Day 29
Reading: Lev. 1:1- Lev. 4:35
Welcome to the third book of the Bible, Leviticus. This is one book that many times believers today just don't like. However, I don't think its there just to show us the Old Covenant. Every scripture reveals the mind and heart of God. As I read this book I believe God has great promises of life that will enhance my walk with Him.
Every offering was to God and had requirements. Notice that leaven and honey were not to be anywhere near the offering. The priests would remain with certain portions from some offerings. As I read through this portion of scripture I am also intrigued by the different specifications for what was to be given for an offering. For example, for a burnt offering only male animals of the herd without blemish would suffice. This wasn't the case with peace offerings where it was either male or female.
The sin offering was different. Notice the priest was to sprinkle the blood before the veil in the front of the sanctuary. Some blood would be poured in the altar of incense. The sacrifice would arise with a sweet aroma as a plea of mercy. The priest would also pour some of the blood at the base of the altar of the burnt offering. The blood would be in the outer court and also in the holy place pleading for mercy to the Holy of Holies.
Meat lovers will tell you that many meat lovers love the roast meat and especially the fatty bits. While sinning many times I have felt a thrill (taste), let me not point a finger at anyone and speak for myself. God required that the fat was burned on the altar for burnt offerings. May I learn as a believer to die to sin, the taste of sin! Parts of the animal were burnt outside the camp. I found it interesting that when God gave these instructions He began by dealing with the sin of the anointed priest and not the people or the ruler.
Memory Verse: Lev. 1:1
Father, thank You that Your Word reveals You. I pray that as I begin studying and reading this book reveal Yourself to me. Correct, train, show and teach me that I may walk with You. Lord, I pray that the Blood of the Lamb speaks over my life, marriage, and ministry. I lay my life as a sacrifice to Yahweh in Jesus name. Amen.
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