Day 172
Reading: 29:1 - 31:31
The Book of Proverbs is the prescription of wisdom that I would urge every believer to take a subscribe to. Many read a chapter a day in pursuit of wisdom. What are some of the key lessons in Proverbs?
- Pursue wisdom with everything you have. Seek understanding. The desire to have an understanding that is divine and watch how God will open His hand of blessing into your life.
- The fear of God is the foundation for walking in divine wisdom. The fear of God will protect you from evil.
- Be careful with your words. Words determine what you become as they shape your destiny.
- In relationships understand the value of a soft or gentle answer. Solomon said that a soft answer turns away wrath. Many relationships whether social, economic or political have ended because the words spoken weren't gentle.
- Be a builder of your home as foolishness destroys homes. By wisdom, understanding and knowledge a home is built.
- Be a generous person. Give to those in need and especially the poor. God's heart is moved by those who are generous in helping Him bless others. Be a conduit of God's blessings by being a generous person.
- Choose whom you walk with care. A companion of fools soon is numbered as one of them.
- Guard your heart. Don't allow every wind that blows to move your heart. Guard it jealously.
- A good spouse is only from God. When He is at the centre of the relationship and hope all is well for He gives it divine blessings.
- Be diligent in pursuit of what vision or calling you are ordained to do. Look at the ant which gathers in the summer; study the lion which walks in majesty; see the eagle that soars to great heights and has great vision; be like the spider which is found in palaces!
Memory Verse: Proverbs 29:18
Proverbs 30:5
Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. (italics mine)
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