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Showing posts from July, 2018

Father Abraham had many sons!

Day 191 Reading: Isaiah 51:1 - Isaiah 53:12 While in Sunday School I was taught a song. I am sure you also know the song and many times one may even declare this song in prayer. The song was titled "Father Abraham". We declared how Abraham had many sons and I am one of them. Yes, God promised Abraham that he would have many descendants and this song helped birth that promise in us at a young age Genesis 12:1-3 . As a child of Abraham, every believer needs to understand the path trodden by Abraham.  Isaiah declares to God's children that they must look to the rock from which they are hewn from. Notice that Isaiah didn't speak of the root but the rock; not a pebble but a rock; not a leaf but a rock; not a liquid but a rock. A leaf can be blown by the wind to and fro, a liquid can change its state to gas depending on the heat applied, while a pebble may be crushed easily. A rock, on the other hand, is solid, unshaken while the forces and tempests of life blo...

God Is Leading You

Day 190 Reading: Isaiah 45:1 - 50:11 God desires to lead us. God desires we place our trust in Him wholly for He will teach us to profit. In leading us we live by the promises of God. The Lord God has promised us that His Word cannot fail, that which He declares will come to pass. You and I are assured that we are inscribed in the palms of God's hands to signify how much attention God pays to us whilst protecting us from our enemies. In the midst of these wonderful promises, God will raise a person that He will use for His purposes. What promises can we take along as we are led by God? Firstly, He has called us by name. The power behind your position is not the title but who backs you up. If you work for some corner shop and have the powerful title of CEO it may make you powerful. However, you are no match for the CEO of say Google. I have given this illustration to help you understand the magnitude of the call of God over your life. When you are sure of your identity ...

Fear Not!

Day 189 Reading: Isaiah 43:1 - Isaiah 44:28 Fear paralyses the faith and actions of any person. When you hear a dog in Africa barking, the chill behind your spine is one of trepidation because you know that that animal may have you as its main course. However, animal lovers will tell you that every animal senses when a person is fearful. The animal picks a sense of fear and capitalises on it. That is how the enemy works. Once he perceives fear in a person they become prey. No wonder that God constantly declares 'Fear Not' or "Do not be dismayed'.  Why should we not fear? Here are a few reasons.  Fear Not because God has redeemed us. The devil has no claim on us for God owns us and has called us by name. We are owned by God and not the devil. Fear Not because God is with you even through the trails and valleys of life. No matter what you are facing have the attitude of David who declared that even while walking through the valley of the shadow of death he fe...

Power of Prayer

Day 188 Reading: Isaiah 38:1 - Isaiah 42:25 Every human being needs to breathe to live. There is an aspect of our walk with God that is akin to breathing. It's called prayer. Without prayer a believer is lifeless. Prayer enables one to see the Life-Giver in action. When one breathes oxygen is taken in and it is distributed in the blood to the body. When you exhale carbon dioxide you are expelling death out of the body. Prayer is taking in the air of God and exhaling that which is the agenda of death. To breathe the life of God and see its fruit in our lives we need to understand the place and importance of prayer. Hezekiah understood the power of prayer. When told of his impending death, he cried to God in prayer, reminding God of his service to Him and the result was a life extension. Prayer will see death turned around.  Prayer ties you to God. Prayer is the avenue through which one receives the grace and strength that God gives. Without prayer, we cannot see God...

Take the Devil to Heaven's Court

Day 187 Reading: Isaiah 35:1 - Isaiah 37:38 When God repeats a matter 3 times there must something He is emphasising to us. Today's portion of scripture contains the story of King Hezekiah and his encounters with the king of Assyria Sennacherib. We find a record of this encounter in 2 Kings chapters 18 and 19. The same encounter is also given to us in 2 Chronicles 32. To find it here again made me ponder what is God is emphasising in this matter. Firstly, the enemy doesn't rest at attacking anyone. He may go away for a period but not forever. Learn that your enemy will always return to seek to make you captive. The enemy desires to draw you away from worshipping God. The enemy's desire is that you stop trusting God. Secondly, God is able to fight for us. As Hezekiah cried to God, Isaiah was prophesying the death of Sennacherib. When Sennacherib went to take Jerusalem, he blasphemed against God mocking the altar of the Living God. God doesn't need an arm...

