Day 31 Reading: Lev. 8:1- Lev. 11:47 The month of January ends today. Thank You Lord for Your mercies that have sustained me. I am looking forward to great days ahead. Start everyday by consecrating yourself to God. Learn to allow God to point areas that need to be consecrated-given- to Him. This is a daily walk where each day God will reveal more of Himself making one desire the need to grow into the fullness of what God has ordained. Moses would begin the process of consecration by washing the priests. Now I know why they say cleanliness is next to godliness. Consecration into the office of God's calling is to be taken seriously. Too many times we take our roles lightly in that we don't see ourselves as sent by God in those roles. Take each role with a heavenly perspective and the brevity of consecration will be easy. Consecration is not for bishops and prophets. Every person has a role and we should be consecrated into them. Every husband and wife should en...
Daily we need to rise, conquer and be all that we can be.