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The Dreamer and his dream

Day 12

Reading: Gen. 37:1-Gen. 39:23

We all have dreams. Whether its the beginning of the year or start of a business, we all have a dream. I dream of making an impact to change generations, to repeal darkness from our lives that our lights may shine ever brighter.

Joseph was loved by his dad, Jacob. Jacob loved his mum more than Leah so not surprised that he was cherished more than the other sons. However, I also think that the father saw something special in Joseph that made him recognise him with a special tunic. The father's special attention brought discord. Learn to love your children alike.

Be careful who you share your dreams with. I have failed this article of life many a time. Joseph and I suffer from the same disease, verbiosis- made up for telling too much. It's never too late to learn to be quiet and not announce every dream to everyone. Learn to keep quiet. Let me hear of what is happening from the news. Any construction will have a wall around it. They will have a picture of the end product they are working to build. Learn to set up the wall and only allow what will build the dream into your life. Disallow the naysayers and troublers. Keeping silent and away is one way of developing yourself.  

Reuben may have slept with his step-brothers' mother and annoyed his father, however, he still had a bit of a conscience. While the others were plotting murder he became a saviour. Mercy comes in many ways. May I always have some speak for me even when being faced with trouble. Reuben though couldn't stop the brothers from selling Joseph. 

Once certified that the dream is God ordained understand that the process of making it happen will begin to take place. This process will strip away all that has a semblance of sense. God will strip away all that we can do of ourselves to make the dream a reality. For it to be of God and for God understand only God's way will work. 

One of the failings of Jacob is that he didn's see the importance of getting wives for his sons like Abraham and Isaac did. He just didn't have that perspective. This lack of fatherly intervention or wisdom had consequences. Judah's sons, Er and Onan were wicked before God and were killed by the Lord.

Onan, in particular, raises a concern for the men of today. What Onan did the bible says God saw as evil before His eyes. He went to the woman but refused to allow his seed to enter her. How many men do this when sleeping around and have their seed thrown to the ground. Could this be the reason behind the boy child issues?  Could this abuse of pleasure be the reason men are facing judgement from God and don't even realise it? Today's world we are faced with choices and these choices will either attract God or deny His goodness to us. May God forgive us men for desecrating His mode of delivery of life by throwing seed to the ground. Oh, may God heal us men from this plague that brought such judgement to men. May we understand that seed is not given to be thrown about but to be used as God intended. 

Men have to be careful with how they carry their bodies. A lady who wants anything from you will get it, Charles. Tamar got her father in law, Judah, to think she was a prostitute and slept with him. He couldn't even recognise her. May God give men discerning eyes to understand motive in every relationship. 

Tamar had twins and at birth, the one who was second came out first. His name echoed that he had burst forth. May this year be the year of my bursting forth into life, out of the womb into manifestation.

The Lord was with Joseph causing him to be successful and have favour. What pleasant words to read. When God is with you success becomes your nature and favour follows you. There is no higher favour we can get in life except that which is from the Lord. Joseph's master saw that God was with Joseph. Seek to come to a place that your employer sees that God is with you. What principles are you employing at work for the employer to admire that God is with you? May the world testify that God is with me in my daily endeavours. When God is with you, promotion follows.

Whether in limelight or not don't do what is wrong and think that you can get away with it. Joseph understood that adultery was wrong and would slow down his dream from happening. He had the integrity to understand that he had a responsibility to be faithful to God and his employer. The process will put you where you need to be. Just do what is necessary to learn for when the Lord is with you even in any form of prison, all will work out well.

Memory Verse: Gen. 39:2


I declare that I am a child of God. I decree that the covenant of God is working for me always. I decree that wherever I go I am favoured and successful for the Lord is with me. I repent of every wrong that I have committed that has led to God's seed in me dying. May the mercies of God be over every man for what we did in pleasure has caused judgement to fall on us. I decree that restoration of that which is lost. I declare that I am bursting forth unexpectedly and inexplicably into the place of my manifestation. The world will see me appear suddenly to the glory of God. I decree that as I walk with God I am pleasing to Him always. I declare and decree that I am favoured of God and prosperous in Jesus name. Amen


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