Day 236
Reading: Micah 5:1 - Micah 7:20
Ever been laughed at when you fell down? In primary school am sure someone did. In today's world, we are prone to be laughed at when we make mistakes. In this day and age of social media, there are people laughing at one's mistakes whom they are not even acquainted with. The calamity the children of God were facing in the days of Micah reveals to us that their enemies were laughing at them.
In the midst of pain, God declares a Word that is so pertinent to this day and age. To the believer who is asking where is God, I have good news. To that person who's been mocked for what seems forever God has you in mind. God is a God of mercy and that's why even if you and I fall we will rise again. We may be sat in darkness, however, God is our light and He will lead us to the place of greatness. The sound of rejoicing by your enemies will soon become one of mourning as they watch the tables overturned.
We may be down right now because of sin or just the challenges of life. This situation is not permanent as God will soon plead my case. Yes, God, Himself will plead my case and fight my enemies. God will bring you and me to the place of light. We shall see His righteousness shortly and those who are enemies will see shame cover them. God's eyes will see your enemies trampled upon.
I believe you and I are walking into a season where our hands will be raised against our adversaries. Someone is doubting how can this be when the economic news is all doom and gloom. By the time God had finished with Egypt via the 10 plagues do you think they had an economy? The world bank and IMF of the day would have been instituting austerity plans in Egypt, however, God's people still left the winners. You are emerging in this hour as the winner. Posture yourself right and you will partake of that which God is doing in this hour. This crisis is for our increase!
Memory Verse: Micah 6:8
Micah 7:8
Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; when I fall, I will arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me. (italics mine)
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