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The Passover

Day 20

Ex. 11:1- Ex. 13:22

God has the final say no matter the opinion and actions of men. When God calls time on a matter there is a reversal of the circumstances. Get ready for God to step in and liberate you. The days of bondage are over and God will bring change. God is the giver of favour. A people who slaves now found themselves wealthy. As God had promised Moses the people would spoil their masters.The people were given favour which allowed them to acquire wealth overnight. Moses went to Pharaoh many times. One time Aaron and Moses were thrown out of Pharaoh's court. Now Moses was seen as great by all. A fugitive once was now the great one commanding a presence of greatness. That is what humility does. It opens the door to greatness.

Moses went out of Pharaoh's presence in great anger after telling Pharaoh of what was about to befall him and his people. Nothing is mentioned here why Moses was angry. Was he angry that Pharaoh seemed to be willing to let God kill the people? Or was it because he hadn't gotten what he needed from Pharaoh? God kept reminding Moses that Pharaoh wouldn't heed him. Was Moses angry out of frustration of the length of the process? Whatever the reason that caused Moses to be angry, anger must be kept in check. That energy can be used elsewhere effectively and positively.

In Genesis 3 we see God give Adam and Eve clothes from a skin of an animal. To cover sin in the Garden of Eden blood was shed. Blood would cover the doorposts to shield the children of Israel from judgement. A lamb would be slaughtered and unleavened bread without yeast was used in the meal. This meal would be shared on the 10th day of the month which would be the beginning of the year. Unleavened bread is bread made without yeast. Yeast is an ingredient to cause the bread to rise. This is for total reliance on God to rise above the circumstances. Mix the bread of life with God and not what man has discovered to rise above the storm. May God be the lifter of my head always, causing me to rise.

God has a way of arriving at the scene and changing things. The children of Israel had marked the calendar according to the statues of Egypt, however, God was changing that. They were being brought into alignment with Heaven's agenda. Lord, may my seasons be aligned with Heaven's timeline. 

The lamb was to be without blemish representing wholeness, being without sin. It was to be killed at twilight. This is the period between when the sun is going down and darkness. The blood would be applied on the doorposts and it was eaten at night. It was to be roasted signifying the fire of processing that refines. What was not consumed was to be burnt completely. There would be no remains or wastage. The meal was eaten by participants who were dressed to leave. It wasn't a buffet to eat while relaxed but in haste. 

Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron by night and sent them away. This 10th plague had broken the man and his kingdom. He couldn't resist any longer. May this season bring about deliverance from every stronghold. The people left Eypgt without provision for the journey. God desires total reliance on Him. Too many times we fail in this faith walk because we are seeking for provisions to enable us to walk the journey. How will then God receive the praise for the miraculous if we don't jump into the water when He instructs?

After 430 years of captivity, they left Egypt. God had told Abraham 400 years. Why the 30 years difference? Firstly, to be delayed is not to be denied. However, could it be that God didn't have a leader to lead the people out of bondage? God comes on the scene when people ask Him to come. Could this delay have been because they didn't cry to God earlier? Or could this delay be because it took 30 years to walk out of Eygpt because the process of the plagues may have taken that long? I don't know why however my prayer is that I don't delay my seasons in God.

God desires we live a consecrated life. Having been spared from death because the blood of a lamb set them apart, God then instructs Moses that every firstborn is consecrated unto HIm. This passage challenged me to understand the power of consecration. May my life be consecrated to God alone! Notice that the donkey's firstborn would not be consecrated to God. The donkey is the beast of burden and one may argue that even the oxen used in cultivation are beasts of burden. However, the donkey is a stubborn animal, unlike oxen which respond easily. The stubborn donkey and Pharaoh are similar and as God destroyed  Pharaoh the donkey wouldn't be accepted in His sight. The donkey requires constant whipping. Lord, may I not be a stubborn animal but a broken vessel before You!

Always remember the testimonies of God in life. I am where I am today not because of my capabilities but because God has manifested His power to make a way for me. Lord show Your power continually and may Your outstretched arm fight for me. Always remember that God has given your hands' victory, let God's doings be the focus before your eyes and continually let the law of God be in your mouth.

God may never lead you by the obvious way because He can see farther up the road than we. He knew the children of Israel weren't ready for war and thus chose a route where He would indeed protect them. God led them by day with a pillar of cloud and by night a pillar of fire. He was constantly there. God desires to lead us in all seasons of life. Both day and night God desires to be a light for me. Lord be my guide constantly in the day and night of life.

Joseph had in Gen 50:24 told the children of Isreal that they would be visited by God and instructed that his bones be carried out of Egypt. Moses didn't leave Egypt without them. His dead bones would be buried in the land of promise. God will surely visit you. 

Memory Verse: Ex. 12:36


Father, I thank You for You are a faithful God. Your Word never fails. All that You have planned and prepared for me I decree it is coming to pass. Lord may Your outstretched arm contend on my behalf in all that pertains to me. I decree that I am aligning with Heaven's calendar for my life. I decree that I encounter favour from today. A favour that will cause people, nations, corporations, institutions to give to me wealth that is uncommon. I decree that I am walking into that which you have set for me. I dedicate my life to you as a consecration to You. I offer my life as a living sacrifice. Lord lead by day and by night. Be my Guide in all affairs of life. Shine Your light before me always in Jesus name.


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