Day 3: Gen.8:1-11:32
God doesn't forget anyone. No matter the storm in life as long as I am in the ark of God's salvation God will not forget me. I love the statement that God remembered Noah. As I go through the year I will continually remind myself that God remembers me and will make a wave to blow the waters of the storms of life away making a way for me to walk on dry land.
The raven and dove comparison makes me realise the value God places on me. My body is not the landing strip of anything that can land anywhere. Be a person who carries such great value to attract and keep value. The dove brought back an olive branch. We don't know what the raven carried. Value ensures you carry that which is worthwhile. Noah moved only on instruction from heaven. He didn't step out of the ark because he saw the dry ground. He moved when Heaven instructed him. Make every step when Heaven orders to see Heaven's blessing.
Noah offered a sacrificial offering on leaving the ark. This is a habit to learn to create an altar whenever I come through a challenge or season. May every offering given to God result in the Lord smelling a sweet aroma. May this year be one filled with God smelling a sweet aroma continually. A sacrificial offering to God will be followed by a blessing that affirms God's covenant.
Change is good, however, in every turn let God remain the focus. Noah became a farmer and soon developed something we don't see earlier. Was Noah suffering from boredom? Was he drinking because now there wasn't a high to aim for? Learn to continually focus on God and live by His standards. Charles, don't allow the highs of life to become highlights that stop you from going higher. In the midst of this season, Noah cursed his son. It's sad when a son sees the shortcomings of a father and mocks the father. The results are fatal. May God have mercy on us sons to understand that we should be greater than fathers and it's a curse when we do less.
The family of 8 soon increased and multiplied vastly and in Gen. 11 we see the people speaking one language with one purpose with the idea of building the Tower of Babel. The plains of Shinar- Hebrew meaning Tooth City, Shaken tooth, Casting Out, Change City and also known as Babylon. Mankind was to fill the earth yet they wanted to go on a space exploration mission which didn't have Heaven's backing. I need to be careful who I unite with in pursuit of any agenda. God views everything we do. God is so interested in accomplishing Heaven's agenda. Unity is speaking one language with a group. It's having a singular purpose with a singular language. Sometimes God will scatter a group when their purposes aren't aligned with Heaven's timeline. Stop blaming the devil for every failure. Understand that sometimes God simply will scatter to go cause you to spread further.
Memory Verse: Gen 8:1
I decree and declare that I am remembered of God continually. Daily I will remember God and be remembered of Him. God blows a wind over every stormy water that I find myself in. I declare that I am laying my life on God's altar and pray that I will be a sweet aroma to God. I decree that the blessing of God to increase, multiply, be fruitful, subdue the earth and walk in dominion is reinforced in me daily. My lineage is blessed. The blood of Jesus speaks over me and removes every curse spoken against me or my family in Jesus name. Amen.
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