Wisdom is the principal thing, Solomon declared. As 2010 gets moving another resource needed to succeed is wisdom. We need wisdom in everything we do. From our health, to marriage, to careers to just plain every day living wisdom is paramount. With wisdom certain decisions we make would be far easier to make. Part of the reason we see the breakdown in many areas of life today is simply lack of wisdom.
Wisdom is best defined as the rightful application of knowledge. Wisdom is not being clever. Being clever is demonstrated by passing exams. Education systems are producing clever people in life but not wise students of life. Wisdom is using acquired knowledge to make judgement calls that turn situations into glorious occasions. Well here goes another acronym.
W for Words: Words are powerful. be careful how you communicate. Your words either build or destroy. Wise people speak less but use their words to engage minds resulting in right thinking.
I for Instruction: Where instructions are not followed failure is almost assured. Notice everything comes with a manual to make it work. Build your life on the instructions that God the Creator has given mankind. Instructions for man from God are found in the entire bible.
S for Study: Study wise people. Study the biographies of wise people. When you understand what drove wise people to become what they became you open the door of greatness.
D for Development: Make personal development a goal this year. You cannot face this year with just the knowledge of yesterday. Seek new information as knowledge is constantly being increased.
O for Obligations: Wise people understand the power of fulfilling obligations. Draw up a summary of your obligations and see God work in your favour. Being faithful to those we are obligated to builds within one the capacity to be faithful. Wisdom is always found in faithful people.
M for Movement: Wisdom enables movement. Wise people are movers and shakers. In 2010 acquire the wisdom that will allow you to move towards the fulfillment of your dreams.
Wise Words when spoken result in thought provoking Instructions which require attentive Study bringing forth personal Development causing one to embrace Obligations that result in Movement.
May 2010 be the year that you pursue wisdom at every level of life. Wisdom is one lever that opens the door of greatness. Seek wisdom from the Wise One. Engaging the thoughts of God in the bible produces wisdom for life. Seek wisdom and everything will soon fall in place.
Wisdom is best defined as the rightful application of knowledge. Wisdom is not being clever. Being clever is demonstrated by passing exams. Education systems are producing clever people in life but not wise students of life. Wisdom is using acquired knowledge to make judgement calls that turn situations into glorious occasions. Well here goes another acronym.
W for Words: Words are powerful. be careful how you communicate. Your words either build or destroy. Wise people speak less but use their words to engage minds resulting in right thinking.
I for Instruction: Where instructions are not followed failure is almost assured. Notice everything comes with a manual to make it work. Build your life on the instructions that God the Creator has given mankind. Instructions for man from God are found in the entire bible.
S for Study: Study wise people. Study the biographies of wise people. When you understand what drove wise people to become what they became you open the door of greatness.
D for Development: Make personal development a goal this year. You cannot face this year with just the knowledge of yesterday. Seek new information as knowledge is constantly being increased.
O for Obligations: Wise people understand the power of fulfilling obligations. Draw up a summary of your obligations and see God work in your favour. Being faithful to those we are obligated to builds within one the capacity to be faithful. Wisdom is always found in faithful people.
M for Movement: Wisdom enables movement. Wise people are movers and shakers. In 2010 acquire the wisdom that will allow you to move towards the fulfillment of your dreams.
Wise Words when spoken result in thought provoking Instructions which require attentive Study bringing forth personal Development causing one to embrace Obligations that result in Movement.
May 2010 be the year that you pursue wisdom at every level of life. Wisdom is one lever that opens the door of greatness. Seek wisdom from the Wise One. Engaging the thoughts of God in the bible produces wisdom for life. Seek wisdom and everything will soon fall in place.
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