Day 2
Reading: Gen:4:1-7:24
Cain, the first born, followed the footsteps of his father Adam in not walking in obedience to God. They both gave in and thus gave away their heritage. Be careful that your life is not given away because of giving in to the pleasures or temptations of this world. View the dainties of this world with displeasure, not covetousness.
'Sin lies at the door if you don't do well' Gen. 4:7. Lord help me to watch the doorway of my heart for the enemy is deceptive. In the midst of this sad tale of how Cain murdered Abel, I am encouraged because if the blood of Abel brought such judgement what about the Blood of Jesus the Son of God. I am encouraged to know that my destiny is not in the hands of the enemy for the Blood of Jesus is calling me out and terminating every stroke of the enemy.
Seth the son born after Abel is killed has a son called Enosh. I wondered why the scriptures say after he was born men began to call on God. Enosh points to the frailty of man, or feeble. When you come to the end of trying all you can do in your strength you will discover you can only call on God. Enosh was a prophesy that you can't trust in the strength of man.
Enoch walked with God Gen. 5:22. The first time we read about anyone walking with God. He walked with God so much that he was not. His flesh was no more and all he was God. He couldn't stay on earth as this was not God's place. Its God's desire that we are dead to ourselves and only alive to God. Imagine if the entire Church was dead to flesh and only God was seen in them. The world would shake in revival. Lord may I walk with You.
As we go through the genealogy of Adam we soon meet Noah. Lamech prophesied about his son, Noah. A father prophesies about his children. Like an archer taking a bow and arrow and pointing it towards the target,so is a father's responsibility. Today we have many who no longer understand the importance of being a father or acknowledge the Father. God desires I experience His love as My Father. Noah was born with a mandate to bring comfort and that comfort was not brought the way many would have desired. He took 120 years building an ark according to the measurements given to him by God. Lord deliver me from building according to my own measurements. I cant walk as a believer in my own measurements- my own measurements in relationships, business, ministry or career. God desires that I walk in His measurements and not frustrate the grace that He has poured into me. God's measurements are standards He requires I live by.
The ark is God's plan for salvation and only those found inside were saved. The days of playing games and being complicit, not being blameless are over. Grace was not meant to mean that we don't have a responsibility to walk upright. To be Christlike is to grow in maturity deepening our walk with God. The Lord will soon shut the door to the Ark!
Memory verse: Gen. 6:9
Father, Your love towards me is unending. I decree that I will walk with God all the days of my life. I will live a surrendered life before God, wholly given to His purposes. People will see God in and through me continually. I decree that I will experience God's favour continually in all that pertains to me. I declare that I am in the Ark of the Lord and will enjoy the blessings of salvation as I ride over every flood water of life in Jesus name. Amen.
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