Day 189
Reading: Isaiah 43:1 - Isaiah 44:28
Fear paralyses the faith and actions of any person. When you hear a dog in Africa barking, the chill behind your spine is one of trepidation because you know that that animal may have you as its main course. However, animal lovers will tell you that every animal senses when a person is fearful. The animal picks a sense of fear and capitalises on it. That is how the enemy works. Once he perceives fear in a person they become prey. No wonder that God constantly declares 'Fear Not' or "Do not be dismayed'. Why should we not fear? Here are a few reasons.
- Fear Not because God has redeemed us. The devil has no claim on us for God owns us and has called us by name. We are owned by God and not the devil.
- Fear Not because God is with you even through the trails and valleys of life. No matter what you are facing have the attitude of David who declared that even while walking through the valley of the shadow of death he feared no evil Psalms 23:4.
- Fear Not because God has heard your cry for help. Hagar cried for water or else Ishameal and herself would perish. However, the angel of God encouraged her not to fear for God heard the cry of the child, whose father had a covenant with God Genesis 21:17. Learn to lean on the covenant of God and your cry will be heard in Heaven.
- Fear Not because of the reassuring Presence of God abiding with us to bless us Genesis 26:24. Walk confidently through life knowing that the blessing of God in your life will cause you to rise in life.
- Fear Not for God has given you victory over your enemies Numbers 21:34. When you fear the power of God is cut off from manifesting. However, when you place your trust in God and walk fearlessly against your enemies, victory is given.
- Fear Not because God has given you the land of promise Deuteronomy 1: 21, 3:22. Possess the land that God has given you fearlessly knowing that God will fight for you and give you the land. Fight for your marriage, health, future and hope with the understanding that it is your God-given right to possess your land.
- Do not fear the idols of men Judges 6:10. Fear the Living God and not the idols or wealth of any man. God is the Creator and is more powerful than anyone or anything.
Memory Verse: Isaiah 43:18-19
Isaiah 43:25-26
“I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins. Put Me in remembrance; let us contend together; state your case, that you may be acquitted. (italics mine)
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