Day 235
Reading: Micah 1:1 - Micah 4:13
If you asked many people today what is the singular word to describe the miracle they need I wouldn't be surprised if it is 'breakthrough'. Many feel imprisoned and are crying to break out. We all are crying for a breakthrough in one area or other. It may be a breakthrough in the family, marital arena, finances, business, career, health, social or at a national level. We today are facing a litany of issues that are weighing many down. Just speak to many people and you will realise that stress for many is becoming the norm yet God called us to live in joy and peace Psalms 23.
Micah is sent to prophesy judgement to the children of Israel for the wayward ways in their worship and livelihood. In the midst of His prophecy, he declares that their redemption would come in the place of their captivity. That place where you are crying about, that place or situation making you moan and wail in prayer, that issue that is mocking your existence and faith in God, that challenge that is a giant that is mocking you it will be the place of greatest victory. Child of God Goliath gave David access to national prominence. That giant before you will catapult you to greatness.
Right now you may appear scattered and all beaten up. You may be the story of the greatest fall. I have good news for you. Micah declares that God would gather His own. Get ready to receive the power to gather what is yours as God gathers His own. God doesn't gather His own outside but inside the place of captivity. Remember the children of Israel were in Egypt as slaves. God gathered them and led them out of captivity. God used a leader called Moses and went before His people as He led them to break out of slavery.
God promises that the one who breaks open will come up before you and me leading us to freedom. You will break out, pass through the gate that has been kept locked to enslave you and go through it without any hindrance. You are walking away from that debilitating disease. Get ready for a turn around in your circumstances. The enslaved will soon be free and in possession of their own possessions. Have an expectation that you soon will be on your own land. Build an expectation that soon your promotion will be in your hands. Open your inner eyes to see that God is leading you out of the place that has bound you. God personally will ensure you are free. He is the One who is the Lord of the Breaking Out. God holds the key and map to your prison break.
What is the secret to my prison break moment?
- Have faith in God 2 Chronicles 20:20
- Prayer. Remember Jabez 1 Chronicles 4:9
- Praise 2 Chronicles 20:22.
- Hold onto the Word of God. Obey the Word. Deuteronomy 28:1-2, Joshua 21:45
Memory Verse: Micah 4:1-2
Micah 2:13
The one who breaks open will come up before them; they will break out, pass through the gate, and go out by it; their king will pass before them, with the Lord at their head.” (italics mine)
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