Day 173
Reading: Ecclesiastes 1:1 - Ecclesiastes 4:16
King Solomon studied a lot of things. He declares that by reason of his pursuit of wisdom he undertook to study everything. His study certainly didn't stop at reading but he observed a lot of happening. The Book of Ecclesiastes is a sermon written to us by Solomon. And my does he open the sermon with a statement that immediately captivates your mind. Why would a man who was so blessed by God conclude that life is vanity? He sets to show us why he has come to that conclusion.
One truth that Solomon reveals is that there is nothing new under the sun Ecclesiastes 1:9. The troubles we see are not new. All the issues we see humanity dealing with aren't new. They seem new because we have studied history to understand what others have dealt with. Solomon gets to understand that even with all the wisdom of the world one grieves.
Solomon set to know wisdom, madness and folly. Yes, the Bible declares that he set out to do exactly that. He was so bent on discovering the laws and principles of living that he also set about to not only study wisdom but to understand foolishness. His conclusion is that wisdom is better than folly. Reading through this portion of scripture I understood why he married so many women. His pursuit of wisdom should have been enough however he added madness to his pursuits in life. Be careful what you pursue in life. Wisdom exceeds folly as light is better than darkness. Seek divine wisdom.
Solomon understood the value of work. He also points out that one needs to understand the importance of a relationship with God and that relationship affects your work. To the wicked person, Solomon declares that he works to gather for those who are good before God.
Time is of the essence. Understanding the value of time is important to maximising greatness and leveraging your influence, assets and gifts in life. Learn to understand the seasons of life and in each season learn its purpose. Without an understanding of purpose, one will abuse time. Walk with the understanding that God has set time in motion and has locked seasons over time. Know that God makes all things beautiful in its time, not at your insistence. Within time God tests men that they may see the kind of person they are. Every challenge in life is a test to reveal your heart and its disposition towards God.
Lastly, Solomon gives the value of walking with friends. Loners or people who operate as an island in life never enjoy life. The self-centred person works for themselves without asking why am I working hard and for whom? Be friendly and don't live for yourself. Understand the power of two is greater than one.
Memory Verse: Ecclesiastes 3:11
Ecclesiastes 3:14
I know that whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him. (italics mine)
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