Day 230
Reading: Hosea 10:1 - Hosea 14:9
Dear Backslider,
My child, I love you, however, I have noted that you have chosen to ignore Me. I am the One who walked with you from the land of slavery to the place of freedom. I set you free from every form of captivity. I remember how you loved Me. You would rise early to seek Me, worshipped Me even when you had nothing yet now I see you asleep and the hour you are living is perilous.
I remember the days you rejoiced because of the little you had. Now that I have blessed you with much, you have forgotten that the power to create wealth is given by Me to establish My covenant on earth. I hear you saying how you cannot give and when I look in your heart I ask where is the person who would give me all when they had nothing now they withhold all giving Me tokens to pacify their consciences.
My covenant of love cannot be broken yet your love for me is dependant on how you feel. I change not yet you are always changing. Gone are the days where I would have found you serving in My House because of love. Now you serve because of what you desire. You align with the promises of the covenant not because of love but selfish interests. I am not mocked.
You love those who are your family yet I commanded that you never forget the stranger. The stranger is not the neighbour but that person you don't know. My love is unconditional yet you love others conditionally. Everywhere I look My children have forsaken Me. They have loved the things of this world making their acquisition the goal of life. Many have made things the measure of joy and as I told the children of Israel if they don't serve Me with joy I promised to let their enemies overrun them Deuteronomy 28:47. I desire to bless My children for the earth is mine and the fullness in it Psalms 24:1. However, never allow things to possess you. Remember Abraham who lifted his hands to me in a vow knowing that I am the Possessor of Heaven and Earth Genesis 14:22.
Sow to yourself righteousness. Return to Me the Righteous One. When you sow My righteousness in your lives and land you will reap in mercy like never before. I urge you to break up the fallow ground. A farmer before planting seeds will till the ground to break it up and make it arable. Bring your heart to me and allow me to change it and give you a heart of flesh Ezekiel 36:26. This is the hour to seek Me. Only those who seek with all their heart will discover the blessings that I have arranged for them. Don't be like the children of Israel who left Egypt with a promise but never saw the land because they forgot who I Am. This is the hour to heal your backsliding and My anger will turn from you.
Memory Verse: Hosea 14:4,9
Hosea 10:12
Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you. (italics mine)
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