Day 30
Reading: Lev. 5:1- Lev. 7:38
Keeping the Law was work. The law revealed more about the dispensation of law whereas the days of Abraham were the dispensation of promise. Some offerings required a bull; some a male goat or female goat; some a ram. Keeping all this was work. The law was about works but this does not mean I should dismiss it. One should read not just for knowledge but for a revelation of God. One thing I think we miss today in the church is the perspective of the Holiness of God. As I read about the different offerings I am amazed at how God breaks down every sin. Nothing is trivial to God. And the law was not one rule for all in terms of remediation. If one couldn't meet (afford) a certain requirement God had a solution.
Many things amazed me as I read this portion of scripture. The person who lied and was found as having stolen from another would restore to full value and add 20% to the person affected whilst also offering a trespass offering. Today in the dispensation of promise (grace) we don't understand the value God attached to right relationships. Lord forgive me for mistreating people!
The fire on the altar was to never go out. God expects the fire in us to never go out. The fire may have gone out because the wood was finished, or it may have gone out because it rained (environmental), or it may have gone out because of human error. Yet God expected that the fire was kept ablaze constantly. No matter the environmental effects, human errors or circumstances the fire of God must burn in us. Lord light Your fire in me afresh!
The priests who made the offerings were to be holy. As a priest holiness is expected of me if I am to offer to God an offering that is pleasing to Him. God desires that I walk in holiness to be able to represent Him well.
As I read the different offerings I have made some observations:
- Daily the priest was to offer a grain offering in the morning and night to God.
- The sin offering was not to be eaten. It was to be burned whole. God doesn't want His priests eating sin. Sin was to be burnt!
- The trespass offering could be eaten. This made me ask a question. What is the difference between sin and trespass? Sin is to miss the mark, moral obliquity. Trespass is to act unfaithfully or to blunder. Trespass is about failures to others. Sin is about our failure to God. One commits sin against God however we commit trespasses against our fellow men.
- Leavened bread was offered together with the peace offering for thanksgiving.
- The offering that could be eaten was usually eaten on that day however for the voluntary offering it could be eaten on the next day but not on the third day.
- Only a person walking right could eat of the offerings. 'Sin will deny you from access to that which is your allocation, Charles.'
Memory Verse: Lev. 6:13
Father, thank You for loving me. I lay my life as an offering to You. I decree that the fire of God in me burns brightly. I disconnect everything that seeks to douse the flame of God in me. I decree that I am the light of God. Sanctify me, set me aflame Lord for You alone. I decree that I walk aright in holiness to God. Lord, I pray that I encounter Your mercy in all things pertaining to life in Jesus name. Amen.
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