Day 233
Reading: Amos 5:1 - Amos 9:15
We live in a world where we all will agree that corruption is on the increase. It doesn't matter where you live, corrupt people are everywhere. In some places just because things work many don't realise the system they are under is not godly. Slavery is alive today. Many today are slaves not just to sin, carnal desires but also to the world system.
Amos loathed the corruption that was prevalent in His days. Many children of God today complain about corruption and then participate in some form of corruption. Is it any wonder God is mocked today? God desires every child to know that there is a plumb line that He uses to measure us. It's a plumb line of grace, righteousness and justice. Obedience to God's commandments is the only measure of God's plumb line.
Amos exhorts the children of God to seek God and live. Twice he declares this word. Seek God and live. Child of God the hour to seek is not tomorrow but now! No human being can exist without oxygen. Seeking God should be our breathing in and out in life. We should so desire God that we cannot do anything without Him. When one's life is tied to God then the blessing of God can manifest easily.
God not only desires we seek Him but that we also seek good. Amos exhorts that we seek good and live. Seeking God involves looking into the welfare of others. We are not to detach ourselves from others but we are to be a people who are concerned with others. Don't be like Cain who was not concerned with his brother leading him to kill him out of jealousy and anger. Be your neighbour's keeper Genesis 4:9.
The Book of Amos ends with the promises from God of restoration that will defy the norm. Get set to see the reaper pass the sower. God will bring back His children to possess their possessions and rebuild the cities and farms. True worship is being restored as God restores the Tabernacle of David.
Memory Verse: Amos 5:24
Amos 9:15
I will plant them in their land, and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land I have given them,” says the Lord your God. (italics mine)
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