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Wrestle with God

Day 10

Reading: Gen. 31:1-Gen. 33:20

When you notice that you are no longer favoured take note that it's a junction of life. Jacob must have been wondering about his uncle for God to give such a clear instruction of what to do. Learn to seek God always and to allow your heart to constantly be in the place of worship to allow God to speak. 

There is a wealth transfer that occurs to the righteous. When one walks in covenant with God, wealth accrues with ease. Ease doesn't imply not working hard. Ease refers to the manner of acquisition. Jacob as we saw yesterday received wisdom that ensured he prospered. Wisdom from above brings ease to acquisition of wealth. 

God speaks in many ways. Dreams are also a method of communication of heaven's agenda. Learn to note encounters you have with God. Notice that God reminds Jacob of the encounter he had when he was fleeing. God also reminds Jacob of the vow he made. Making rash vows is irresponsible and may God forgive me for the many vows I have made that I haven't kept. 

Leah and Rachel made a statement that is thought provoking. They were sold by the father. Jacob served for his wives. His father didn't serve for his. I know the scenarios are different, however, take note of the ladies' response to Jacob's instruction on leaving. They had no attachment to the father and saw him as having nothing for them. One thing they recognised was that God had shifted wealth to them for their posterity.

When God is on your side no one can stop you!! Laban was warned by God! Laban certainly feared God however he didn't have a relationship with God. He refers to God who appeared to him as God of your father. He at least understood that the God of Abraham was the God of Isaac and certainly the God of Jacob. 

People will go away because of a fear of man. When they don't perceive that you have their best intentions they will go away from you leaving you wondering what happened. Walk in love and don't build walls but bridges that allow people to walk to you. Jacob feared Laban and didnt even believe that he would allow him to leave with wives. This reveals his position in the household. A servant and not a even a relative. Laban saw Jacob as a money mint! 

In Gen. 3 we saw the blood of a goat applied to cover the sins of Adam and Eve. Here Rachel by inferring to the menstrual cycle was speaking of a blood covering. May I always be covered by the Blood of the Lamb of God. 

Jacob was met by angels. Why did angels meet with him? May I be led to the path of daily encountering angels- messengers of God who bring tidings from Heaven.  May this year see me daily walk in the path of divine encounters.

Jacob was a humble man who was also very honest with himself. He wasn't afraid to tell God his fears. In this journey may I not be afraid to tell God my concerns. Let God know your concerns. He will defend!He will lift upwards! 

God desires a broken vessel. Only when broken can I be able to carry what is divine. Jacob had never had a moment of breaking like he was about to occur. Yes, experiences were painful however, he still had this nature that needed to be dealt with. God has a way of getting one to place of breaking where you wrestle. This wrestling leaves one changed. Allow God to break you Charles and get ready to see His glory become your covering. God will always prevail when He wrestles with man. He will break what needs to be broken leaving you with a mark to always remind you of the encounter that changed your name. The moment one meets with God face to face leads to transformation. 

I love the attitude of Jacob. He wouldn't leave without a blessing. He recognised that he was with the ultimate Blessor of all blessings. Too many times we don't understand that encounters with God overflow with blessings in many ways. Don't be trivial in your regards to God encounters. Jacob understood that this was a transaction of a life transition!

Jacob bought the piece of land. He didn't receive a freebie. The same principle Abraham applied he also did so. Invest and see what God can do. Don't despise the small beginnings. 

Memory verse: 32:26


Thank You Jehovah for this day. You are God of my all. You are in my everything and I surrender my life to you. Lord baptise me with wisdom for life. Wisdom that will bring ease in every area of my life. Help me to be sensitive to Your voice.  Lord may I be a broken vessel that is malleable for You. Change my name, my status, my story for Your glory. Let Your covenant come alive in me this day. Thank You for every blessing you have bestowed on me in Jesus name. Amen


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