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Showing posts from September, 2018

But From This Day

Day 240 Reading: Haggai 1:1 - Haggai 2:23 There is a day and the day. You ask what's the difference? When you want to have a meeting you choose a day however a special day like your wedding day is the day. The day is a day of change. A day is just any day. As you read this blog may you have an encounter with God that leads you to have the day of a turnaround. May today be the day of new beginnings. Haggai prophecies to the children of Israel who had returned from Captivity. Ezra had returned with some people from exile and together they rebuilt the Temple. However, after some time the project to rebuild the House of God had stalled. This is where we are introduced to Haggai. Haggai speaks to them and later tells them that the glory of this Temple they were building would be greater than the one they had before they were taken captive. God desires to make you and I better than when we lost what He had given us. The question I asked myself today is what is it that Haggai...

God Will Sing Over Me

Day 239 Reading: Zephaniah 1:1 - Zephaniah 3:20 As soon as I read this portion of Scripture my heart was filled with joy. I stood and walked with a bounce because something great was dropped into my heart. I had woken up with many questions in my heart. Questions of destiny, life and wisdom. Not only was I asking questions for myself but I also get to hear a lot from many people and sometimes they need wisdom.  We are living in times that require focus on God. The person who is not focussed will be stunned to discover how off course they are. The days we are living many are distracted and only come to realise that they are off course when they look up and discover that God is not where they thought He is. We are living in times where intimacy with God is what will bring us to the place of joy. Zephaniah is one who in the midst of the troubled times that the children of God were facing walked intimately with God. He lived during the reign of Josiah a period during w...

Express Your Faith Through Praise

Day 238 Reading: Habakkuk 1:1 - Habakkuk 3:19 The Book of Habakkuk ends with a praise hymn where the prophet declares that even when things aren't working out he would still praise God. As I read the Book of Habakkuk and came to the conclusion I understood why he came to the place of giving praise because he couldn't see his desire. Humanely speaking we desire to give praise when we see good with our eyes. We give praise to those whose results are excellent. We praise employees who do well and we also give praise to leaders who bring joy. Praise in the context of today is given when something good is done. This, however, is not the way of God. Praising God is not about what God has done. Praise is about who God is. Praise extols the works of God. Praise declares the majesty of God. Praise declares who God is. David because of a lifestyle of praise moved from the desert to the palace. Praise moves you from captivity to freedom. Praise opens the door of victory. ...


Day 237 Reading: Nahum 1:1 - Nahum 3:19 Many times when we are faced with a storm in our lives we cry out to God and all we want is for Him to show up. God has His way and while we want God to move according to our ways it doesn't always happen. Nahum, whose name means comfort was ordained to bring comfort to the children of Israel at a time where they were living in fear of the Assyrians. Nineveh had forgotten God. After the revival of Jonah, when Nahum spoke to Nineveh they didn't respond and Nineveh was destroyed by the Babylonians.  Nahum brings words of comfort but to the people of Nineveh, he declared doom. Comfort for one is doom to another. When God is sending comfort to His children then the enemy is being discomforted. Understand that as soon as God speaks His word then your enemies are taking cover. With God on your side then what can your enemies do?  God declares that His way is the whirlwind and in the storm. That storm the enemy has thrown up is...

Be Lifted

Day 236 Reading: Micah 5:1 - Micah 7:20 Ever been laughed at when you fell down? In primary school am sure someone did. In today's world, we are prone to be laughed at when we make mistakes. In this day and age of social media, there are people laughing at one's mistakes whom they are not even acquainted with. The calamity the children of God were facing in the days of Micah reveals to us that their enemies were laughing at them.  In the midst of pain, God declares a Word that is so pertinent to this day and age. To the believer who is asking where is God, I have good news. To that person who's been mocked for what seems forever God has you in mind. God is a God of mercy and that's why even if you and I fall we will rise again. We may be sat in darkness, however, God is our light and He will lead us to the place of greatness. The sound of rejoicing by your enemies will soon become one of mourning as they watch the tables overturned.  We may be down righ...

Prison Break

Day 235 Reading: Micah 1:1 - Micah 4:13 If you asked many people today what is the singular word to describe the miracle they need I wouldn't be surprised if it is 'breakthrough'. Many feel imprisoned and are crying to break out. We all are crying for a breakthrough in one area or other. It may be a breakthrough in the family, marital arena, finances, business, career, health, social or at a national level. We today are facing a litany of issues that are weighing many down. Just speak to many people and you will realise that stress for many is becoming the norm yet God called us to live in joy and peace Psalms 23 .  Micah is sent to prophesy judgement to the children of Israel for the wayward ways in their worship and livelihood. In the midst of His prophecy, he declares that their redemption would come in the place of their captivity. That place where you are crying about, that place or situation making you moan and wail in prayer, that issue that is mocking y...

