Day 238
Reading: Habakkuk 1:1 - Habakkuk 3:19
The Book of Habakkuk ends with a praise hymn where the prophet declares that even when things aren't working out he would still praise God. As I read the Book of Habakkuk and came to the conclusion I understood why he came to the place of giving praise because he couldn't see his desire.
Humanely speaking we desire to give praise when we see good with our eyes. We give praise to those whose results are excellent. We praise employees who do well and we also give praise to leaders who bring joy. Praise in the context of today is given when something good is done. This, however, is not the way of God.
Praising God is not about what God has done. Praise is about who God is. Praise extols the works of God. Praise declares the majesty of God. Praise declares who God is. David because of a lifestyle of praise moved from the desert to the palace. Praise moves you from captivity to freedom. Praise opens the door of victory.
Habakkuk cried to God twice. He prayed about the violence in the nation and God was silent. He questioned how God coped with all the failings of men. Habakkuk was a man who listened to God. People who understand the principles of prayer have the right attitude towards the dealings of God with man. Habakkuk set to watch to hear what God would say to him. He understood the importance of having the right posture before God. This was not a posture of anything will be will be but a posture of faith that God has the final say and what He says is final.
In the midst of the violence, economic distress that we live in, corrupt leaders, God declares that the just shall live by faith. God was resolute that the just shall live by faith and not by anything or anyone else. What do you live by? Look at your life and examine whether you the just of God live by faith. Is your faith in God? Habakkuk cried that God would revive the work of His hands. This I believe should be our prayer daily. We should hunger for God to revive His work here on earth like never before.
Finally, may I encourage you to praise God like never before! Praise helps one to keep focused on God. Praise helps us remember that it's not the things we have or get from God that make God who He is. God is already God and is worthy of praise. Learn that the highest expression of faith is to praise God in front of your enemy. Remember Jehoshaphat and the children of Israel. They praised God and saw God fight for them. Open your mouth and praise. He will make your feet like hinds feet in the midst of the rocky steep path that is easy to fall.
Memory Verse: Micah 2:4
Habakkuk 3:2
O Lord, I have heard Your speech and was afraid; O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make it known; in wrath remember mercy. (italics mine)
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