O: Obedience - This is what turns the key to opening the door of God's blessings. Faith without obedience leads nowhere. It's explicit and implicit obedience t...


As I went to bed last night I thought about my mission statement. Now you may wonder why I had such a thought, but to remain focused in the world today one has to constantly keep reminding themselves of why they exist. While reflecting, God reminded me that the key to seeing the impossible become possible is in believing Mark 9:23 . Life is always questioning what you believe. Your faith is under siege everyday and  we have a responsibility to maintain our faith. When Jesus gave the response to the gentleman that all things are possible if you believe, the gentleman was undergoing a traumatic experience and had approached Jesus seeking an answer and most certainly not a verbal one. To his surprise, the responsibility for the miracle was returned to him. You are responsible for the outcome of every situation you have as God's power is activated by our faith in Him. To see this year become a successful year, you need to partner with God. You ask 'how do I partner with God?'...

Look Ahead

I lay in bed thanking God for the day whilst at the same time my heart was weighed down by some issues that I just was concerned about. As I thanked God for life, God began to speak to me to look ahead.  As I meditated on those words I was reminded of an account in the bible where God stood in front of Moses and allowed him to see all His goodness Exodus 33:19. This incident took place in a desert, where Moses was surrounded by  sand, was eating manna for sustenance and am sure life didn't look great as the children of Israel he was leading constantly complained. God painted a picture of a bright future and Moses embraced it not allowing his present circumstances to hinder his seeing his future. I want to challenge you to look ahead and not allow the trials, failings, circumstances of the past and present to become an obstacle to possessing your future. Let God paint your future while you embrace it by pursuing it passionately. As you embrace it walking towards the purpose a...

The Door

Congratulations on arriving into 2012. This year I am getting set to walk into places that are closed to man but not to God. I am getting set for the best days of my life and know that I will enter places that will only be summarised as divine. You may wonder why I am so sure that I will enter places that man cannot get one into. Note the following incident recorded in the bible. When Jesus resurrected He entered the room where the disciples were even though the doors were shut which meant no human being could enter John 20:26 . Not only did He enter through the walls that were humanly impenetrable but he also ate a meal with them Luke 23:42-43 . By virtue of the resurrection you and I are accorded certain benefits that bring us to divine levels. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the grave is also resident within you and I to give us life that sets us apart Romans 8:11 . This year anyone who sees Jesus as the Door and willingly enters through Him will breakthrough like never bef...