We are now crossing over into 2010. This will be a new era. As we turn the pages of a new year may your life also turn a new page. Get ready to move from glory to glory. They moved from the desert into the land flowing with milk and honey. May 2010 be the year that you move into destiny.
Solomon encountered God as he gave himself and dedicated the temple to God. May this year be the year that you enter the realm that God has ordained for you. In 2010 prepare yourself to possess the land. Greatness beckons. As we walk through the year prepare to encounter opportunities of increase like never before. I perceive one thing in 2010 God is looking for people that He will shine through. may you be found as a resting place of His glory in 2010.
When Solomon dedicated the temple at night God visited him and asked him a question. During the day God's glory filled the temple. May His glory fill all that is called by your name as God's temple, i.e. may your finances be filled with His glory, may His glory overshadow your career, your business, marriage, health and all that is named you. During the night he asked for understanding. may you receive understanding in the night seasons of this life. May the meditation of your heart during the night seasons bring forth wisdom that is propels you to greatness.
May 2010 be the year that you are restored to take flight in paths that you have long desired. When Solomon dedicated the temple said that He would answer prayer that was offered. I urge you to dedicate yourself to Him and see what El-Shaddai, Elohim, The Lord, The Risen One, The Eternal One does through you.
All the best of God's goodness in 2010 awaits you. I await to rejoice with you as you see and tell of His goodness.
Solomon encountered God as he gave himself and dedicated the temple to God. May this year be the year that you enter the realm that God has ordained for you. In 2010 prepare yourself to possess the land. Greatness beckons. As we walk through the year prepare to encounter opportunities of increase like never before. I perceive one thing in 2010 God is looking for people that He will shine through. may you be found as a resting place of His glory in 2010.
When Solomon dedicated the temple at night God visited him and asked him a question. During the day God's glory filled the temple. May His glory fill all that is called by your name as God's temple, i.e. may your finances be filled with His glory, may His glory overshadow your career, your business, marriage, health and all that is named you. During the night he asked for understanding. may you receive understanding in the night seasons of this life. May the meditation of your heart during the night seasons bring forth wisdom that is propels you to greatness.
May 2010 be the year that you are restored to take flight in paths that you have long desired. When Solomon dedicated the temple said that He would answer prayer that was offered. I urge you to dedicate yourself to Him and see what El-Shaddai, Elohim, The Lord, The Risen One, The Eternal One does through you.
All the best of God's goodness in 2010 awaits you. I await to rejoice with you as you see and tell of His goodness.
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