Beware of Complacency

Day 186 Reading: Isaiah 32:1 - 34:17 In the midst of my Bible Study of the Book of Isaiah yesterday I heard the Lord clearly warn me. Yes, today I will share about this warning. Even as I write my heart is still trembling to seek the face of God that I may not fail in my duty. God is concerned that many today including me only want to hear the good and never the tough message of love that comes from correction. God is a loving Father who not only cares about us and is willing to show us His goodness with gifts however God is also not unjust.  He cannot see wrong and overlook it.  As I read today's portion of scripture, I understood why God had warned me. It was a warning against complacency. Many times we become complacent and never hunger for God as we once did. I realised that I had become complacent in certain areas and needed to return to God. We live in a world that is being judged and the complacent one will suffer for not keeping the flame of God alive. Many also ...

God Will Be Gracious

Day 185 Reading: Isaiah 29:1 - Isaiah 31:9 God is a good God. It doesn't matter what your circumstances are saying God is good. God is by nature a good God. It's His desire that we enjoy His goodness in every area of life. The enemy has made it his responsibility to detract you from living the life of enjoying God's goodness. Get ready to enjoy the goodness of God for He will be gracious to you and me in this season. Get ready to see God wipe your tears away for He will be gracious to you.  Where you have been deaf in life God is opening your ears that you hear the words of the Book of life. The Psalmist spoke and declared that there are words that are wriitten for our lives Psalms 40:7 . The time to hear what is written for us is now that we may walk in pathway of the written words according to the books of heaven. In times before you were deaf to opportunities that God had carved for you and thus you missed them. I announce to you that the God in this season ...

Focus Above Not Below

Day 184 Reading: Isaiah 26:1 - Isaiah 28:29 We all are searching for rest in life. The reason we work hard is to provide a lifestyle that brings rest from the place of poverty. a thief doesn't steal because of a habit but because they want to improve their lives, not that there is any reason to steal except evil intent.  Every human being is after rest. That's why we go on holidays, seek greener pastures because we want a life that is at rest. However, the complexity of life is that rest is not being without work or doing anything. The kind of rest that God gives is one that enables your weary soul to be refreshed and continue taking the land of promise.  The peace of God is very much tied to our rest in God. Without being at peace we are fretful, hasty in actions and speech which all leads to a life of bondage. When the peace of God floods one's life they are assured of rest. Their inside man is at rest knowing that God has everything in control. God's des...

The Key

Day 183 Reading: Isaiah 22:1 - Isaiah 25:12 Inside the wardrobe in your home are different types of robes that you wear. Each is suited to a particular purpose. You don't wear a dressing gown to the office. God promises to dress us in the appropriate robe for our purpose. In the midst of the judgement that the earth is facing God is about to dress men and women for the task at hand.  The robe of God comes with its blessings and responsibility. Upon your shoulder is the 'key of David'. This key is not a physical key though it will give you access to dimensions in the physical that you wouldn't have had without it. This key is what made David have victories that were not of the ordinary. What is this key? Before discussing what it is, notice it is placed on shoulders. That implies it must be carried and comes with responsibility.  David firstly was a worshipper. The change of attire that you are about to undergo will see you enter a new realm that is tied...

Pay the Price

Day 182 Reading: Isaiah 17:1 - Isaiah 21:17 Serving God comes with a price and a glorious prize. A very heavy price that one must pay. When Isaiah was responding to the question God asked on whom to send I don't think he knew some of the things he would do. However, once you have given yourself to God then total and absolute obedience is a requirement.  Isaiah is one prophet who really spoke against the enemies of Israel. He declares woes to Babylon, which was the biggest empire of his time. He declares the end of the Assyrian empire. He reminds Egypt of previous judgements from God. Reading through the woes that Isaiah declared I am humbled at how God moves. Many may be tempted to say to the enemy good for you, however, let me urge restraint and caution against such thinking or speaking. You ask why? Never allow yourself to think of yourself more highly than those God has judged. Remember the reason you are not facing judgement is that of God's mercy not your wort...

Get Set For Lift Off

Day 181 Reading: Isaiah 14:1 - Isaiah 16:14 God's word cannot fail. His Word is settled forever and is proven. Proven in that those who have taken a hold of the Word of God it has been a light and path. The Book of Isaiah is filled with prophetic declarations of God's word coming to pass.  God's word comes to pass because of His mercy. His mercies over you and I are a great reason why God cannot forget His covenant of love with us. God is good and is a loving God. His love means that even when we have done wrong and we are deserving of condemnation, we find that He is merciful and we are not consumed by our tormentors or oppressors. Instead, our captors will serve us all because of God's mercy. Whatever or whoever has tormented you, may God's mercy overturn the tables in your favour! God has taken an oath and indeed He can swear by no one else but Himself. That which He has thought it will come to pass. God has thought of your victory, your restorat...

