Day 220
Reading: Ezekiel 32:1 - Ezekiel 33:33
Growing up in a developing nation the term watchman was not one that brought a thrill. It may have shown a family as wealthy to have a watchman but the job of a watchman then was not one to be envied or even studied for. Watchmen have always been seen as dropouts or people who are at the bottom of the ladder careerwise. Most times we saw the watchman fall asleep and when thugs came he was nowhere to be found. Am sure many can relate.
So you can imagine my reaction while reading the Bible God uses this term watchman. Immediately my mind recoiled because this wasn't what I expected. At that moment the Holy Spirit spoke to me. He didn't begin with pointing out my error. He first showed me why God expects us to be watchmen. God has given the earth to men and He cannot interfere in the affairs of the earth Psalms 115:16. When Adam and Eve sinned they delegated their authority to the enemy Genesis 3. God has through the Bible made every effort to place man back on the pedestal the enemy threw him off. Every great person we have seen God use has one who God has appointed a watchman over His children.
God responds to prayer because we humans can't live a supernatural life without the Creator. The challenges we face today should spur us to seek the supernatural power of God to deal and ward off the enemy. The call to be a watchman requires intercession for the people, city or nation that God desires you wait on Him about. Look through the Bible and you will see that God has had great watchmen. For example, Elijah, remember Him and his encounter with the priests of Baal. After rebuilding the altar of God he goes up the mountain and prays for rain to fall on the land. Where are the watchmen who will pray for God's rain to fall on the land? Another watchman was Esther. Remember how she led the uprising against Hamman by not only speaking to the King but also travailing in prayer and fasting.
The Holy Spirit is challenging every believer to rise up and take their place as a watchman in the Body of Christ. Unless you humble yourself and see that you have eternity at stake and The Eternal One calling you to warn people to turn from wickedness you will miss God. God continued to stir my heart to come to a place of tenderness hungry for Him and willing to not only hear what He is saying through His Watchmen but also to obey. The curse of many today is that they are chasing prophets to speak to them the Word of the Lord but they chose to disobey the revealed Word. May we not be found unfaithful. To be a watchman requires you and me to be humble to accept the role and to be obedient to the Word we hear. Let's depopulate the enemy's camp by rising up and taking our positions as watchmen in our land.
Memory Verse: Ezekiel 33:20
Ezekiel 33:7
“So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me." (italics mine)
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