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Priesthood and Incense

Day 25

Reading: Ex. 28:1- Ex. 30:38

Dressing for the role conveys the importance attached to the role. Just like we see brides dressing in wedding gowns for the big day Moses was instructed to make garments for Aaron and his sons who would serve as priests. The garments were described as holy. And the purpose was not just to serve but they would show forth glory and beauty. God desires to dress us for glory and beauty. Holiness is a garment for glory and beauty.

The priest on his shoulders would carry the names of the 12 names of the children of Israel. Learn to carry the children of God on your shoulders. Carry the burdens of people before God. Carry those you are called to serve and represent as a memorial before God. Today the believer is suffering from selfishness even in prayer. Charles, you are called a king and priest. Carry the people of God as a memorial. Remind God His promises to His people. Not only was Aaron to bear the names on his shoulders however the breastplate would also have the names of the different children of Israel. My heart is to continually carry God's children as a memorial. My heart is to be tender towards the children of God carrying them to God always.

The ephod wouldn't have an earth colour but a heavenly colour-blue. To remind the priest of where he sat and also to remind that all decisions are made in Heaven and executed on earth. Aaron would wear a signet on his turban with an engraving on holiness to the Lord. God expects me to keep myself holy for Him and His purposes. Moses was to anoint, consecrate, sanctify Aaron and his sons to enable them to serve as priests to God. God will use a man to announce you to the world. Charles, be careful how you appear before the Throne of God. 

Consecration requires a sacrifice. Unless you give yourself to God as a sacrifice consecration is an issue. Charles, give of yourself to God continually. Be a living sacrifice consecrated to God alone. Moses was to wash Aaron with water. Charles, let the water of God be a cleansing agent over your life. The Word of God is a cleansing agent that sanctifies a person. The ram would bear the sins of the priests enabling them to serve God. The blood of the ram was then applied to the right ear- that they may hear and listen to God well; the right thumb- pure hands to lift the sacrifice to God; the right big toe- that their paths would be pure and holy to God. Don't allow sin to defile the altar on which divine transactions take place. Yes, I know today we don't go to make all these sacrifices, however, have you considered that every time you approach God, or go to fellowship or service or even connect with other believers your life is giving out. Sin is a blockage that obstructs the flow of the blessings of God.

God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt that He may dwell with them. The reason I am a child of God brought out of Egypt and bought by the Blood is that God may inhabit all that concerns me. This being brought out is to restore me to the garden of Eden where Adam and Eve communed with God. The Tabernacle would be the place God would meet with the Children of Israel. God expects that when people see a believer, the believer is a carrier of the Presence of God and that they carry the sound of God.

The tabernacle would have an altar where incense would be offered. This speaks of prayer and worship arising to God. Notice that the altar for sacrifices would be overlaid with bronze however the one for incense would be with gold.I'm not sure if it's coz of the chemical reactions of the sacrifices or not.What I do know is that bronze is a mixture of tin and copper, elements that portray the earth whereas gold is a precious commodity that is a pure chemical. Your worship and prayer are to be offered with purity and not be a mixture. Learn to allow a sweet aroma to arise towards God to accompany every sacrifice made.

Some incense was before the Ark of Testimony thus bringing an aroma of sweet perfume before the Lord. Let your heart be continually surrounded by a sweet aroma of worship to God. 

Memory Verse: Ex. 29:46


Father, I submit to You alone. I dedicate my life and consecrate my all to You that I may serve You and You alone in holiness. I choose to walk in holiness at all times. I decree that I am dressed in the righteousness of God and continually washed by the Word of God.  I decree that my worship arises as a sweet aroma to You Lord. I declare that all the days of my life I will carry the Presence of God and will continually be a priest to God bringing His people before Him. I decree that my life is as sweet incense unto the Lord in Jesus name. Amen. 


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