New Sound of Joy

Day 180 Reading: Isaiah 10:1 - Isaiah 13:22 As I read today's passages I was struck by a new sound of joy that is rising within me. I believe God is at work in our lives and even though the outside circumstances and environment may not say so. I have news for you dear reader, God is about to turn on your enemy. God is not a respecter of persons. If He did it before He can do it again. He is about to surprise many with songs of deliverance as He turns the tables on their enemies. The children of Israel had not walked with God saw the Assyrian king come and strike both kingdoms of Israel and Judah. He took captives and left a remnant in Judah. The temple was also raided as they took the gold and silver from the House of God. God judged His Children as He had promised in the Law, as per Deuteronomy 28 .  However, God is a merciful God and full of goodness has mercy on His children and announces judgement on their captors. I have good news for someone. God is turning o...

The Lord Sent A Word

Day 179 Reading: Isaiah 7:1 - Isaiah 9:21 Prophesy is very much alive. Don't think that God cannot speak. God is not dead. God is very much interested in our lives and desires to speak to us. My prayer is that my eyes and ears be open to see and hear what God has to say or do. God is a speaking God and the challenge today is are we willing to hear what He has to say. Isaiah prophesied in different dimensions.  He was sent to declare a prophetic word to individuals. God is interested in the individual. He was sent to do prophetic actions. His wife a prophetess conceived and gave birth to a child whose name was a prophecy to children of Israel.  He prophesied to nations. God sent him to Israel, and the nations surrounding them. He also prophesied of the Messiah.  As I studied the Scriptures I am amazed at how God is a God of order. Right from Genesis we see God promise and reveal a plan for a Messiah who would save mankind. We see Isaiah declare the vir...

Coals on My Lips

Day 178 Reading: Isaiah 4:1 - Isaiah 6:13 The Bible is filled with divine encounters. Such moments turn an ordinary person into a vessel that's in the hand of God. Divine encounters introduce T junctions in our lives. We either follow the direction of God or waste away in sin.  Isaiah had been prophesying before this divine encounter that would transform his ministry. He had just declared woes to those who loved corruption, to those calling evil good and vice versa. It seems that divine encounters appear when we are in a desert kind of situation. Remember Moses was looking after sheep cut off from family when God met with him. Elijah walked 40 days to a cave in a place far from people and met with God there. Solomon was alone when God met with him at night even though when he gave the sacrificial offering he was surrounded by throngs of people. God will always visit a person that He will use for His glory.  When Isaiah had his encounter we learn a few things f...

Come Now Let Us Reason Together

Day 177 Reading: Isaiah 1:1 - Isaiah 3:26 Oh, I am so excited. Don't tell anyone, this is my favourite book. Strange, I know that someone can say they have a favourite book in the Bible. Whenever I have needed a word of encouragement I have always turned to the Book of Isaiah so as I begin this today I am leaping with excitement inside. Isaiah the prophet prophesied during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah all kings of Judah.  Isaiah opens with an exhortation to wash clean. A clarion call to walk in the ways of God is made clear with the children of God advised of their responsibility to walk in purity. God expects that we cut off from anything that causes us to sin. We receive forgiveness from God but don't expect God to switch off the telly when you are watching porn for example. You have the responsibility to walk away from sin and anything that draws you to sin. God has not stopped calling for mankind just like He asked Adam and Eve where were the...

A Letter from My Beloved

Day 176 Reading: Song of Songs 1:1 - Song of Songs 8:14 Dearest One, Do you know how much I the Creator of the Universe, the One who holds all things loves you? I long for you more than the things you desire from Me. I long to see you in My Presence. I want to see the best in you more than you know. However, today I want you to understand My love for you. Learn to express your love for Me. You may see yourself as dark and not like others with whom I have a relationship with. Yet, I have chosen you. I long for you to know that I have covered you with a banner of love. Irrespective of what you have done or where you are coming from My Love is stronger than the forces fighting you. My Love is the greatest expression of My desire for you. In my love is a fragrance that rises and brings a fresh aroma over your life. I desire that you will hunger for Me that I may bring you to My banqueting house where you will seat in the presence of your enemies and eat all the delights of...

