Day 222
Reading: Ezekiel 37:1 - Ezekiel 39:29
I grew up in a country that loves goat eating excursions. From a young age, I would be given a rib and told to clean the bone. That meant not only eating the meat but to nibble everything on the rib. After such a wonderful experience of eating the meat came the hard process of ensuring the bone had no meat. At the end the bones would be put together. Now when reading Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones the best comparison of thinking of many bones was my goat eating excursions. To think that Ezekiel saw a valley of dry bones it must have been disheartening as he must have seen that the bones were human.
We all have dry bones in our lives. Prophecies that we have never seen the slightest bit come to pass. Dry bones are what we are when we lose hope. Our inside starts to dry out when hope is lost and soon if the situation is not rectified one loses faith in the one who gave a reason for hope. Many today are facing this issue. Dreams have died for many people because they don't know how it will work out when faced with dark times where nothing is working out. However, never forget that its darkest before we see the sunrise. How does one deal with dry bones in their life?
Firstly, acknowledge that only God can cause every dry bone to live. You acknowledge in prayer and worship that God is the Source of life. God is a Life Giver. Ezekiel understood that he had nothing within him that could make the dry bones return to life.
Secondly, speak the Word of God. Too many times we have dry bones because our speech is contrary to that which is of God. Ezekiel prophesied as commanded. Seek the Word of God regarding the dry bones you see in life and declare the Living Word. God will always honour His word.
Thirdly, understand the importance of the Breathe of God over creation. In Genesis 2, when God made man He breathed into him. The same Hebrew word used in Genesis 2:7 is used here when Ezekiel prophesies commanding the breath to breathe into the dry bones. TheSpirit of God is the Breath of God. When God breathes over a person he comes alive.
Your dry bones will live because God is drawing you out from the grave that life has consigned to you. I hear a sound of bones rattling as God is releasing His power over His children causing them to come out of every grave that life has thrown them into. You wonder how it will be. Leave that to God. God will do what only He can do. You do your part and get ready to see dry bones come alive.
Memory Verse: Ezekiel 38:23
Ezekiel 37:13
Then you shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O My people, and brought you up from your graves. (italics mine)
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