Day 9
Reading: Gen. 29:1- Gen. 30:43
Marriage is not to be entered carelessly. Jacob knew who he wanted to marry. He was willing to work hard for his wife. Notice that Rachel whom Jacob met him at a well just like his mother was met at a well. Be careful which well you meet your spouse or any relationship. Is it a life giving well or one that snaps life out of you?
Be careful when celebrating that people don't hoodwink you. Jacob was so happy that he was conned. He woke up the next morning and realised that he didn't get what he wanted. However, this didn't stop him from pursuing his dream. Don't allow the bumps and mishaps of life to stop you from making the dream real. Learn from Jacob who renegotiated his contract with Laban. Develop the skill to renegotiate in life when things don't go your way.
There are somethings in life I will only understand in Heaven. God cannot be questioned and His purposes are supreme and work together in all things. He saw the situation in Jacob's household and decided to balance the equation. God will always work for the unloved one. Know that when people look down on you, God is getting ready to move into your situation. Leah was so unloved by Jacob that she had to negotiate sleeping rights!! Is it not amazing that God blessed her with sons. However notice the names of the sons, the father had no input in naming!! I wonder how much this affected their lives and lifestyle. Men rise up and be fathers and not just progenitors!
God is always a prayer answering God. He will always attend to the cry of His Children. Rachel had an attitude that I pray to always carry in life. Give me what is mine or I die. As I read this scripture I asked myself how passionate about the things I am to give birth to? How passionate am I about winning souls to the Kingdom. Rachel had a similar cry as Rebekah. The difference is that for Rebekah, Isaac pleaded for her before God. Rachel, the word declares that God listened to her. Don't just ask people to pray, learn to pray and God will answer! Notice that when Rachel gives birth, the name of the child is a prophesy that she will have another son.
Don't remain in the land of hiding for longer than necessary. Remember there is a garden of Eden ordained. Jacob knew that He was to return and possess the land God had told him as he fled. However, God wasn't going to let him return broke. Instead Jacob was given a wealth making strategy. May God grant me wealth making strategies. Laban understood that the reason he prospered was because of Jacob. He understood that the reason God blessed him was because of Jacob. May every associate understand they are blessed because of my working with them.
Abraham prospered and became prosperous, this was the same for Isaac and it was the same for Jacob. As a child of the covenant this is my portion. Bye bye lack, poverty, not enough. My DNA is one that reads exceedingly prosperous.
Memory Verse Gen. 30:22
Father I thank You for my heritage in You. I decree that my steps are ordered of You. I will walk into the right relationships and will not be slack in my relating with divine connections. I decree that I will not lose sight of my responsibilities as a parent. I will name my children aright and set them in the God ordained path. I decree that I will cry to God and not mankind for God is my Helper. I decree that from today I receive help to birth all You have ordained within me. I decree that I am open to wealth making strategies. I decree that I will not pass by wealth making opportunities. May my eyes be open to see wealth making opportunities. Lord thank You that my heritage is one of being exceedingly prosperous. From today I align with my divine DNA in Jesus name. Amen
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