Day 171
Reading: Proverbs 26:1 - Proverbs 28:28
Wisdom is the principal thing Solomon declared. In pursuing wisdom and because of certain happenings in my life I began looking at the behaviour of a fool. 'Charles, don't be a fool' some people once said to me. It was said in my face and behind my back that I was being foolish in my behaviour and demeanour. I was hurt because I had no intention of being hurtful or foolish in my actions or words. Foolishness will not be associated with me.
In Hebrew the word fool is translated from 5 different words all meaning either silly, stupid, vile person, perverse, a morally undesirable person, senseless, a want of mental sanity and sobriety, a reckless or inconsiderate habit, the imprudent ordering of one's life in regard to the will and ways of God; or one without discernment of things both spiritual and natural. I will just share a snippet of my breaking down the scriptures dealing with foolishness.
25 characteristics of a fool:
- A fool denies the existence of God Psalms 14:1, Ps 53:1
- A fool however wealthy leaves their wealth for others. Psalms 49:10
- A fool doesn't understand God's purposes Psalms 92:6-7
- A fool lacks discernment and runs into trouble Proverbs 7:22
- A fool prats- blabbers, speaks about unimportant matters rapidly and incessantly. When a fool keeps quiet they are considered wise. Proverbs 10:8,10; 17:28.
- One who spreads slander is considered a fool. Slander is defined as words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another. Proverbs 10:18
- A fool loves doing evil Proverbs 10:23. Lack of understanding is the cause of evil actions.
- A fool thinks their way is right and does not listen to counsel Proverbs 12:15
- A fool acts without knowledge displaying their folly Psalms 13:16
- Pride is found in the words of a fool revealing their arrogance. Proverbs 14:3
- A fool is fuelled by feelings of intense anger and is self-confident. These two qualities hinder the fear of God from having any effect causing them to walk into evil. Proverbs 14:16
- A fool despises instruction/correction from authority Proverbs 15:5. When you don't honour those above you, you restrict your life.
- A fool is associated with lying lips and is not easily corrected Proverbs 17:7,10
- A fool's folly is worse than meeting any dangerous angry animal Proverbs 17:12
- A fool's parents have no joy. Proverbs 17:21, 25
- A fool only focuses on their world but the wise person wears understanding as their spectacles in life. Proverbs 17:24
- A fool doesn't walk with integrity and doesn't deserve honour Proverbs 19:1; 26:1,8
- Giving a gift to a fool is not right as it will be wasted Proverbs 19:10
- A fool loves quarrels Proverbs 20:3
- Wisdom is too high a moral and intellectual value to a fool and they cannot, therefore, be counted on to make any input in important issues of the day Proverbs 24:7
- Be careful what you request a fool to do for you, it may never be achieved Proverbs 26:6
- A fool may not think that their actions or words will be repaid but be guaranteed that God has their payday settled. Proverbs 26:10
- A fool and his folly are never separated. Be careful that you don't repeat your mistakes Proverbs 26:11
- Don't think too highly of yourself as that sets you up for failure more than the fool Proverbs 26:12
- A fool destroys while a wise woman builds her home Proverbs 14:1
I have purposed to pursue understanding that wisdom may be the crown I wear. I pray it's the same for you.
Memory Verse: Proverbs 27:2
Proverbs 28:13
He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy. (italics mine)
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