Don't Limit God

Day 234 Reading: Obadiah 1:1 - Jonah 4:11 The world is seeking for answers. It's in pain and many of those who are called to represent the Balm of Gilead have run away. Oh yes, many of God's messengers have run away from declaring the Word of God. You see we are called God's children because we have come to Zion where there is deliverance. God expects us to understand that we are called by a holy God and we cannot desecrate His presence.  The story of Jonah is told world over. Many always question whether a grown man could be swallowed by a fish. My purpose is not to provide scientific or empirical studies into the validity of the prophecy of Jonah. The question that was on my mind was why did Jonah run away. The more I meditated on this the more I realised the folly of many of us today is the same as that of Jonah. Jonah ran away because He knew that he would proclaim a word and the people would heed it causing God to change from the God of Judgement to th...

The Secret To Living

Day 233 Reading: Amos 5:1 - Amos 9:15 We live in a world where we all will agree that corruption is on the increase. It doesn't matter where you live, corrupt people are everywhere. In some places just because things work many don't realise the system they are under is not godly. Slavery is alive today. Many today are slaves not just to sin, carnal desires but also to the world system.  Amos loathed the corruption that was prevalent in His days. Many children of God today complain about corruption and then participate in some form of corruption. Is it any wonder God is mocked today? God desires every child to know that there is a plumb line that He uses to measure us. It's a plumb line of grace, righteousness and justice. Obedience to God's commandments is the only measure of God's plumb line. Amos exhorts the children of God to seek God and live. Twice he declares this word. Seek God and live. Child of God the hour to seek is not tomorrow but now! ...

The Power of Agreement

Day 232 Reading: Amos 1:1 - Amos 4:13 Welcome to the Book of Amos. Amos was a farmer whom God called to be a prophet. He prophesied in during the reign of Uzziah, the king of Judah and in the days of Jeroboam the king of Israel. Another prophet who was also in this timeline is Hosea who prophesied to the Kingdom of Israel. The Book of Amos begins with a startling fact. It was written two years before the earthquake. Amos begins prophesying and declares that it is two years before an earthquake. Amos in prophesying to the nations declares to Israel that God was weighed down by the disobediece of His children. God questions the deeds of the children of Israel. Their disobedience defied His covenant. The children of Israel were committing idolatry and thus not walking with God. God desires that we walk with Him. The earth is looking for people who are walking with God to manifest His glory in all realms of life. We can only walk with God when we are in agreement with Him. ...

Receive Your Restoration

Day 231 Reading: Joel 1:1 - Joel 3:21 The land of Israel was not only rampaged by the armies of enemies who held the people captive, the prophet Joel reveals to us that swarms of locusts had devasted the land. God in His love for His children sends Joel to speak His Word. I remember growing up and these insects arrived in my home nation. We heard on radio and TV that locusts were arriving in that region. My brother and I asked our dad quizzically what were locusts and to help his young sons understand he advised that they are like grasshoppers only bad because they would eat everything that was green. We had planted maize and beans in our farm and once the locusts flew out nothing green was anywhere in sight. Locusts are very interesting creatures. They are brown in colour at an early stage. This is when it is solitary. The locust likes being alone. However, once it rubs with another locust it produces a chemical reaction that soon causes a colour change and it begins ...

Dear Backslidder

Day 230 Reading: Hosea 10:1 - Hosea 14:9 Dear Backslider, My child, I love you, however, I have noted that you have chosen to ignore Me. I am the One who walked with you from the land of slavery to the place of freedom. I set you free from every form of captivity. I remember how you loved Me. You would rise early to seek Me, worshipped Me even when you had nothing yet now I see you asleep and the hour you are living is perilous. I remember the days you rejoiced because of the little you had. Now that I have blessed you with much, you have forgotten that the power to create wealth is given by Me to establish My covenant on earth. I hear you saying how you cannot give and when I look in your heart I ask where is the person who would give me all when they had nothing now they withhold all giving Me tokens to pacify their consciences.  My covenant of love cannot be broken yet your love for me is dependant on how you feel. I change not yet you are always changing. G...

The Call

Day 229 Reading: Hosea 5:1 - Hosea 9:17 God is calling His people back to Him. Hosea the prophet declared that God's children had forsaken God and chosen to go away. Reading the Book of Hosea you can see the pain and anguish God has in how His children serve idols and forsake Him. One theme the Book of Hosea brings to us is the call of repentance. Many are oppressed because they have walked away from God. Revival will only take place once repentance has taken place. Many want to see revival however they don't want to answer God's call of repentance. As I read the passage of Scripture for the day it dawned on me that God is preparing for a revival. The first thing that God is doing is adjusting our mindsets to realise that it's no longer about us but God and His agenda. Yes, God wants me to do well however His agenda is the priority. In Hosea we see God calling His children back to Him. After this clarion call to return to Him we see that Hosea is encour...

Avoid Arrogance

Day 228 Reading: Hosea 1:1 - Hosea 4:19 The world today is seeing a rise of many people suffering from arrogance. Yes, arrogance. An arrogant person has an attitude of superiority that is displayed in an overbearing behaviour or presumptuous claims or assumptions that they hold onto in life according to the Webster dictionary. I have come to realise that we all manifest a village mentality syndrome when we are arrogant in our behaviour. At the root of arrogance is ignorance. You see an arrogant person thinks they know it all and their way is the only way because they have a limited world view and anyone who doesn't fit their fantasy world is not fit for purpose. You may wonder why I have started off like this, however, God has challenged me to question my beliefs, assumptions, presumptions and everything that would qualify me for arrogance. However, the Book of Hosea will challenge your worldview with some startling acts that God required Hosea to go outside of the no...

