Day 169
Reading: Proverbs 14:1 - Proverbs 18:24
The words we speak will either make or break us. Words are important to God. They are so important that at the beginning of the Bible we encountered their power in creation Genesis 1. God has conversations and listens to conversations. Words are not empty contrary to the popular saying. They carry life or death in them, even that empty promise carries a death sentence to the person who made it. We must understand the power of our verbiage. When you understand the purpose and power of something you can use it effectively. Job understood the power of words having understood that words establish things in our lives Job 22:28. Here are a few pointers on words.
- Speak few words to avoid sin Proverbs 10:19. Learn to be one who speaks few words Proverbs 17:27. Deal with verbal diarrhoea. Don't be a participant in every conversation just because you feel like talking. Set a guard over my mouth is a daily prayer I make Psalms 141:3.
- Learn the power of pleasant encouraging words Proverbs 16:24. No one wants to listen to discouraging disparaging words. Encouraging words give hope. When one speaks encouraging they inspire life and lift one from the place of despair. What or who are you listening to that is encouraging?
- Vengeful words steal hope, kill relationships and destroy the lives of listeners Proverbs 18:8. Don't be a talebearer who digs up evil reports and your lips are burning to tell others Proverbs 16:27. Too many lives are being destroyed because people are digging up what is wrong with other people instead of digging good to speak to them Proverbs 15:2. Understand that your words are seeds? If you look for the bad seed you will definitely get it. The same applies to good seed.
- God watches over the words we speak Proverbs 18:20. Life or death is the choice we convey with our words. Don't be hasty in your speech. Choose your words carefully. Understand that your words are a battle-axe that shapes your world. Let your mouth be a well of life Proverbs 10:11.
- The words you speak either bring blessings or cause your life to be overthrown Proverbs 11:11. The mouth of a fool reveals pride which brings about his downfall Proverbs 14:3. Fools only speak contentious words while the wise studies to answer because they understand that their words are a wellspring of life Proverbs 18:4-6.
I have read the Book of Proverbs many times, never have I had to reflect so much on my verbiage. The pursuit of wisdom is one that has an understanding of the interplay of words in creating the desired future. Reading this has made realise the need for repentance on words spoken in haste, anger or just pure garbage. God hates idle chatter. The time to use our words rightly is here.
Memory Verse: Proverbs 18:20-21
Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. (italics mine)
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