The Psalms encourage us to be a people of covenant. As one reads the psalms one discovers that they are filled with promises for life. I encourage you to search the scriptures for the promises that God has made for you in the Psalms and see what greatness lies within.
One such promise is to be still and know that God is God!! As you walk through 2010, it's important you maintain knowledge of who God is. To walk about life without knowing that God is with in control is to open your life to lies of the enemy. Whatever circumstances you are facing understand that God is in control. That is why God could command rain, speak to a rock for water to flow, etc. No matter what you are facing God is in control.
Another promise is that He crowns the year with His goodness. God does this because everything belongs to Him. The reason 2010 will be great and awesome is because God has crowned it. A crown is a distinction that comes from great achievement. This year we will have great crowning moments.
God has promised to bring you out of affliction into a place of rich fulfillment. In 2010 declare the Word of God over your life. The Word of God is life and the promises have the capacity to bring one into the place of fulfillment. The power inherent in the Word is such that it brings you out of bondage to a prosperous place. As you praise God may you enter into all that God thinks about you.
One such promise is to be still and know that God is God!! As you walk through 2010, it's important you maintain knowledge of who God is. To walk about life without knowing that God is with in control is to open your life to lies of the enemy. Whatever circumstances you are facing understand that God is in control. That is why God could command rain, speak to a rock for water to flow, etc. No matter what you are facing God is in control.
Another promise is that He crowns the year with His goodness. God does this because everything belongs to Him. The reason 2010 will be great and awesome is because God has crowned it. A crown is a distinction that comes from great achievement. This year we will have great crowning moments.
God has promised to bring you out of affliction into a place of rich fulfillment. In 2010 declare the Word of God over your life. The Word of God is life and the promises have the capacity to bring one into the place of fulfillment. The power inherent in the Word is such that it brings you out of bondage to a prosperous place. As you praise God may you enter into all that God thinks about you.
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