Day 234
Reading: Obadiah 1:1 - Jonah 4:11
The world is seeking for answers. It's in pain and many of those who are called to represent the Balm of Gilead have run away. Oh yes, many of God's messengers have run away from declaring the Word of God. You see we are called God's children because we have come to Zion where there is deliverance. God expects us to understand that we are called by a holy God and we cannot desecrate His presence.
The story of Jonah is told world over. Many always question whether a grown man could be swallowed by a fish. My purpose is not to provide scientific or empirical studies into the validity of the prophecy of Jonah. The question that was on my mind was why did Jonah run away. The more I meditated on this the more I realised the folly of many of us today is the same as that of Jonah.
Jonah ran away because He knew that he would proclaim a word and the people would heed it causing God to change from the God of Judgement to the God of Mercy. This my dear friend is the state of many children of God. God sent Jonah to the people of Nineveh. Nineveh was a flourishing city north of Babylon. Jonah didn't seem pleased to go to the people of Nineveh. We are not told of what may have transpired before that would cause Jonah to run in the opposite direction. He's running away was in defiance to God's instruction. He chose his own agenda disregarding God's agenda. Many today, me included, are guilty of chasing personal agendas in total disregard of God's agenda.
Jonah was thrown off the boat and the storm immediately became calm. Many people are in trouble because the people in their boat are acting defiantly towards God. Whenever we disobey God we shouldn't expect that those in our boat will be safe. Jonah through prayer and thanksgiving seeks his release from the belly of the fish. His actions while in the belly of the fish are lessons to every child of God to learn. It's important we realise how much God requires our walking with Him in obedience.
Jonah on proclaiming the message of God's judgement over Nineveh stays near the city to see what would happen. While Nineveh repents on hearing the prophetic word of judgement, Jonah is sat under a tree complaining. His complaint was why did God not do what He said. The tree that is providing a shade for Jonah dries up having been damaged by a worm. Jonah was angry with God that He didn't do as He said. His language was one of a bully.
Child of God let me share what I learnt as I read the Book of Jonah. I should be careful that I don't limit what God can do. Many today have limited God in that they cannot see God changing people. Many today want to proclaim fire on people and forget that God is allowed to have mercy. If God can show mercy who am I not to show mercy? The worm that ate the tree that provided a shade speaks of bitterness that eats away from the salvation of God taking our shade away. Child of God, being angry with people and never forgiving them will lead to God removing His shade over you.
We live in a day and age where many pray for their enemies to die just like Jonah yet they are surprised when they see these people being blessed by God. When the King of Nineveh announced the dry fast for 3 days in seeking mercy, Jonah didn't celebrate that the people had been won to God. Don't be the believer who doesn't celebrate others because you have a low opinion of them. Your opinion doesn't count in heaven, what matters is what pleases God. I urge you to move from being bitter against those whom you feel are against you. Choose to be an extender of mercy, not judgement. We don't know the end of Jonah. I hope that people won't say of you that they don't know what happened to you because the root of bitterness took you out.
Memory Verse: Obadiah 1:17
Jonah 2:9
"But I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay what I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord.” (italics mine)
"But I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay what I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord.” (italics mine)
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