Day 178
Reading: Isaiah 4:1 - Isaiah 6:13
The Bible is filled with divine encounters. Such moments turn an ordinary person into a vessel that's in the hand of God. Divine encounters introduce T junctions in our lives. We either follow the direction of God or waste away in sin.
Isaiah had been prophesying before this divine encounter that would transform his ministry. He had just declared woes to those who loved corruption, to those calling evil good and vice versa. It seems that divine encounters appear when we are in a desert kind of situation. Remember Moses was looking after sheep cut off from family when God met with him. Elijah walked 40 days to a cave in a place far from people and met with God there. Solomon was alone when God met with him at night even though when he gave the sacrificial offering he was surrounded by throngs of people. God will always visit a person that He will use for His glory.
When Isaiah had his encounter we learn a few things from him.
- God is holy and when a man enters His presence an awe of our fallen nature causes us to worship.
- Heaven proclaims that the earth is full of God's glory. Heaven is declaring God's sovereignty over all of creation that God has made. As you walk go remembering that the earth is full of God's glory.
- Isaiah understood that being in God's presence he couldn't be careless in his speech. He understood the power of purity in speech and lifestyle.
- God desires to cleanse us of sin.
- When God touches your lips you become a vessel capable of speaking for Him. Lord, may your coals touch our lips.
- After a touch from Heaven, God will still ask whom shall I send? God knows that you have a free will and will not force you to carry out His will.
- God gave him his mandate and encouraged him not to get frustrated by the response of the people on hearing the prophecies Isaiah would proclaim.
Memory Verse: Isaiah 5:14
Isaiah 6:8
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” (italics mine)
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