Have A Kingdom Mindset

Day 227 Reading: Daniel 9:1 - Daniel 12:13 We are living in perilous times. If in doubt just listen to the news. Hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, heatwaves are all abnormalities we see on earth. Planes disappearing, the crime that is at unprecedented levels in some parts of our world, drug abuse are just a few examples of the depravity we are facing. Many today are dealing with mental health issues partly because of the pressures many are facing. I write this not to mock anyone but the pressures today are unreal sometimes and when one is not grounded they can easily lose focus in life.  Daniel was captured from Judah and taken to live in Babylon. While there he kept studying the prophecies of God. He not only studied the education provided by the government but also privately studied the Word of God. We see he studied the books implying he was a student of the Word of God. In the process of studying, he came to the place of understanding. Daniel had encounters with hea...

Mene Mene Tekel

Day 226 Reading: Daniel 5:1 - Daniel 8:27 What was found in Daniel is readily available for you and me! That which made Daniel prosper in his place God has shown me He is more than willing to give to us today and He is raising a generation of Daniels the question being are we willing to pay the price to walk like Daniel. As I read the passage this morning and sought God the words that were written by the finger of God rang heavy on my heart: Mene Mene Tekel are the first three words. Mene means God has numbered your Kingdom and finished it whilst Tekel means you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting.  Child of God, the day and age we live in requires we understand that God is very particular to our living upright. He judged the King Belshazzar for using the articles of the temple. In 24 hours what was written on the wall by the finger of God came to pass. May God have mercy over us believers in this day and age. When the words were written on the wall the...

Reigning In The Marketplace

Day 225 Reading: Daniel 1:1 - Daniel 4:37 As I celebrated my birthday I was excited because I was not only closing Ezekiel but would be beginning the Book of Daniel. My heart is expectant that God is going to deposit truths and grace to be Daniels in our respective spheres of influence. For too long the children of God have taken a back seat as they bear no influence in places of authority. God is changing that. He is raising an army that will be influential not just affluent and this is all for His Kingdom.  Daniel and his 3 colleagues were captives who were taken from their homes and taken to live in Babylon. They were eunuchs serving the most brutal dictator that ever lived. Historians tell us that Nebuchadnezzar was a man who was famous for his brutality. If he ordered a person executed it was a painful process. The execution would see the person tied to two horses which would pull the person apart as the horses were facing different directions. Painful, yes indeed...

The Life Stream

Day 224 Reading: Ezekiel 45:1 - Ezekiel 48:35 Ezekiel was a unique person. He was a priest who was called to be a prophet. He represents the new kind of child of God who would walk in dimensions that were not only priestly but prophetic. The Book of Ezekiel is not only a present-day book, however, it also is a futuristic book. The Book of Ezekiel has insight into the end times. Here was a priest who saw the temple of God in the future. Out of this temple flowed a river that would affect every life. The first thing about the river of God that flows out of the temple is that it influences the environment. The River of God in us is to flow outwards and affect our environment. The River of God flows out of the temple that we are and affects everywhere it flows. My prayer is that God's river in our lives will flow and affect the culture of the day. Secondly, the River of God has different dimensions with it. You begin by walking in the water that reaches ankle deep. The...

God, The Master Builder

Day 223 Reading: Ezekiel 40:1 - Ezekiel 44:31 Child of God, God's hand is upon you. Yes even in the nightmare situation you are faced with God's hand is upon you. I know that sounds far-fetched considering that when we are faced with challenges God seems far. However, consider that every challenge is a fire that purifies us removing every impurity that blemishes us. When we have that viewpoint we appreciate that God is with us. As Isaiah prophesied God is with us in the waters and even when we walk through the fire Isaiah 43:2 . Why then is God's hand on you and me? Firstly, God is building us His children into His temple. Ezekiel saw the temple filled with the glory of God. You and I have a role in the building of God. Ezekiel saw a vision of a temple that has never been built.  Secondly, God desires that we worship Him aright. God is rebuilding His people. No longer will the place of worship be defiled by having those who are uncircumcised of heart speaki...

Can The Bones Live?

Day 222 Reading: Ezekiel 37:1 - Ezekiel 39:29 I grew up in a country that loves goat eating excursions. From a young age, I would be given a rib and told to clean the bone. That meant not only eating the meat but to nibble everything on the rib. After such a wonderful experience of eating the meat came the hard process of ensuring the bone had no meat. At the end the bones would be put together. Now when reading Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones the best comparison of thinking of many bones was my goat eating excursions. To think that Ezekiel saw a valley of dry bones it must have been disheartening as he must have seen that the bones were human. We all have dry bones in our lives. Prophecies that we have never seen the slightest bit come to pass. Dry bones are what we are when we lose hope. Our inside starts to dry out when hope is lost and soon if the situation is not rectified one loses faith in the one who gave a reason for hope. Many today are facing thi...