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Receive Your Restoration

Day 231

Reading: Joel 1:1 - Joel 3:21

The land of Israel was not only rampaged by the armies of enemies who held the people captive, the prophet Joel reveals to us that swarms of locusts had devasted the land. God in His love for His children sends Joel to speak His Word. I remember growing up and these insects arrived in my home nation. We heard on radio and TV that locusts were arriving in that region. My brother and I asked our dad quizzically what were locusts and to help his young sons understand he advised that they are like grasshoppers only bad because they would eat everything that was green. We had planted maize and beans in our farm and once the locusts flew out nothing green was anywhere in sight.

Locusts are very interesting creatures. They are brown in colour at an early stage. This is when it is solitary. The locust likes being alone. However, once it rubs with another locust it produces a chemical reaction that soon causes a colour change and it begins to like companionship. That is how a swarm begins. Swarms of locusts are dangerous. During optimal weather conditions, locusts can breed into vast swarms. A locust is said to eat equivalent to its own weight. In 1954 a swarm of locusts flew from Africa to Great Britain. In 1988 a swarm of locusts flew from Africa to the Carribean. Those are great distances covered by locusts and remember it requires optimal weather conditions for locusts to thrive. What weather are you providing for locusts to breed in your life?

Enough of locusts now let us relate this to the prophecy of Joel. Firstly, understand that problems are like locusts. They come alone however they gain strength when they are combined. That's why a person sees one issue become many. One issue rubbed with another issue and before long a person is swarmed by issues(locusts). God through Joel promises to restore what locusts have eaten. Whether that problem came crawling to you or flew into your life, no matter the means it used to get to you I have good news. God has promised to restore. The hour for your restoration is here. The same way a mother prepares to give birth I urge you, dear friend, to get ready for the restoration that God has announced. Your restoration will appear to many who will be amazed at the work of God in your life.

A mother doesn't appear in the delivery room just like that. Conception must take place. God is calling you and me to the prayer room to conceive all that He desires. From the place of intimacy with God we shall see His restorative work in us.He will beautify us with salvation. He will adorn us with His glory. God is calling on you and me to return to the place of intimacy with Him. It's when we seek God that we create an atmosphere for God to do His work. If locusts need the optimal weather to wreak havoc how much does God need the right atmosphere in our lives.

God has promised that after His restoration you will see His Spirit come upon all flesh. I have news for you there is a renewal coming your way. There is an outpouring of God's Spirit that is about to hit the earth. This will stun the world. Insights that will lead to innovations and inventions that will shock the world will come from the most unlikely. Joel declares that young men will see visions while the old men will dream dreams. Visions speak of new things, new frontiers, new ideas, new entities being birthed. Dreams reveal that a state of hope will arise in the old generation when they see the young rise with vitality from the pursuit of the vision. God's building block is about to become the epicentre of deliverance. The world will understand that the only solution to the issues of the day will be found in the church. Get ready to be a part of this hour of restoration. God is doing a new thing that will remove shame from our lives. We have been mocked enough. God has heard our cry. The hour is here. Receive your restoration!

Memory Verse: Joel 2:17


Joel 2:25

“So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; and My people shall never be put to shame."


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