Day 168
Reading: Proverbs 10:1 - Proverbs 13:32
The Bible is filled with promises from God. God does make promises and we His children have the responsibility to understand them and to see them come to pass. Whilst reading the portion of scripture today one part of me was asking why am I bothering to read the Bible? I know that sounds weird. However, one side inside me was reminding me of the benefits of reading the Word. Many today don't read the Bible. They class the Bible as a Sunday reading book only in church kinda thing to have. The Bible is for daily living and God has promises that speak to every facet of life. Why should I look for the promises of God?
Any business person will understand that a contract has obligations. Read the word of God with a mindset of seeking what is God obligated to do to me as His child. The promises of God in the Bible reveals God's desire for your wellbeing. They reveal His love and will for your life. From Genesis we see God making promises to mankind that reveal what He desires to do for humanity. However, one must understand that the promises of God are conditional. The promises of God are only ours to enjoy if we meet God's demands. In this transaction with God understand that you have your obligations if you are to see God fulfil His side of the bargain.
The promises give rise to hope. When one focuses on the promises of God hope rises within them. Hope for a better outcome no matter the challenge. Hope that gives one the fighting chance to believe that God is able to do what He has said. Without hope life is worthless and the promises of God give us hope, a hope that is divine and not based on man.
Faith unlocks the promises of God. Without this mixture of faith and obedience, one cannot see the promises of God manifested. Hope gives rise to faith; without hope, one cannot have the faith to believe in the veracity of the promises of God over the issues we face in life. The Book of Proverbs will aid your practical life and this is where one must apply the promises of God.
Memory Verse: Proverbs 13:15
Proverbs 10:3
The Lord will not allow the righteous soul to famish, but He casts away the desire of the wicked. (italics mine)
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