The Duty of Man

Day 175 Reading: Ecclesiastes 9:1 - Ecclesiastes 12:14 Everyone is in the hands of God. It may not seem so, however, Solomon declares this whilst also making it clear that no matter what you face God is the final judge of our lives. One thing we are encouraged to have is hope. To have an expectancy that no matter how sad life seems let there be an internal expectation that all will be alright.  The last few chapters of Ecclesiastes is focussed on getting the reader to understand the importance of living for God. The Preacher instructs that one must walk in purity and integrity. His advice to have white garments speaks of having a lifestyle that is pleasing to God. He also advises that your head should never lack oil. He definitely had the understanding that that one reigns in life when anointed to reign. Many today are seeking to reign in life yet they have no anointing to propel them upward. Solomon who married many women urges that a man live joyfully with his wife. ...

Speak Carefully

Day 174 Reading: Ecclesiastes 5:1- Ecclesiastes 8:17 The Preacher in Ecclesiastes in his sermon was interested in every aspect of life. Solomon studied life and from it, he wrote this sermon. He urges that one be careful what words they speak in the House of God. Too many times we offer to God words carelessly. We get excited with being in His Presence either because of a message preached, an altar call or an offering being raised and never realise the effects of not thinking through the consequences of our actions in the House of God. God is not mocked and when vows are not fulfilled we equate ourselves with foolishness.  Words we have seen before carry power of life or death. It's important we understand what happens when we speak. One needs to realise that without words there can be no movement. Your words determine where in life you will be. Words either unlock destiny or deny access to greatness to negative speakers. Be careful that when you speak you don't an...

Vanity of Vanity

Day 173 Reading: Ecclesiastes 1:1 - Ecclesiastes 4:16 King Solomon studied a lot of things. He declares that by reason of his pursuit of wisdom he undertook to study everything. His study certainly didn't stop at reading but he observed a lot of happening. The Book of Ecclesiastes is a sermon written to us by Solomon. And my does he open the sermon with a statement that immediately captivates your mind. Why would a man who was so blessed by God conclude that life is vanity? He sets to show us why he has come to that conclusion. One truth that Solomon reveals is that there is nothing new under the sun Ecclesiastes 1:9 . The troubles we see are not new. All the issues we see humanity dealing with aren't new. They seem new because we have studied history to understand what others have dealt with. Solomon gets to understand that even with all the wisdom of the world one grieves. Solomon set to know wisdom, madness and folly. Yes, the Bible declares that he set out ...

Life Tips from Proverbs

Day 172 Reading: 29:1 - 31:31 The Book of Proverbs is the prescription of wisdom that I would urge every believer to take a subscribe to. Many read a chapter a day in pursuit of wisdom. What are some of the key lessons in Proverbs? Pursue wisdom with everything you have. Seek understanding. The desire to have an understanding that is divine and watch how God will open His hand of blessing into your life. The fear of God is the foundation for walking in divine wisdom. The fear of God will protect you from evil. Be careful with your words. Words determine what you become as they shape your destiny. In relationships understand the value of a soft or gentle answer. Solomon said that a soft answer turns away wrath. Many relationships whether social, economic or political have ended because the words spoken weren't gentle. Be a builder of your home as foolishness destroys homes.  By wisdom, understanding and knowledge a home is built. Be a generous person. Give to those ...

Charles, don't be a fool!!

Day 171 Reading: Proverbs 26:1 - Proverbs 28:28 Wisdom is the principal thing Solomon declared. In pursuing wisdom and because of certain happenings in my life I began looking at the behaviour of a fool. 'Charles, don't be a fool' some people once said to me. It was said in my face and behind my back that I was being foolish in my behaviour and demeanour. I was hurt because I had no intention of being hurtful or foolish in my actions or words.  Foolishness will not be associated with me.  In Hebrew the word fool is translated from 5 different words all meaning either silly, stupid, vile person, perverse, a morally undesirable person, senseless, a want of mental sanity and sobriety, a reckless or inconsiderate habit, the imprudent ordering of one's life in regard to the will and ways of God; or one without discernment of things both spiritual and natural. I will just share a snippet of my breaking down the scriptures dealing with foolishness.  25 charact...