Day 16
Reading: Gen. 48:1-Gen. 50:26
Always remember the promises of God and learn to recount them to your children. Jacob had a personal encounter that led to the blessing of God over his life. May I have a definite divine encounter that changes my story!
There is power in the blessing of a blessed person. When God's hand is on a person they carry a potency to bless generations altering generations. Jacob imparted a blessing on Ephraim and Manasseh moving them from one generational level to that of their uncles. He moved them to be in the lineage and the flow of the blessing that was from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob and would transcend to Jacob's children. Learn to decree blessings on your children. Convey the blessings of God to them.
Ephraim had a double blessing. He moved from being the second born to the front. God will always lift that which is not primary to the top. Your spirit man will rise above the carnal man which is born first. 'Charles, there is a blessing that makes a person overtake those born before you'. Lord activate this blessing in my life.
Jacob before dying speaks into the lives of his children:
- Reuben he curses for defiling his fathers' bed.
- Simon and Levi, who led the onslaught against the Shechem, he also curses for their anger.
- Judah, he decrees that he will be praised by his peers. Jacob was seeing ahead into the lineage of Judah. Jacob decrees an authority to break the hold of the enemy in his life. Jacob by speaking of the spectre was speaking into the dominion that Judah would have over his family.
- Zebulon, he was given authority to a gate into the seas. He was given the port rights of the family.
- Issachar a hard worker who unfortunately because of rest and seeing the land as good would become a slave. Be careful when you rest where you shouldn't be.
- Dan is called a judge of the people, however, he also says that his behaviour would be compared to a serpent. Dan would attack riders causing them to fall backwards.
- Gad, a troop. Victory was announced to his life over the challenges he would face. He may lose battles but not the war!
- Asher was called one whose bread would be yielding in rich dainties. May I partake of the Bread of the Lord yielding in rich dainties.
- Naphtali, the grace with which a deer run was equated to his eloquence.
- Joseph was called strong for having remained alive while in the fiery furnace of being shot at with negative arrows. Jacob then decreed that every blessing of the heavens, earth and beneath would come upon him. Joseph was blessed with a blessing that would excel even that of his ancestors. He truly was about to shine greatly.
- Benjamin was equated to a ravenous wolf. He would be great at hunting.
After the burial of Jacob, the brothers begin to deal with self-condemnation again. They were never assured of themselves that Joseph meant no harm for them. No wonder when he heard their plea he cried. He had forgiven them and nothing was going to change that. Joseph was the braggadocious brother they sent away. He was a humble man who saw the outworking of God in all things.
Memory Verse: Gen. 50:20
Father, thank You for wisdom. I release anyone who has caused me pain. I decree that I will walk in humility and by honouring the Lord for His purpose in me will be great and it will come to pass. Thank You for the blessing that You give that changes my story. I decree today I become the manifestations of the blessing of God upon me. I decree that I am a carrier of the blessing of God. I decree that I am a distributor of the blessings of God. I invoke today and activate the power of the blessing to cause me to ride in blessing all the days of my life. I decree that I am blessed with the blessings of the heavens, the blessings of the earth and the earth beneath. I partake of the blessings of God and will confound many because the blessing of God in me will cause me to overtake those ahead of me. I will excel more than my ancestors and those who have run ahead of me because of the blessings of God in Jesus name. Amen
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