Day 7
Reading Gen. 24:1-Gen. 25:34
God desires to bless with all things in all areas. As a child of Abraham this is my inheritance. Fruitfulness in every arena of life resulting in health, peace, joy, abundance, well being are all blessings that God has ordained and given to me. God cares for our relationships and Abraham understood that he had a responsibility to maintain covenant. Ensure you walk with those who will not steer you away from the place of living a committed life to God's standards in all areas of life.
Learn to daily pray that God gives you success to accomplish His agenda. Understand that daily life is to be lived as a messenger of God. Each day God is sending me into the world to stand for Him. Abraham's servant who he sent reveals by his prayer his faith in the God of Abraham. Notice his prayer was made with a sign as an answer. There are depths in the walk with God. One who knows the voice of God will not seek for signs. A baby crying for milk just wants to see the signs of milk in a bottle and as the bottle comes closer to them they will keep quiet. As they grow in maturity they understand that all the parent needs to say is food is coming and they understand. Move from praying with asking God for signs to confirming His answers.
Abraham's servant testified that God had blessed Abraham and made him great. From today I choose to celebrate that God has blessed me and is making me great. Those around me will celebrate God's doings in my life.
When you arrive at mission accomplished in your assignment don't stay long and forget that where you went is not home. Don't become comfortable where you are sent. Do what you need to do and leave.
To break forth into fruitfulness will require intense prayer. Isaac prayed for his wife. Was Isaac blessed? Yes, he was. However, he had to deal with barrenness and this was through prayer. God answers prayer and hates barrenness in every form. Everyone person has an issue that is akin to barrenness. Prayer is the key to victory.
Learn to pray for what you are carrying in your womb. Waiting on God as you carry the miracle in your womb will enable you to understand the potential you carry. It will help you pray and decree aright for the future of the miracle you carry. Rebekah understood who was to carry the covenant of the children she was carrying.
Esau didn't value his birthright. Value your birthright. Don't allow the things of this world to cause you to lose sight of the birthright you have in God.
Memory Verse: Gen. 24:12
Lord thank You for being a faithful God. When You send You also supply. I receive every blessing you have ordained for my life. I decree that I will align with your counsel for my life. I decree that every relationship that is not of God is terminated. I plead the Blood of Jesus for mercy for maintaining wrong relationships. Father I decree that I will not despise my birthright. I am a child of God and I am blessed with every blessing. Wherever I have despised my birthright, Father forgive me and may the Blood of Jesus speak mercy for me and avail grace to stand for my birthright in Jesus name. Amen.
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